Somebody Help Me! I'm Trapped!

I'll Let You Take My Life Away Because I Love You.

"What? No breakfast for me today?" you enter the kitchen, expecting a platter of eggs and bacon. I look up to you. Your lips jut out, eyes growing big. Hair disheveled from the long night sleep.

   "You have two hands. Make it yourself." I mumble, shoving a piece of toast in my mouth. You walk over to where I am sitting. You're strong, you pick me up, sit where I was, and place me on your lap. I choose to ignore you and continue with my toast. 

"Eh? What is this? Why is my _______, ignoring me? Has Luhan done something wrong?"`

    You exactly know what you did and I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to use your cuteness to make me forgive you. Well, it's not going to work this time. Your lips find the side of my neck. It leaves little pecks all over, like you're marking me. These little kisses give me goose bumps and make me want to giggle like usual, but I don't. I don't want to give up this mad act just yet. You continue with your love trails while I continue with my bread. 

"Come on, love. This isn't fair. I'm here, trying to get you're attention, but you still ignore me like I don't even exist!", you stop with the pecks and place your chin onto my shoulder, "I even kissed your neck, which you love!"

   Even though I want to end this act, I can't. Yesterday was supposed to be just the two of us. But you decided to invite your younger brother, who happens to be no where close to you. You guys don't even acknowledge each other as brothers, yet you brought him. I can't get over this, I don't know why. Maybe because I just wanted to have you all to myself. Nobody interfering our time together. It was supposed to be an important day we were supposed to have.

I get up from your lap, and put my dirty plate into the sink. I reach for sponge, but your hand beats mine to it. You squirt soap onto the sponge and scrub the plate. I walk away letting you clean up my dish. I go out of the kitchen and head up the stairs. I change into a v-neck shirt which is colored peach. I slip on some jeans shorts and head back downstairs. You are sitting on the couch watching what I think is called "Shut up Flower Boy Band." I note that the guy named Do Il is good looking. 

  I walk past you to the door. I slip on some slippers. I don't forget to take the car keys and put it in my pocket. As I am about to open the door, you appear in front of me. I can tell you are mad now. You can't take me ingoring you for this long, even if it's only been 30 minutes. 

"Where do you think you are going?" you ask, voice low.

  "I'm going out."

"Why don't I come with you?" you insist.

 "No. I want to be alone today."

"Come on, _______-ah. Stop being like this. I can't take it anymore. I'm sorry okay?" your hands cup my face. 

  "Alright, I get it. You're sorry. I just want to be alone right now. Can't you let me be alone for a while?"


  "Please, Luhan-ah." I tippy-toe and peck your lips. 

"Fine. But come back soon. I'll miss you." you give in. You lean down to me, giving me a longer kiss. Your right hand moves to the back of my neck, while your left travels down to my back. You pull my body closer to yours. At this rate, you're making me want to stay. Before I change my mind, I break from the heated kiss and pull away from you.

  "I'll be going now." I don't look back a you and just walk out. That was harder than I thought. I was supposed to just walk out the door, but you had to stop me. I smile thinking back to the kiss we just shared. They usually aren't like that. Not that heated. Not that much lust. What am I thinking? Lust?

I shake my head, stopping myself from thinking anymore. I get into the car and start it. I choose to go the city today. The first place you brought me when we met. The city has many clothing stores. Many cafes. Many restaurants. All of them I love. 

  It's not as bright today. The sun is hiding behind the clouds. Making the day grey. But it doesn't bother me. I find a spot to park my car. When I do I head out. The streets are filled with people as expected, it's Sunday. Couples are all around, making me partially wanting you here. I walk into the cafe you brought me to when we started to get closer. I love this place. It's cozy, like a home. The walls are lined with brown bricks, lights are hanging from the sealing. Chairs, tables, and some couches are spread around the cafe. 

