
I'll Let You Take My Life Away Because I Love You.

Never did I think I'd be where I am now. I have feet! FEET! and.... TOES! I feel sand going in between them. I can walk now! I can finally walk now!

I sigh to myself. Why didn't I agree to this earlier? Me and my slow self. I mentally shake my head.  I feel the air hit my bare body. It's cold up here! I look at myself, still mesmerized by the feet and legs... I'M .
"U-uhmm are you okiee? You don't seem to have anything on." a soothing voice asks me.
I turn towards it. I can tell this human is a male. His short hair is waving around in the wind. His sparkling eyes bore into mine with eyebrows pushed towards each other. His mouth hold nothing but a frown.
My eyes go wide, cheeks flaring up, "I-I.... I don't have any....."
"That's strange... Here take my sweater. Follow me, I'll give you some clothes." he takes his blue sweater off, my favorite color, and hands it to me.
I hesitantly take it. I put it on, it feels warm. I smile at the thought. The sweater is big, it goes all the way to the middle of my thighs- I HAVE THIGHS. I smile at that thought too.
"Come on now." he surprisingly takes my hands in his. My face gets flustered. Why are his hands so warm!?
We walk off the sand into a brown house. As he is taking of his sandles and putting them away, I look around. The place isn't too big, nor is it too small. It's very simple... cozy-like. There are pictures of him and another boy... his brother perhaps?
"I'll get you some clothes. Walk down that hallway, the first door to your right is the bathroom. Wait for me in there." he tells me. He heads up these spiraling stairs.
I follow his directions. The walls of these halls are decorated with stars. Big and small, bright and dark. I open the first door to my right. The bathroom's big. Are they usually like this up here? I stand in the middle of it playing with the hem of the sweater, waiting for him.
"Here are some clothes you can have. You can also take a shower if you'd like. Oh and there are towels in that closet." he comes in with a pile of clothes. He gives me a small grin and I blush.
"T-thank you." I whisper. I wish he heard me.
"No problem." he heard me. He closes the door behind him as he walks out.
I smile, thinking about him. He's so sweet. But then it drowned on  me. Can I trust him?  She told me to not trust people so easily up here... He's been kind so far. I'll trust him.
She also told me something else... Why can't I remember? Oh yeah, because I wasn't paying attention to anything she was saying. Oh well, it's not like it's going to kill me if I don't remember.
What did he mean by shower? I didn't take any showers back home.... I walk to this oval shaped thing. There are knobs in the front of it and a big long cane looking thing sticking out of it. I turn one of the knobs. Suddenly water rushes out of the cane looking thing. My eyes widen in surprise.
"That's so cool!" I mumble.
I feel the water with my right hand. It's cold! I turn the other knob. The water turns warm.  Does taking a shower mean going under this? I guess so.
I take off the citrus smelling sweater and place it on a counter. I go into the oval thing and let the water drizzle  all over my body. I close my eyes under the warm water. It feels nice... like his hands.
My eyes jolt open remembering the feeling of his hands. It made me quiver at the thought. I bite my lips. Am I falling for this guy? Only meeting him for 10 minutes and he's already taken over my whole brain!
I shake my head, trying to get him out of my head. No use. It only got worst. His dark brown sparkling eyes appear in my mind. They were soft like his hands. The way his eyes crinkled a bit when he grinned made me sigh. He's too perfect for his own good.
I my wet lips, thinking what it would feel like to kiss his lips. I slap myself for that thought.
Don't think such things _______! You guys have just met! And he probably thinks you are a weird human. His first impression of me was defiantly not good.

I made a deal to myself to make my second impression of myself a perfect one.

I see a yellow and orange bottle next to me. I open the cap and it smells like they guy's sweater. I squish the thing and this pasty stuff come out of it. I gasp, it's so cool!

I squeeze some into my hand. Should I rub this all around my body and hair? It smells good, so I do so. Suddenly foam and bubbles appear on me.

