Chapter 2

They Call It Destiny
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Lixiu had found herself restless the entire night. She knew that, if she wanted to please and help her parents, then she should go to the palace with the Prince. It was only for a few nights but...

It was so difficult to leave her home. Her family. Her friends. Especially when she was still unsure of whether she should trust these men or not. What if this man wasn't really the prince? What would she do, then?

The sun began to rise, and she bit down lightly on her bottom lip. She had until sunset to decide her fate.

"Lixiu." Her father's voice called out to her as he slid the door to her room opened, revealing the sleep deprived young girl.

"Yes, father?"

"Lixiu..." He had meant to tell her what job she was going to be doing for the day, but seeing his daughter like this caused those thoughts to be thrown aside, "Lixiu... you don't have to do this if you don't want to..."

"I know." She murmured, shifting her gaze to meet her father's, "But... I want to. I'm just scared. What if I do something wrong, and they have me executed or whipped or something?"

"I don't think that will happen. You just have to mind your manners, and everything will be fine. Besides, I think Prince Yisheng really likes you. He'll take care of you." Her father sat beside her on the floor, pulling her into a small, comforting, hug. Quickly, she buried her face against his shirt, taking in the smell of sea water, dirt, and sweat that clung to her memories each time she felt alone. Somehow, she always felt more connected to her father, perhaps because her mother was much more quick to scold and ridicule her, while her father was kind and understanding, "Lixiu, why don't you take today to do what you want. Take a walk through the woods, visit with some of your friends. Don't overwork yourself before you leave tonight... you'll just worry yourself even more."

The girl nodded, the pair breaking the hug and smiling lightly at one another. Her father kissed the top of her head before leaving her to go about his work.

Lixiu lie back on the floor, curling up under the blanket and closing her eyes in a desperate attempt to get some sleep... but it wouldn't come.
After a while of this, she finally left her room, her feet carrying her without thought to the place that served as her escape.

At the edge of the forest there was a line of mountains, protecting them from the outside world. Here, Lixiu had found a small cave of sorts. Lixiu always remembered to bring candles with her when she was going to this place. It was dark and damp, but something about it was altogether comfortable. Every time, she was cautious upon entering, but had yet to find something that would frighten her away. If there was an animal within, they left one another alone in silence. It was as though this place was serene enough to calm even the most terrifying of creatures.

But today, her caution was for a different reason.

When she reached the cavern, though it was difficult to see, she could make out light. Candle light.

Somebody must already be there.

Curiously, she let her soft footsteps take her towards the source, expecting to hear voices, but being met only with silence. This silence was broken when she gasped, having clumsily tripped over a misplaced rock.

"I'm sorry!" She immediately apologized to whomever might be there, though no voice aside from hers was heard. A wave of horror rushed over her as the other moved into the light of the candle.

He wore a scowl and his dark eyes shone with anger and annoyance. She couldn't make out much else about this person, but she was sure it was a man.

Quickly she fled, her knee, already scraped and injured from her previous fall, throbbing as she ran. Loud footsteps followed behind her, though they seemed to be in much less of a rush, increasing the beating of her heart and the terror in her mind. And when she tripped again, this time scraping open her elbow and forearm as well, she thought she might die. She closed her eyes and whimpered, waiting for whatever was to come.

"You're a klutz, aren't you little girl?" The voice was taunting and rude, but not what she had expected. Her eyes flew opened again and she glanced up at the man before her. Now, so close to the exit, the sunlight mixed with the candle light and highlighted his features. Plump lips, pronounced jaw, dark eyes, and combed back hair.

She gulped, unsure of how to respond to him. He was flawless, just like the prince that she'd imagined for herself in those daydreams she had so often. She couldn't speak and, instead, ended up simply staring at him.

Little did she know that this man was now much in the same position as herself. He lost his voice at the sight before him. She was scared, obviously, but gorgeous. She was easily the most beautiful woman that he'd ever seen, and he immediately wondered why he had never laid eyes upon her before. Her clothes, though, gave it away. They weren't ripped and torn, but they weren't exactly new. And they definitely weren't anything out of the ordinary for a common person such as herself. She was just another villager. But, despite this, she couldn't have looked any more perfect.

The boy sighed, once he was broken from his trance, and put out the candle before making his way towards her. With no effort, he scooped her into his arms, held her close to his chest, and carried her out of the small cave.

For a moment, the girl was too awestruck to say anything or to do anything other than allow herself to be carried. But, again, fear eventually took her over and she struggled to get out of his hold without hurting herself.

"P-Put me down!!!" She demanded, practically screaming for help that she knew would never come. She didn't know where he was taking her, or why they were walking back into the woods when he had, seemingly, left everything behind... including his candle.

"Be quiet. I'm not going to harm you. You got yourself hurt back there and we need to get it cleaned up." He insisted, rolling his eyes though a light blush made its way to his cheeks when their eyes met for a second.

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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 5: Por favor continua esta historia ><
wow very different from other fanfics!
ryena87 #3
Chapter 4: Its so long until I read this fic..
Oh i like this btw~ need kyuwook moment more..
I was dieing to read more! Thanks for the double updates!

I feel bad for Yisheng, but I'm glad Kyuwook confessed to eachother. Update soon!
--pcyans #5
;u; *cries* dfgsdfkjgshdfkjhadlkdjafhad I ship both Kyuwook and Yewook so I don't know which one to root for ;A;

....This is so beautiful. QAQ Kyuwook makes my heart melt. ;w; *hugs author* Update soon~ c':
Finally an update!! I love you, author-sii~ *hugs*

I love how the kyuwook goes in this story, and although yesung is a kind one. But.. GO AWAY FROM MY KYUWOOK!! XDDD
Can't wait for you next update, especially for the trouble that they'll face. :p
@yuri_yoona: It /has/ been forever since I updated D: But, it wasn't forgotten, I was just working on it much more slowly than I had meant to ;~; I have a lot of stories to tend to and I've been busy a lot, and it was only today that I suddenly had enough inspiration (and time) to finish the next 2 chapters for this story ;~;
I'm sorry for taking so long to update it, and I'll try harder in the future to update my stories more evenly, rather than focusing on just one or two at a time QnQ
petalcha #8
LOL Why am I feeling bad for Yisheng already? xDDD I'm assuming too early, tssk tsk. :)) And sneaky Kyu! This is an interesting story! ^^