Nonsensical Dream


When a lazy afternoon makes everyone sleepy, something's bound to happen in Lala-land.


After cringing at the thought of going neck-to-neck with Namjoon earlier before lunchtime , Jin heaved a very regretful sigh. 

"Gwaenchanha, hyung?" Hoseok asked.

Jin squinted his eyes as he rested his chin unto the table while looking at Hoseok, who was reading a manga about a erted assassin-turned-teacher octopus.

"It's Namjoon. I told him to cut carrots properly for my stirfry, and he basically turned them into monsterpieces."

"Ah, that. No wonder Taehyung was cringing the whole time you two were both whirling about with your knives."

Jin sighed again. "I'm not violent, okay? It's just that Namjoon has to learnn how to do simple kitchen work. Otherwise, his future wife will give him a good nagging."

"But what would happen if you become his wife?"

"I'd still nag him, of course. I'd remind him why he became independent in the first place. Ah, nevermind, I'm going to take the afternoon nap. The kids are probably feeling lazy. And I think Yoongi is in our room, fast asleep." Jin remarked as he stretched.

Hoseok turned back to his manga. "Whatever you say, hyung."


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Chapter 6: nice story! :)
"erted assassin-turned-teacher octopus."
