One Step Closer...

Not Who I Used To Be...

"Dione, I was wondering if you're free this afternoon," Jiyeon's friend Amanda asked her one Friday morning.

"I guess so..why?" Jiyeon answered. It's been three years since she came to America, and her English had started to be better than it used to.

"It's fair day! You probably forgot girl! And I bet there'll be a concert too tonight at the fair grounds. Wouldn't it be exciting? I mean, John and his band are gonna perform, and I so can't wait!"

"John...who's John?"

"Oh, you didn't know who he is? He's that pizza delivery boy who's always asking about you!"

"Amanda, you've told me that a lot of times already, yet I never get to get a glimpse of that John say he's in a band?"

"Oh yes he is, my dear. He also sings in the club on Fridays! Brianna and I happened to go to the club like three weeks ago, and man is John so talented! I mean, he sang, he played the guitar, and you should have seen him dance!"

Jiyeon smiled and looked at Amanda. "I lave a feeling that you like John."

"Am I that obvious?"


Amanda sighed. "But he only had eyes for you, Dione."

"Sorry, Amanda, but I'm not interested in him..and I'm not interested being in a relationship with someone." Jiyeon said as she opened her notebook once more.

"I guess so..but it's still nice to have some crushes, isn't it?"

"You are one dreamy-eyed girl, Amanda. Now quit it. I still need to study for my research." Jiyeon said. She got fed up with Amanda pestering her.

"Well...but you promised, Dione. You're coming with me this afternoon, whether you like it or not."


"Are you sure were really heading out somewhere?" Jiyeon asked Amanda as she opened the door. Outside, snow had started to fall. 

"Are you afraid of snow? It's just little snow."

"No, I'm not. It's just that I'm not sure heading somewhere is a good idea now."

"Oh, Dione, why do you have so many excuses?" Amanda was at the tip of her patience now as she crossed her arms across her chest. Seeing Amanda acting this way, Jiyeon had no choice but to tag along.


Snow had fallen lightly, but people still managed to go on with the fair. Children were pulling their moms to the different booths were there where games. Some Korean teenagers and their friends were goofing off in front of a camera booth. A Japanese couple were chatting with their customers in their little tea place. Of course, the pizza parlor Amanda adores so much had their booth too.

Amanda kept glancing inside the booth for any signs of John. When she couldn't find him, she beckoned his colleague Kelsey.

"Have you seen John around here?"

Kelsey shrugged her shoulders as she wiped a glass clean. "He was supposed to be on duty today, but he told the manager he'd be in a gig somewhere. He's reallys something, y'know? I don't know how he manages to pull the manager's strings just so he could get away with his work here. Such a brat..."

Jiyeon turned her head when she heard Kelsey's comment. "Brat? Please excuse me, but I don't think John is a brat to just slack off anywhere when he's earning money somewhere too!"

Kelsey looked at Jiyeon and continued cleaning the glass. "YEah, right, whatever..."

Jiyeon's mouth opened in surprise. SHe wanted to get the wits out of Kelsy. But Amanda pulled her aside to prevent Jiyeon's anger from flaring.

And so, the two friends went to another Japanese booth selling takoyaki. Amanda had never tasted on before, but Jiyeon urged her. Of course, she missed Korean food, but she likes Japanese food too. So,when they were done paying, they went to a bench near the stall.

They were still eating when they heard some music played on the east side of the fair ground. Curiosity filled the girls, so they decided to head for the concert. A lot of people had gathered, and the band started to play. As Jiyeon wasn't so into listening to the band playing, she focused her eyes on the falling snowflakes. She smiled. Back in Korea, she could remember IU catching every snowflake that falls at her hands till they melt. Nostalgia set in as the snow also reminded her of Suzy and Seung Ho.


Jiyeon smiled as she remembered the time too, when as a girl, her family would be going to  Japan every March to see the sakura bloom. The petals themselves reminded her of the snowflakes now.

"Dione! Dione!"


"Don't you eh me! I've been calling your attention, you silly girl! Look up front! See that lead vocalist? That's John!"

Jiyeon squinted her eyes. "Huh? I can't see him very well."

By now, the band had played a song by Daughtry. Amanda held Jiyeon's hand as they squeezed thru their way to near the stage so that Jiyeon can see the concert better. When they finally were in a good spot, Amanda pointed out to Jiyeon.

"See that? That lead singer? That's John!"


And Jiyeon's eyes opened. John, who was singing, happened to see her. He was suddenly astonished to see Jiyeon standing there looking at him perform.

" can't be..."

"Why, Dione, is anything wrong?"

" Jin Woon Oppa?"


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To those subscribing to my "not who I used to be", I just updated some more. please read and comment. thank you so so so so super much...


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quenzie11 #1
Chapter 42: GOD.. This story is just soo good I keep reading it, please make a sequel?? PLSS???
quenzie11 #2
Chapter 42: WHAAAT??!! That was it??!! OH MEIN GOTT!!
Hello im 13 yrs old.I'm kinda new here but i love jiyeon and jinwoon.If you are a gminor shipper,do check out my story.I will be working on it soon.It is my first fanfic so pls help give me ideas and confidence.Pls do check out my story.Thxs;p
shizukasenshi #4
minna-san (everyone), sorry for the very long and dragging story, hehe..but i hope you enjoyed reading. ja!
Awww it was adorable! Loved it!
shizukasenshi #6
@bibeo411: oh, the dream, you mean? you just have to read them because you'll understand who's dreams they were when you read the next few chapters. :D :D :D
bibeo411 #7
I mean 36 n 37 ;P
bibeo411 #8
I dont understand the situation of chap 35 n 36 ):
YippieM #9
I will wait for you author!
I am not pushing you to update.
Drama is so on!
Seohyun did it again :(
HATE HER a lot!
I don't know why she always like that...very stubborn girl :(