Do I Consider This a Nightmare?

I'll Let You Take My Life Away Because I Love You.

As I walk into the beach home I look at the house right beside us. It's empty now. Just like my heart. I let out a sigh. "What's wrong, my love?" the man beside me asks. My love? I told him not to call me that. Only you can call me that. "I'm fine. Let's just go to sleep." I tell him. He knows not to call me 'my love,' but he does anyway. He jokes around like that. Just like you. We both change into our night gowns and slip into bed. "Good night, ________-ah. I love you." he wraps his arms around my frail waist. I know he is waiting for me to say something back, but I just nod in response. I'll only say I love you to you. With that last thought I fall into a deep, comfortable sleep.


"Wake up, my love~", I hear someone coo in my ear. I know who it is so I smile into the pillow, "Ehh, come on now. Wake up it's already 10' o clock!"

"Wo bu yaoooooo (I don't want to.)" I mumble into the pillow.

"Oi! Get up! I want to spend the whole day with you! Not alone while you snore off!" you nudge my sides. I squeal and squirm away from you. You know that those are my weak spots since we've been together for quite a long time now.

"If you don't get up when I ask you nicely, I'll have to get you up the mean way!" you say.

I gasp, " I'm up! I'm up!" I jump out of the bed not wanting to get tickled to death.

I see you on the bed with a goofy smirk.

I shake my head, "Please, don't. Not this time. I got up this time. Please." I beg you. I can tell you are going to pounce on me anytime now. My hands go up in defense.

Before I can blink I'm back on the bed, being tickled by this boy. "Kyaaa! Don't! Stop! Haha! Don't!" I scream. Your fingers are roaming all around my sides. I see you break out in a big smile. I can't stop laughing, it tickles too much! Not long after, my laughs turn into small sobs.

"Stooooooop it hurtsssss." I whine with my eyes closed. Suddenly your fingers finally stop torturing me. I feel them wrap around my hips.

I slowly open my eyes and look up at you. Your face is shining from the sun's rays. Your eyes, oh your eyes, they are boring into mine as usual.

I reach my right hand up to caress your face, feeling if you are actually real. Never in my 20 years life have I seen such beautiful creature. A creature that I am now. Human.

You tilt your head, and kiss my hand. I gasp and pull it back. Even your kisses make my heart stop. As I see your smile get bigger, your whole face comes closer towards me. I close my eyes waiting for our lips to touch....

They don't. I feel you get off me and my eyes jolt open.

"Where's my morning kiss?" I pout.

"I'll give it to you later when you get out of bed and get ready." you stick your tongue out at me. You skip away to what I'm guessing is the kitchen. I shake my head at your child-ness. Would you (the reader) believe me if I told you he's 2 years older than me? I didn't think so either.

I get up and go to the bathroom. I look into the mirror. Walking, I love it so much, but it takes so much more effort than swimming. Being a human for two years already is pretty tiring. I smile at myself. Not to be vain or anything, but my looks are pretty gorgeous. Eyes big and brown, a small nose, thick full lips and skin like porcelain. What every girl wants to look like, correct? My wavy dark hair goes down to my belly-button. You have always asked me if I wanted to cut my hair, but I say no. I like it long. It reminds me of home.

I look at myself once again. I remember when I finally told you the truth. That I was really a mermaid who turned into a human. Your reaction, it scared me. You walked away, not giving me any hints on what you felt. You stayed away from me for a good month and I finally mustered up enough strength to confront you. I asked you if you were disgusted with me and I saw your eyes open wide in surprise. You immediately said no, and I was so confused. If not, why were you ignoring me then?

I broke out into a bawl. How could you lie to me? I thought at the time. I remember the weird glances you gave me. They weren't pleasant.  I saw you stand there, confused on what to do. You then wrapped your arms around me, hesitantly. I clutched onto you, not processing my actions. All I wanted for is you to like me. You told me to calm down, so I did. You surprisingly took my face into your warm hands. Oh how I missed those hands of yours. You told me you were sorry for the way you were acting and asked if we could start anew. I agreed and from then on we got closer than I ever expected.

I shake my head and grin. I pick up my pink tooth brush, which is placed right beside yours. I do my daily routine of brushing my teeth, washing my teeth and changing. Once I am finished I head down the spiraling stairs.
"Lu Han-ah, where are you?" I let out. I check the kitchen. You are usually there, but I don't see you anywhere. "Lu Han!"

"Boo!" someone comes from behind and wraps their arms around me. I yelp and turn to see you.

"Lu Han! Don't ever do that again! You scared me half to death!" I mumble, pouting.

"Aww my ______ is pouting. I'm sorry, love. Would you forgive me if I give you a kiss?" you ask.

I feel my cheeks flare up, as they usually do around you. I nod, wanting a kiss. I look down to my feet which are bare. I still can't grasp that I have feet now.