I panic. What is this stuff? Is it going to kill me!? I squeal and quickly wash it all off. I look at my skin for any changes... nothing... since that stuff smelled like citrus... would my skin now will? I bring my arm closer to my nose and sniff it...

It smells so good! I'm guessing that stuff is supposed to make you smell better, so I squirt more into my hand and hair.

Before I know the full bottle is almost empty. I won't that won't trouble him... Of course it is! Nice job _______!

I wash the suds all of and step out of the oval thing. Once again cold air hits my skin. I shiver. He told me something about a towel. I walk my dripping wet self to the closet and open it up. There are these cloth looking things piled on top of each other. Do I dry myself off with it? I guess so. I take the pale pink one and wrap it around myself.
When i finally dry myself up i walk over to the clothes. They are pink themselves too, but not too much to be annoying. I put it all on the way I think it should. The shirt is loose and so are the pants, but they are still perfect, they are his.

I stick my head out of the bathroom. Should I walk out now? Or should I just stay here?

After a long moment of contemplating, I walk out. I hear noises in another room and walk towards it. There he is. Sitting on a dark red couch in front of something I think is a TV.

I'm guessing what he is watching is funny because I hear him laughing from behind. Even his laugh is heavenly.

"U-uh, excuse me...." I try to get his attention.

He seems really engrossed to the show, he didn't hear me. So I just sat at the door.

What do I do? Should I try to get his attention again? What would I say to him afterwards then? I don't want it to get awkward.

I hear him get up and my eyes find his.

"Oh! How long have you been sitting there? Why didn't you try to get my attention? Silly girl." he walks towards me, and my heart beats faster. He puts his hand out for me to grab and I do. The warmth of his soft hands take over me again. He helps me get up.

"Thank you for the... shower,,,, and clothes..." I say, looking down to my hands which are tugging on the hem of this shirt.

"You are welcome. If you don't mind me asking... why were you out there... ? Is that a knew thing now at this beach?" he takes me to the couch and sits me beside him. We are so close our knees are almost touching, shoulders too.

"I....", what should I tell him? The truth? A lie?, "I don't know why I was ... I woke up here.. ..." Lie it is.

"You poor thing! So you just woke up here-?" he frowns.

I nod. He seems so concerned for me. Maybe I should just tell him the truth... but then what happens if he thinks I'm a monster or something? I want him to like me.

"So that means you don't have anywhere to go? And nobody you know? Do you remember anything?" he asks.

"I... don't have anywhere to go... nobody to go to... and I don't remember anything." I bite my lips hoping he'll believe me.

"That's horrible. You can live with me from now on.", his eyes turn into crescent moons and his teeth show into a broad smile, "If you'd like of course. My name's Luhan by the way. Xi Luhan."

"I'd love to... and my name is ______ by the way." I smile up at him.


He's the one. The one I'm going to fall in love with. The one I'm already falling in love with.

Hey you! Its me Sumi! Thank you so much for checking this fan fic out! I have this new obsession liking for Luhan now and I really wanted to make this fic. So Please follow this fic through with me! I'm going to have fun writing this fic, I hope you'll enjoy reading it!

Oh and if the prologue is confusing and the whole story is so far please ask questions, but I might not answer, I made some parts confusing for a reason ;)

We are one! We are EXO~! :D

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Chapter 1: This is so good
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Chapter 5: Sehun sounds so evil
*new reader*
Read it all in one go, this story is awesome :D

Update soon ~~
1. It's awesome! Update often!! C:
2. Well all of them mandarin and Korean ^^
3. Himchan!!! And Daehyun :3
4. Correction "the hottest thing walking on earth
5. And nope not on my country -,- but I stil wouldn't wanna XD I at everything
AHeezy #6
XXXTroublemakerXXX #7
Please update, authornim!! Please listen to Amanda !
It's very Interesting and I'm dying for the nxt update!!
Update ;)
AHeezy #9
good job my han.. now update the rest. wooootwooooot