
~ I Promise You that I’ll Protect You ~

Your POV :

Two days later since our last date, I still haven’t got any news from him. Suddenly, someone call me and quickly I pick up the phone, hoping it was Donghae Oppa, and I was right !

“ _______-ya ~ I’ve got good news for you. The others agreed to let you stay with us for this Summer ! We’re going to have so much fun ! Btw, sorry to keep you wait about this “ Donghae said excitedly.


“ Really ?! Yay !! So, when can I come to the dorm, Oppa ? I can’t wait for this ! “

“ Hmm, I’ll pick you up this Saturday, Okay ? Pack up your things and I’ll be there at 5 PM”

“ Okay, Oppa. Thanks so much for everything “ I said excitedly and I’m sure he knew it.

“ Yup, no problem ! I have to go now. Our manager has calling me. I’m so sorry, I hope I get more time to talk to you, bunt I can’t. see you this weekend, okay ? “

“ It’s okay, Oppa. I understand. See you too “


Night at Donghae’s Room :


Donghae’s POV :

“ Phew ~. Finally I can take some rest now. “

I’m so tired with today’s schedule. I was too bussy lately, specially since our mini concert is getting closer. I check out my cellphone like I used to do before I go to sleep. I got message from Laura. She greets me goodnight. It’s 1 AM now. So it’s been 2 hours since she sent me this messages. I want to greet her back but I won’t do it now, since it’s already midnight and I don’t want to disturb her. I’ll call her this morning.


~ In the Dream ~

“ Kyaa !! No ! Let go off me ! No ! Please ! Stop it ! Someone, please help me !! “

Donghae heard a girl’s voice. She was asking for help. Then he realize all around him was black and dark. He coldn’t see anything. He didn’t know what happen or where he was.

“ Where am I ? Who is it ? Where are you ?! Tell me ! I’ll help you ! “

Then he heard the girl’s voice again and slowly he could see something. A girl, trying to get off from a guy. She got hit and laying on the floor. Bruised were all around her body. It was a terrible view. Donghae started to run towards the girl to help her, but his legs won’t move at all. He couldn’t move his body either.

“ What happen to me ?! Why can’t I move my body ?! Run ! Hurry ! Put all of your strength and run ! “ he said it to the girl.

All he could do was just telling the girl to run away and saved herself. Slowly he seemed to recognize the girl. But either the girl or the guy seemed couldn’t heard him. Her back seemed familiar to him. She was someone he knew. He couldn’t believe of what he saw.

“ It’s her ! _______!! Go away from there ! Hurry ! Run away ! Gosh ! I can’t move my body at all ! What should I do ?! _______ ! Please ! Save yourself ! “



He started to get panick. He couldn’t do anything to help the one he loved. Then he saw the guy, slowly take out a small thing from his right pocket. It was a knife. He position his body with the knifeat his right hand, slowly pointing the knife to _______. _______ seems not recognize it since she was too tired and all she could do was laying on the floor.



“ No !! _______, go ! Please !! Get up !! “ Donghae said it histerically.


The guy started to move closer to _______, get her to his arms, kissed her forehead as a goodbye and stab her heart with the knife. He left her on the floor with blood all aroud her body.


“ NO !!! DON’T !! _______!!”


As the guy go away, finally Donghae can moved his body. He came towards _______and all he could see around her was blood ! Pool of blood.


~ End of the Dream ~



~ The Next Morning at Suju’s Dorm ~

Donghae’s POV :

I got a nightmare last night. It was so scary and it disturbed me. I think the other members know that something bothers me so Eunhyuk asked me what happened and I told them about my dreams and I was so scared that it might come true. The others just told me to calm down and forgot the dream. They said it was just a dream and it wouldn’t come true. I want to forgot that dream too, but it felt so real and I couldn’t forget it easily.


~ Saturday, 4 PM at your appartment ~

Your POV :

I hope I get everything I need and I won’t orget to bring something. It’s 4 o’clock now. Still one hour to go. Pheww. So tired to wait for the time. What should I do now ? I’m too excited with this ! Hmm, maybe watching TB will be good.


Ting Tong ! Ting Tong !

“ Omo ! It must be Oppa “ I turned off the TV and quickl open the door. I saw Oppa’s face, smiling happily, but somehow I could see some worries draw on his face too. I wonder what happen to him. I’ll asked him later.

“ Oppa, you’re here ! Wait for a minute, okay ? I’ll check up things for the last time before we – “ I stopped my words because Donghae Oppa suddenly hugged me and I was surprised with it.


Donghae’s POV :

I grab her arm and hug her before she went to check up things. I know I’m acting like a stupid person, but it’s not the problem now. I’m so worry about her and I feel relieve to see her. _______seems to recognize something wrong with me, but I don’t know what to do. I can’t speak even just a word, until she says something.


“ Oppa, are you okay ? Does something happen to you ? Your face show some worries “ she said it softly.

“ No, nope. It’s just.. Hmm, I think we should cancel this “

“ What happen ? Is there something wrong ? I really don’t want to cancel it, Oppa “ I could hear sad and dissapointed tone from her voice.

I didn’t want to make her sad. If only this stupid dreams never come to me. I sigh heavily. I can feel silent atmosphere covering this room. Then, I hug her more tightly and try to talk.

“ It’s just.. I’ts because of stupid dreams I got for the few last days. I dreamed that you’ve been tortured by a guy and you were killed by him. I didn’t’ know who he was, but from what I saw in the dream, you were hurt too much. All of your body full of bruised. He wouldn’t let you go even you’re triying to go. And I couldn’t help you at all ! I couldn’t move my body at all. I was so scared. Scared with everything. And in the end, he took out his knife from his pocket and killed you. There were blood everywhere. I was so scared the dream will come true. I knew the others had already told me that it was just a nightmare, but I was still scared. “ I told her my dream and my body started to tremble.


Your POV :

His voice.. I can feel it. Worries and frightened. His body starts to shaking. Slowly I put my arms around him, try to comfort him.

“ Oppa, it’s okay. I understand what you feel for me. If I were you, I’ll do the same thing, but it was just a dream, Oppa. You don’t have to worry anymore because it’s just a dream. And you can see, here I am, hugging you and I’m fine. So, please, calm down and forget about the nightmare will you ? “ I asked him slowly so he would calm down.

“ Okay. I’ll try. I’m so sorry for worrying a silly things. “ He looks much calmer now.

“ Don’t worry, Oppa “ I said it and escape from his hug.

After I check up things for the last time, we go to downstairs. Donghae Oppa helps me to bring my stuff. We go with his car and go to the dorm. I can’t wait to get there. And I’m sure, Heechul Oppa is going to do something funny again when I come.





How is it ?? Comment please ~ silent reader ?? please give me some comments.. i'm worry for my fanfic.. hehe ~ gomawo ^^ n enjoy ^^

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love this fanfic btw ! XD
@creatingfaith thx so much ^^ you're the first person who give me a comment ^^ jeongmal gomawo yo ~ i'll try to update soon ^^
creatingfaith #3
nice chapters! =]<br />
keep up the good work!<br />
update soon! =D