"Aww, here look at me." you remove your arms from behind me and step in front of me. Your hand caresses my chin and lifts my head up to look at you. Big and round, your eyes look sincere. You close your eyes, coming closer to my face, and I do the same.
Unlike on the bed where you just left me hanging, our lips touch. They form together like they were made for each other.

It seems like an eternity passes before I pull away for air. I see you smirk, something I love to see you do. Actually I love everything you do.

"Where are we going today?" I ask wrapping my arms around your small waist and look up to your angelic face.

"We are going to the... wait for it!...... PIER!" you say excitedly as you wrap your arms around my shoulders, looking down at me.

My nose scrunches up, "The pier? I thought we'd go some place better than that."

"Huh? Where did you think I was going to take you, love?" you blink your eyes.

"I don't know... something more romantic..." I shrug my shoulders, looking down to the wooden floor.

"What's more romantic than a pier?" you joke.

"Yah! Stop playing around." I pout, pushing myself away from you.

"Ah-ah come back here, you little girl.", you pull me back, burying my face into your chest, which smells like citrus, "You know me, just trying to get a joke out."

"Yeah, yeah." I mumble into your chest.

"Let's just go, alright?" you ask, arms still around me.

"Yeah, yeah." I mumble once again.

"Please cheer up. I promise you, you are going to be surprised." you say pushing me away and taking my hand.

We both put our sandals on and walk out. The first thing that greets us is the small breeze, and not soon after the blinding sun. I use my left hand to block the sun's rays from my eyes. Hand in hand we walk to your car.

As I am about to step into the car a voice booms from far away, "________-ah! Hey! Where are you going in this fine day?"

I look over to the loud noise, and smile a bit," Se Hun-ah, hi! I'm going on a date on this fine day."

"Ew, a date with that guy? How about us both ditch him and go to the pier?" he suggests, scrunching his face up in disgust when he said that.

I roll my eyes when he gets closer, "You are so mean." He shrugs.

"Actually, _________ and I are going to the pier right know. Care to join, my little brother?" you get out of the car and ask.


Hey! My first chapter! Kya!

RLAB (mandy remember that one?)

I'm sorry for taking so long to update the first chapter!  AFF deleted like a whole section of the chapter and I had to write all over again! I went into a small depression and didnt want to update anything. And I really wanted it to be perfect and really good.... and it isnt :( Whatever I wanted to update something for you guys :D

If you are confused about why I keep using you instead of him, is because i want to emphasize something. So the main girl character is YOU (POV). The character that I use for you is LUHAN. Alright. I hope that cleared things up for you if you didn't know what was going on :)

Oh and say hi to my co author, xsweetoothx! She's going to be my editor! Please check out her story,

Our Twisted Love Story


Please wait for my next chapter!

We are one! We are EXO~!

hiiiii!~ <3

[Omg. Of course I remember. Rolling Like A Buffalo FO LIFEEE xD]

Lol I see that Sumi already introduced me, but ima do it again cuz I'm a rebel like that. haha.  

My name is Amanda and I'm gonna be editing for Sumi! chyeaaa buddyyy. xD

It's nice to meet you guys! :D Hopefully you will enjoy and support Sumi's story 100% like I do! I'm totally head over heels in love with it, no lie. [cough. Even though Sumi doesn't believe me when I say I like it. cough. cough.] Haha. Like I said before, I'll only be an editor which means that all of the storyline writing and stuff comes directly from Sumi!

Psh. And look at her saying that this isn't good. I'd beg to differ. 

She's gonna say that I'm obligated to like her story (WHICH I'M NOT) so be sure to shower her with your lovely comments for me because she's doing amazing things just for you guys and I know that she'll trust your comments. They would make her day. ^^ I mean, it's nice knowing someone appreciates your work, right?

Lol, so... I don't wanna drag on so this is it for me. See you guys in the next chapter and I hope you enjoy Sumi's creation~ Amanda out. xD (<---- Mandyyy you are too cute! Oh and I made my A/N red because you made yours green :P)

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Chapter 1: This is so good
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Please don't forget to credit us. c:
Chapter 5: Sehun sounds so evil
*new reader*
Read it all in one go, this story is awesome :D

Update soon ~~
1. It's awesome! Update often!! C:
2. Well all of them mandarin and Korean ^^
3. Himchan!!! And Daehyun :3
4. Correction "the hottest thing walking on earth
5. And nope not on my country -,- but I stil wouldn't wanna XD I at everything
AHeezy #6
XXXTroublemakerXXX #7
Please update, authornim!! Please listen to Amanda !
It's very Interesting and I'm dying for the nxt update!!
Update ;)
AHeezy #9
good job my han.. now update the rest. wooootwooooot