Seeing you again

Bunny Romance

Zelo was sitting in the corner of the practice room staring at his mobile,

it was a photo of you and him at the park.

The rest of BAP was practicing for their debut , " Zelo.. you should come practice.." Yongguk called. 

" Yeah hyung coming~ " Zelo was snapped out of his daydreaming.


Zelo was really worried about you as you were home alone, and maybe you will feel lonely after what happened yesterday.

He decided to text you " Kooyung ~ meet me at the cafe at 4 see you piggy (; " he chuckled at the word 'piggy' and placed

his phone in his bag.

After hours of practicing, BAP wanted to ordered some chicken , " hyung i wont be joining you all ~ " 

" Kooyung? " Yongguk asked, Zelo nodded.

" Maknae is she your girlfriend or what, you keep seeing her aye~ " Youngjae teased.

" Our maknaes got a girlfriend? " Himchan pouted and then dramatically staring into space, " how about meeee..."

" its okay you have Yongguk ~ '" Jongup added, the leader glared at Jongup irritated. The second maknae just looked away.



After receiving Zelo's text , you decided to play with Daeyung while waiting.

" Noona ~ " Daeyung turned to you, his eyes glowing with  curiousity.

" nae Daeyung ah ~" you pulled his waist making him sit on your lap, 

" will omma come back? " he asked with a tint of sadness, the question shocked you, it was out of the blue.

" Daeyung ah you know how omma is like, we just have to trust her okay? she will be back" you smiled and poked his little nose.

" nae noona~" he hugged you and you hugged back, your eyes became teary. 

" Daeyung ah do you want to meet Zelo later? " you smiled, ruffling his hair, " yeah! i want to play with hyung!" his eyes

glistered with joy. 


" alright alright hyungs im going bye!" he grabbed his bag and wore his mask, heading to the cafe.


You too headed to the cafe with Daeyung walking beside you, you found a seat inside and sat down, " wheres hyung.." Daeyung looked

around , "hmm probably..oh his here! " you pointed at the door.

" hyung!" Daeyung called out, Zelo lowered his mask and jogged to the table, " annyeong Daeyung ah ~" Zelo pinched

his chubby cheeks. 

" Hyung where have you been? " Daeyung laughed,

" practicing my dancing ~" Zelo answered.

Zelo glanced at the menu, " ah i should order, what do you want? " looking at you,

" americano~" you smiled.

" alright ~ Daeyung , want a....blueberry cake ? " Zelo asked with his arms around Daeyung,

"yesss!" Daeyun cheerfully shouted.

Zelo chuckled " okay wait here ~" he ruffled Daeyung's long brown hair.


Zelo arrived with two cups and a big blueberry slice.

" wahh~!" Daeyung eyes turned to the cake, he started picking up and spoon and eating it already.

You chuckled at Daeyung, " Zelo ah hows practice? " you asked , Zelo scooted closer beside you,

" its fine~ debuting in a few months.." he smiled.

" wah thats quick.." you nodded.

Zelo nodded ," yeah" 

" means.. i cant really see you often? " you saddened, 

" aniya Kooyung...i will see you" he placed his arms around you, 

you soften and looked up to him, " thanks ~ " you peck on his cheek.

Zelo was taken aback but instead smile, Kooyung, wait for me.. he thought.




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Chapter 3: I’m pretty early in the story, but I have to go soon, so… these are all really cute so far!!! Zelo is so sweet— I’d love for a guy to give me daisies as a surprise friendversary gift~
allkpopluvr890 #2
Chapter 22: plz update soon!
emahassen #3
Chapter 20: This story is sooooo adorable~~ d(◕‿◕✿)
Chapter 10: Btw guys chappie 10 is different now ~ changed the plot correctly. ><
Chapter 10: @Cherrytomatoes your right Kooyung had met Dae earlier argh! >_<
@shy_rabbit im writing in a ' you' format though >_<
Chapter 1: Kooyung is an OC not 'You'. you should remove the 'you' tag and change it to oc
Chapter 10: Daehyun is Zelo's hyung!