Chapter 3

They Call It Destiny
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I'm so sorry for not updating this in almost 2 months. ;~; I feel horrible. But, as I've said on my other updates, summer is the /worst/ time for me when it comes to writing. I'm constantly gone D:
So, thank you all, so much, for your patience. Especially you, Kyucintawookie Q~Q I'll try my hardest to update this, and each of my other stories, once a week or, at least, once every other week. I just have a lot going on.
Again, thank you all for waiting, and I hope that this chapter doesn't disappoint. I've already started the next chapter because, suddenly, I'm flooded with inspiration for this story. But, we'll have to see how long that lasts Dx Often times, I get a ton of inspiration for one story, write a chapter and a half, then go to sleep and can't write anything for at least a few days ;~;
Anyway, I hope this chapter is satisfactory, if nothing else, and expect the transition from Yewook to Kyuwook in the next chapter! ;3

The first night was agonizing. Lixiu tossed and turned, nightmares attacking her with each attempt at sleep. Even the soft cushioning beneath her wasn't enough to make her feel comfortable.
When she finally managed to drift off a bit more soundly, morning had already begun to rise. Rays of sunlight peeked at her through the curtains and played across the surface of her snow colored blanket. Lixiu, however, was oblivious to this. She was curled up under the covers, as though the fabric would ward off her dreams, still asleep.
A small noise broke through her barrier between fantasy and reality and her eyes snapped open.
For a few seconds, she forgot where she was, and she almost panicked. But before she had the chance to, there was a soft clinging noise, metal being placed upon something, she would guess, and a hand placed lightly against her side as she stayed completely hidden.
"Lixiu." The voice was familiar and somewhat comforting, but she didn't stir, "Lixiu, wake up. I have breakfast for you."
That perked her interest, her stomach almost rumbling simply at the idea of food, and she pulled the blanket back a bit, just enough to look at the man standing by her bed. Yisheng gave a sweet smile and a small chuckle as he looked down at her wide eyes.
"You're cute." He commented, pulling the covers down a bit further so that he could see all of her face. If he hadn't stopped himself, he would have leaned down to kiss her right then. But, being who he was, he knew he couldn't do such rash things, no matter /how/ tempting her lips looked, "I thought you might be hungry, so I brought you something to eat. I hope it's alright... this was only my second time cooking by myself..." He explained, suddenly feeling a bit bashful as his face flushed in embarrassment.
"I thought you had people to cook for you." Lixiu stated, finally sitting up as her eyes drifted from Yisheng to the tray that he had placed on her bedside stand. If she was to be completely honest, it looked simply delectable, bright colors of fruit offsetting the deeper colors of the rest of the meal.
"W-Well, we do but... I wanted to do something special for you, as a thank you for coming to the palace with me." He continued to seem a bit shy as he spoke, unsure of how she would respond to what he had done. But, nevertheless, he stayed just as charming as always. Lixiu would have fallen for him right then if her mind wasn't constantly on another.
It was always on another.

Kuixian had stolen her heart without even trying, and she couldn't explain it.

Despite everything Yisheng did over the next few hours (Things such as walking her through the massive flower garden, and even placing a single white lily in her hair, telling her, "It's dull in comparison to the beautiful flower standing before me". Bringing her a bouquet of butterflies, blue and white and yellow and orange ones dancing upon the petals of pink flowers, not even /slightly/ disturbed by the prince's gentle touch.), she kept letting her thoughts drift to the other man, the younger prince. His cocky smirk, his rough hands, his soft, plump, lips...
"Lixiu, I think we should go back inside now." Yisheng smiled warmly and just as delicately as when he had gathered the butterflies, "Father has been excited to hear you sing for him, and though he's a very patient man, it would be best if we didn't make him wait too long."
His fingers stayed laced with hers, watching her nod her agreement with one, small, dip of her head.

The castle, the palace, it no longer seemed so exciting, Lixiu thought, as she walked down another long hallway with Yisheng's hand still gripping hers firmly, though softly. Everywhere she looked, she saw paintings of the king, paintings of Yisheng,

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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 5: Por favor continua esta historia ><
wow very different from other fanfics!
ryena87 #3
Chapter 4: Its so long until I read this fic..
Oh i like this btw~ need kyuwook moment more..
I was dieing to read more! Thanks for the double updates!

I feel bad for Yisheng, but I'm glad Kyuwook confessed to eachother. Update soon!
--pcyans #5
;u; *cries* dfgsdfkjgshdfkjhadlkdjafhad I ship both Kyuwook and Yewook so I don't know which one to root for ;A;

....This is so beautiful. QAQ Kyuwook makes my heart melt. ;w; *hugs author* Update soon~ c':
Finally an update!! I love you, author-sii~ *hugs*

I love how the kyuwook goes in this story, and although yesung is a kind one. But.. GO AWAY FROM MY KYUWOOK!! XDDD
Can't wait for you next update, especially for the trouble that they'll face. :p
@yuri_yoona: It /has/ been forever since I updated D: But, it wasn't forgotten, I was just working on it much more slowly than I had meant to ;~; I have a lot of stories to tend to and I've been busy a lot, and it was only today that I suddenly had enough inspiration (and time) to finish the next 2 chapters for this story ;~;
I'm sorry for taking so long to update it, and I'll try harder in the future to update my stories more evenly, rather than focusing on just one or two at a time QnQ
petalcha #8
LOL Why am I feeling bad for Yisheng already? xDDD I'm assuming too early, tssk tsk. :)) And sneaky Kyu! This is an interesting story! ^^