~ Six ~

Mistake + Mistakes = ……….. A longer & difficult road to obtain forgiveness

Yunho could not help but grinned like an idiot on the way out of the clinic. However, his grin faltered when he heard someone calling out. “Fany! Tiffany!” A middle-aged tall and sturdy man in front of Yunho was waving frantically to someone behind Yunho.

Yunho spun around quickly but was disappointed to see a middle-aged, short and slightly plump lady putting her finger to her lips embarrassedly. “Stop it, hubby! This is so embarrassing!”

Yunho’s depressed face had been seen by Yuri. She puckered her lips into a thin fine line and walked away hastily, unbearable to watch her husband’s agonized face. Just as she thought that Yunho was trying to be a responsible husband and father, she was hurt to know that Yunho had yet to get over her best friend.

Yunho shook his head miserably, laughing at himself mentally for still hoping to have Tiffany back to his side. He glanced around and was shocked to realise that Yuri was missing. He knew for certain that Yuri would not be waiting for him at his car as she might have most probably upset by him. Impatient to wait for the lift, Yunho dashed quickly down the stairs. He was just in time to see Yuri getting into a shop.


“Oh, Yuri, it’s great to see you here again! Coming here for another check-up? How was it?” The petite girl greeted her with a smile. Her partner beamed at Yuri happily.

“Taeyeon and Sunny, it’s so nice to see you two again! I’m back for another check-up today… And guess what?” Yuri replied with a smile. The duo glanced excitedly at Yuri and waited for her to continue. “I’m carrying a twin! And the best is I can finally purchase the clothes for my babies…! And I need not care about the gender I’ll have a son and a daughter!”

The salesgirls yelped in delight. They were truly happy for Yuri. The three of them had become friends when Yuri first stepped into the shop, shopping for baby necessities few months ago.

Yunho glanced at Yuri from afar. It was the first time that he saw her beaming happily. Most of the time, Yuri had tried to plaster a fake polite smile towards him. He didn’t realise that she could be so beautiful. He realised that he might have missed so much good traits of Yuri when he was solely focused on Tiffany.

“We’re so happy for you!” Taeyeon, the petite girl squealed delightedly. Sunny brought Yuri to a showcase, showing a family outfit and suggested. “Why not get a family outfit? It would reflect a great and harmony family!”

Yuri’s smile faltered slightly. It was gone unseen by the two chatty salesgirls but was surprisingly noticed by Yunho. “Oh… I’ll take all the sizes available for the children… Get me one of each size too in case I slim down after giving birth…”

“What about the father’s?” Sunny asked innocently; being unaware of the hint of sadness in Yuri’s eyes.

“My size is large…” Yunho stepped forward and put his arm around Yuri’s waist. He smiled and turned to look at Yuri’s shocked face. “Oh, so you are Yuri’s husband? Wow… Yuri, no wonder you don’t ever bring your husband here… He’s so handsome! A prince charming and a pretty goddess is such a heavenly match!” Taeyeon teased.

Yunho felt flattered while Yuri was trying her best to keep on her smile. “I would like to see more of the baby products…” Yuri tried to divert the attention of her two friends. Yunho frowned, knowing that Yuri was feeling uncomfortable. He relaxed his hand and was not surprised to see Yuri stepping away from his grasp immediately.

Yuri tried to busy herself with choosing baby items to avoid awkward situation with Yunho. However, occasionally, Yunho would contribute some ideas. He was practically throwing everything he saw along the way into the shopping trolley. In the end, they bought two baby cribs. They even bought a special baby trolley where two babies can sit together. They nearly bought all designs of the baby clothes. It was rare to see Yuri arguing with Yunho.

“Oh gosh, Yunho! The babies are not even born yet! Why would they need such big clothes? Those are for toddlers above one year old!” Yuri put her hands on the waist and protested when the pile of clothes in the trolley were getting higher. “Relax, Yuri, one year passes by very fast. Soon they are able to wear…” Yunho grinned; glad that his wife was finally throwing a tantrum at him. At least, he was gaining some attention from her.

“What about all these then?” Yuri pointed to a hill of toys in the trolley, being pushed by Sunny. “Do you expect my babies to play with all these toys?” Yuri crossed her hands over her protruding tummy and stared disbelievingly at her husband. Taeyeon and Sunny could not help but giggled at Yuri’s childlike manner.

Yunho shrugged his shoulders innocently and pouted. “Yuri-ah… Maybe I can use the toys to play with our babies when you’re feeding?” Yunho teased and deliberately emphasised on the word ‘our’ to show that he was caring and planning ahead for their children. Yuri’s face turned rosy pink.

It was such a delectable sight that Yunho could not resist and bent down to capture Yuri’s tempting lips. It was YunRi’s second official kiss. The first was at the wedding ceremony where there was no feeling involved. Yunho moaned inwardly at the softness and sweetness of his wife. He wanted to continue deepening the kiss however the giggles of the salesgirls pulled him back to reality. He straightened and hugged Yuri, shielding her reddened face with his chest.


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BlackPearl_Goddess #1
@raininsm: Thanks... ^^
great story!
BlackPearl_Goddess #3
@koreankendi: Hi, chingu... Thanks for taking time to read...! Glad that you've enjoyed reading...! ^^
koreankendi #4
Jist finished reading!!
Thank you!
I really like this yunri fic!! :))
BlackPearl_Goddess #5
@mellowme: Mell chingu ah... I also gonna miss cutie Yunnie hubby towards his baby Yul... ^^
Haha... Coz I couldn't decide which character to marry Tiffany so I arrange another mysterious guy... ^^
Haha... Minjoong is an exact duplicate of JaeMin... Hmmm... I wonder Miyul has her genes from who...
Will write more cutie YunRi if I have the time... ^^
BlackPearl_Goddess #6
@bonbilly: Haha... I'm sorry for making you anxious on the first scene... Thought that Yunho is getting married to Tiffany? Haha... Yup... Minjoong is an exact duplicate of JaeMin... ^^
Thanks for your compliment & glad that you've enjoy reading...
Shall continue to have more YunRi once I settle other fanfics... ^^
Omg the first scene making me anxious..never expected another character for Fany...and yeahh...TOpFany all the way..!!
and the story ended already..I love Minjoong..his naughty side resembles JaeMin a lot..!!
continue writing YunRi..we'll be waiting for your next story..
great work chingu!
BlackPearl_Goddess #8
@beautifulrhapsody: you sure do read fast! I've just replied to your comment to another of my fanfic...?
Glad that you like the ending... Yup... Silly Yunnie to name his son after the 2 mischievous uncles... ^^