This Sweetness


That conversation was the weirdest and lamest conversation with Daehyun or anybody ever. It’s like walking around circles and in the end, it’s still the same. You don’t know what’s wrong with you at that time. You want to touch him again and again.


“Am I a ert?” You squeal, touching your face everywhere. “A ert, me!”


“That’s because I’m too cute.” Daehyun calls from the desk. He’s studying again. Time is flying by so fast; he needs more time to prepare. Or at least you think so; he’s so carefree at this. A university exam for god sake! He should be afraid, scared, worried, anxious and apprehensive.


“There’s one and a half month left, Dae.” You roll your eyes back at him, trying to scrupulous.


“I’ll be able to get into a good university, just watch.” He says full with immense vibrant and merriment.


In your dreams, you were in your pajamas, yet walking down the empty pathway near the riverbank and having the sinking sun tinting your hair to turn into an exquisite red. You were suddenly gaining speed and running down the path, then stopping by a bench to sit down.


Daehyun’s on the bench all of a sudden, you have your head on his lap as he touches your face, sending a sensation only his touches can aptitude. Then a girl comes into view and he stops caressing you. It’s conspicuous and you felt it immediately.


Then you wake up in the morning, hearing your alarm clock buzz its head off crazily, until you notice you’re going to be late to school, to Daehyun’s school. You’ve made a mental note to visit him every day, there’s nothing for you to do at home anyways.


Happily, you toss on a few decent clothing then running out the window in a hurry, jogging to his school and bursting through the blowing wind.


After a few minutes, you see Yongguk parking his bike under a tree in the middle of the school yard. “Yo, Bang!” You yell out.


Yongguk turns your way and hushes you, while sneaking peaks around the whole campus. “I’m late.” He whispers.


And you smile, while peering up into the baby blue sky. “I’m off to see Daehyun.”


“He’s out, today. With this other girl.” Yongguk pauses. “Out to check out the examination hall. He has another test in one week. If he passes, he doesn’t need to take the entrance exam.”


“That’s great!” You grin. If Daehyun passes, you’ll have him free of studying for the rest of the month. For yours and his own good, you decide to not bother him for the following seven days, if necessary.


“You seem to really love him.” He rubs the back of his head. “I mean, really.”


Suddenly, you squeeze Yongguk’s hands that you’ve already taken into your own. “Can I…Spend a few days at your place?” You explain why you want to, and why you need to. After nodding a little hesitantly, he agrees. After all, it’s weird having your classmate’s girlfriend stay at your house.


“But don’t you think you should let Daehyun know that you’re—” Yongguk gets hushed.


“I don’t think he’ll mind after I explain it to him.”


“You don’t think? You’re going to make him worried for seven days! How can he study without knowing where you are?” He blabbers. “I take back my agreement.”


“Hey.” Daehyun’s familiar voice appears behind you, he tackles you with a hug, revenging on the previous attack you did.


A little too overjoyed at seeing him, you kiss him on his large and full lips, feeling the softness of his labium. This is a whole new different sensation. You don’t know why, but since that dream of yours, you feel that you haven’t treated him like a girlfriend should do. And you’re yearning to improve, because you just can’t stand the thought of letting another girl into Daehyun’s life.


“Ew.” Yongguk sticks his tongue out.


A/N:  I feel so terrible, yet confident at the same time?? xDD Terrible, because I'm sick and confident because I'm putting my all towards the English Speech contest next Monday. I HAVE TO DO WELL. HAVE TO. HAVE TO. By the way, the previous chapters have been a little plain, but starting from....the next few chapters, things will be a little different. 



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Awww... I feel so--I don't even knowwwww. It's so sad and painful:// And I hate Daehyun's mom too lol.
i hope she's not forever mute. i hate dae's mom. really.
pffft CMON OMG HE FRENCHKISSED!!! /lol omg wailt
@daejaes; So being kissed like that is a french kiss! How romantic yo :3
@Elephinite; Aww, your heart broke :"> LOL, I'm being happy at the wrong time!
Elephinite #6
I'm like on chapter 6 and................ my heart breaks a little. DAEHYUN HAVE TO LEAVEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! :'(
omg B( how can daehyun french kiss me when i just got hit by a car omg B((((
thank you for updating :)
@MarshmallowPuff; That's alright!! Sometimes I'm like that, too. And then after re-reading the chapter, I become embrassed for asking such a question when it's right in the story! Hehehe :"> It happens to me a lot xD I like staying up reading in the middle of the night! (No wonder my pimples never go away))
When i'm in a sleepy state, it's just like i'm in a drunk state lol xD sometimes i still read fanfics even thought i'm kinda sleepy which i would end up missing a few words and i wont really understand the chapter. Thank you dear author for making me love Daehyun more and more~ i am a crazy fangirl and i know it !
@kknokki; Hahah, Himchan as a doggie and next Zelo will be a brand for jello <3 I hope their relationship isn't confusing ;_;
@tytyty3; Awwwz, I wouldn't be writing if it weren't for you guys! I have to say this is one of my fave stories (though improvement is still yet to be made) I miss sleepovers :( Studying and exams are killing ever single brain cell ._.