Chapter 4

They Call It Destiny
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A/N: THIS IS PART OF A DOUBLE UPDATE!!! If you haven't already, please read chapter 3 ^^ <3
Hopefully these two chapters haven't been too disappointing or too short. I figured that, since I took /much/ longer than I had meant to in writing the 3rd chapter, /and/ I had a lot of inspiration for this story suddenly, that I would do a double update tonight C:
Please enjoy~!

Lixiu didn't speak a word, staring down at her feet as Kuixian walked just a few feet in front of her.
Neither said anything, each fearing that the other had no interest in them.
'Maybe she thinks I'm weird. I probably shouldn't have kissed her.'
'I'm no princess. I could never live up to what he wants.'
'She's probably fallen for Yisheng already.'
'He probably just said those things to make Yisheng angry.'
'She probably never even thinks of me.'
'He probably never even thinks of me.'
'But I've dreamt of her.'
'But I've dreamt of him.'
Finally, Kuixian stopped, turning to look back at the small girl. Her confusion was obvious, and all he could do was smirk at her adorable expression.
"I don't care what father said, you're not going back to your room. You're coming with me." Before Lixiu even had time to fully register his words, Kuixian had grabbed her hand, lacing her fingers with his own, and began leading her away from the palace.
"W-Where... where are you taking me?" Lixiu could hardly speak, flustered and excited, but a bit hesitant and scared as well. After all, she hardly knew this boy, how could she trust him?
If you love him, you should trust him.
She swallowed the words, almost choking on the thought, and found herself a bit dizzy with disarrayed thoughts.
"I can't tell you. But I promise you'll like it." Kuixian's smirk had, once again, settled into something much more tender. He smiled warmly and brought Lixiu's hand up to his lips once again, this time pressing a kiss to the palm of it, a much more intimate gesture than the last time he had kissed her hand.
The girl blushed crimson, unsure of how exactly to respond to such a thing, Kuixian continuing to lead her up a deceivingly large hill (it had looked so small before!), though refusing time and time again to tell her where it lead.
"Kuixian... how much longer will it take to get there?" She hadn't meant to speak informally to the man, but she was growing a bit tired, her legs growing sore with each step further. But, luckily for her, she needn't apologize, because Kuixian either hadn't cared or hadn't noticed her lack of formal language.
"Just a bit further, Lixiu." And within moments, the view came into sight.
A lush waterfall cascading into a wide, clear blue, river. Beautifully green trees with bright fruits. Wildflowers of all colors and sizes. And though it may not sound like much when somebody attempts to describe it, it's breathtaking to be seen.
"It's pretty, isn't it?" Kuixian's eyes had hardly even touched upon the waterfall and all the magnificence lying around it, but rather, had been glued to Lixiu and her shocked, mystified, expression. After all, he had seen these trees, this water, many times before, but Lixiu... No matter how many times he saw her, she was always a sight to behold.
"It's gorgeous..." She just barely managed to speak, and when she did, Kuixian began to feel a bit proud of himself, "Let's take a closer look, then." Still holding her hand (for he never wanted to let go if he didn't absolutely have to), he began to lead her down the hillside opposite of whence they came.

Sitting in the shade of a huge, almost tropical looking, tree, Lixiu leaned against Kuixian, his arm wrapped around her waist as though they were lovers, both feeling blissfully at peace. Nothing and no one could possibly bother them, it seemed. Not even the kind hearted Yisheng.

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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 5: Por favor continua esta historia ><
wow very different from other fanfics!
ryena87 #3
Chapter 4: Its so long until I read this fic..
Oh i like this btw~ need kyuwook moment more..
I was dieing to read more! Thanks for the double updates!

I feel bad for Yisheng, but I'm glad Kyuwook confessed to eachother. Update soon!
--pcyans #5
;u; *cries* dfgsdfkjgshdfkjhadlkdjafhad I ship both Kyuwook and Yewook so I don't know which one to root for ;A;

....This is so beautiful. QAQ Kyuwook makes my heart melt. ;w; *hugs author* Update soon~ c':
Finally an update!! I love you, author-sii~ *hugs*

I love how the kyuwook goes in this story, and although yesung is a kind one. But.. GO AWAY FROM MY KYUWOOK!! XDDD
Can't wait for you next update, especially for the trouble that they'll face. :p
@yuri_yoona: It /has/ been forever since I updated D: But, it wasn't forgotten, I was just working on it much more slowly than I had meant to ;~; I have a lot of stories to tend to and I've been busy a lot, and it was only today that I suddenly had enough inspiration (and time) to finish the next 2 chapters for this story ;~;
I'm sorry for taking so long to update it, and I'll try harder in the future to update my stories more evenly, rather than focusing on just one or two at a time QnQ
petalcha #8
LOL Why am I feeling bad for Yisheng already? xDDD I'm assuming too early, tssk tsk. :)) And sneaky Kyu! This is an interesting story! ^^