09, Confession

This Sweetness


Abruptly, Daehyun leans in for a kiss. It’s been two days since you guys have shared lip interaction, two days (and maybe even more) that you’ve been restless. Thoughts have been lingering around love and it’s been complicated.


If you hadn’t accepted his confession, you guys would still be best of friends, a line drawn perfectly between two opposite gender.


If you didn’t accept his confession, you wouldn’t have come to love him so much you’re bothered by the fact that he’s good with girls.


If you hadn’t accepted his confession, it won’t pain you to see Daehyun distraught—like what he’s feeling now. It all shows on his face.


“Daehyun, I can’t breathe.” You mutter, he’s pinning his lips harshly onto yours. His eyebrows were furrowed deeply. If you hadn’t accepted his love, your relationship wouldn’t have lost the sweetness to it.


It’s weird that Daehyun is acting so vulnerable at this moment. Actually, it’s not weird. It’s just like when he had a fight with one of his classmates, and he would come to you in tears, then you’ll take him to explore and play. Then he would easily smile again. But you wonder if playing and exploring would work in this situation?


As you stand above him, watching him kneeling down before you sniffing, you’re not sure of what to do. Comfort him? That’s…That’s awkward. You’ve never been the type to do something like that. You get all stiff and nothing good comes out of your mouth at this time. You wrack your brain for something decent to do, just standing here, it may seem like you don’t care about him. Which, of course, is not true.


You smile lightly and bend down, joining him by his side. Distract him, you think. “I don’t want you to leave, Dae. There, I said it. I’ve been feeling like that ever since the trip to the cities. Ever since Iseul keeps sticking with you.”  


“Then I won’t leave, because you don’t want me to.” He replies rather positively. You widen your eyes, he’s staying for you? This seems a lot easier…So if you had told him earlier, it will have saved you all this trouble? “If you were sad that I was leaving you, you could have told me. I’ll stay.” Daehyun swipes the tears away with his sleeve and tries to wink. The atmosphere is getting lighter and better now and maybe throughout this chat, this confession, it will bring you two closer.


Though things can never be this perfect.


“I guess, I’ll go back.” You tell him.


“Back where?” He asks. “Aren’t you going home?”


“I’m sleeping over at Rin’s house.”


“Oh.” Daehyun’s face drops. “Why don’t you just skip out?”


“That’s absurd!” You exclaim and punch him in the shoulder.


“What’s absurd is that you do not want to sleep with me.” He pouts.


“Daehyun!” You blush.


And he takes the chance to pull you into his arms, only the fabric of his shirt and yours are separating you two. He nuzzles in the crook of your neck, breathing into it, the warmness tickling you. You don’t know what else to do but smile. Finally he breaks away. “Have fun alright? Come find me when you’re home tomorrow.”


And maybe, things will be easier, now that he understands the pain of you, not wanting him to leave. But then again, something’s stirring inside your heart. Something that is bothering you deeply.


That night, after you’ve gone to sleep, the stirrings haven’t gone away really. Leaving you to toss and turn in your sleeping bag. In your dream, no, in your nightmare, you dreamt of yourself being pushed to the corner, surrounded by people you’ve known. They’re calling you selfish. You instantly wake up to see all the girls hovering around you.


“Are you okay?” Rin asks.


“I don’t know.” You whisper. “I feel like I’m doing things wrong.” 


A/N: Thank to those who commented and subscribed *sniff* Thank chu! Everything is chaotic in my life, *sigh*, only the world of fanfictions can somehow cheer me up :/ 



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Awww... I feel so--I don't even knowwwww. It's so sad and painful:// And I hate Daehyun's mom too lol.
i hope she's not forever mute. i hate dae's mom. really.
pffft CMON OMG HE FRENCHKISSED!!! /lol omg wailt
@daejaes; So being kissed like that is a french kiss! How romantic yo :3
@Elephinite; Aww, your heart broke :"> LOL, I'm being happy at the wrong time!
Elephinite #6
I'm like on chapter 6 and................ my heart breaks a little. DAEHYUN HAVE TO LEAVEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! :'(
omg B( how can daehyun french kiss me when i just got hit by a car omg B((((
thank you for updating :)
@MarshmallowPuff; That's alright!! Sometimes I'm like that, too. And then after re-reading the chapter, I become embrassed for asking such a question when it's right in the story! Hehehe :"> It happens to me a lot xD I like staying up reading in the middle of the night! (No wonder my pimples never go away))
When i'm in a sleepy state, it's just like i'm in a drunk state lol xD sometimes i still read fanfics even thought i'm kinda sleepy which i would end up missing a few words and i wont really understand the chapter. Thank you dear author for making me love Daehyun more and more~ i am a crazy fangirl and i know it !
@kknokki; Hahah, Himchan as a doggie and next Zelo will be a brand for jello <3 I hope their relationship isn't confusing ;_;
@tytyty3; Awwwz, I wouldn't be writing if it weren't for you guys! I have to say this is one of my fave stories (though improvement is still yet to be made) I miss sleepovers :( Studying and exams are killing ever single brain cell ._.