The line for drinks isn't that long. I can wait. I'm a patient person. When it's my turn order, I ask for a green tea frape, your favorite and now mine. I remember to ask for extra whip cream. I love that stuff. I pay for it and they tell me my drink will be done in a couple of minutes. I go over to the pick-up side and wait for my drink. While waiting I remember my first time here with you. There was never a cafe in the ocean. All we drank was salt water. Up here there's all kinds of flavors. Taro tea, chocolate tea, vanilla tea, and the list goes on. I didn't know what to order so you did it for me. You got us both green tea frapes. At first I was questioning the drink. It was green colored! I thought you might be trying to poisen me or something. But you insisted it was nothin bad. I trusted you and took a sip of it. At first I thought it tasted strange, but a few more sips I fell in love with it. Wherever I go now I ask anything that involves green tea. 


   My drink is ready for me. I take it over to the seat next to the window. Before I put the cup down I take a big sip of the stuff. It's good. I take out my cell phone that was in my right back pocket. I press the button on the bottom of the screen, bringing it to life. The screen shows us smiling, cheeks pressed against each other. We are just too cute. 

Once I finish up, I exit the store and enter the clothing store located in front of the cafe. Before you brought me here to get me some clothes, I was stuck wearing yours. People looked at me weirdly. Well who wouldn't? A girl walking down the streets with jeans that keep sliding off, shirt so big it slips off the shoulder. But the looks didn't bother me, I liked wearing your clothes. It made me feel closer to you somehow. 

   Now I have my own wardrobe I'm even happier. I would call my style... chic? I don't know. Everybody compliments on the clothes I wear. So I guess it's good. Instantly a long sleeve shirt caught my eye. It's a jean blue on top and fades into white as it goes down. I get it. How can I not?  

When you brought me here to shop for clothes for the first time, I immediately knew what I wanted, what I liked. You spent so much money on me that day.  But I don't feel bad. We are close enough that I don't have to. After purchasing my shirt I take my leave. I walk around the streets of this city. Not one store is not occupied with a living being. Everywhere, it was roaring with customers. 

   After 10 minutes or so of my walk, I decide to go back home to you. I miss you so much already. I can't stand being far away from you this long. I get into the car and drive back home where you are, waiting for me. I literally run to the door and open it. You are on the couch still watching that drama. You look away from the screen, checking who just made the commotion. As you see it's me, a smile takes over your face. Like relief.

I run into your lap and bury my face into your neck, taking in your scent. "I missed you."

   "I know. Me too.", you pat my hair giving me a kiss on the forehead. I don't think I'm going to go out by myself without you anymore, "So what did you buy?" you see the bag I dropped on the floor as I threw myself at you.

"It's a shirt for myself." I say, brushing the ends of your hair with my right hand. 

   "What? You didn't buy me anything?"

"Nope. Sorry."

   "Since you didn't buy anything for me, I want a kiss."

"What? No. All because I didn't get you anything, it doesn't mean you get a kiss."

   "You denying me, huh?" you set me onto my back. You hover over me, lips form a smirk. I give you a nod. "Well it doesn't matter. I'm not giving you a choice." 

You dive down to me, attacking me lips. I know not to go against you. It will never work. This kiss starts like it was this morning, heated. Somehow it gets more intense. And then more. More. Your left hand travels down to my waist. It goes under my shirt, grazing over my skin. I gasp at your touch, breaking the kiss. We both catch up on our breathing. You attack my lips once again. My hands dig into your hair. 

   You manage to take off my shirt, looking over my body. I blush. Even though you've seen me , you haven't looked at me like this. You smile, happy you got a reaction from me. You take my bra off after I claim your shirt. We continue to make out. Our skins meet and mold together. 

Tonight is the night; the night we finally made love.


Omg. I kinda like this chapter. Much better than my last one. I tried to show more of Luhan and your past together, but I didn't as much as I wanted. But I'm not going to go much into their past, being together. This story is only going to be 6 or 7 chapters long. Well I hope this chapter wasn't boring. I worked very hard on it. With that said, Thank you for reading!

​We are One! We are EXO!

Good job on the update! xD
I edited, but I didn't make many changes 'cause I didn't need to. To me, it sounds like you're writing like she's still new to a lot of things, like even in the way her POV works... I don't know if I'm making any sense, but I just feel like her way of thinking in her POV shows that she's still new to being a human and stuff since it's a bunch of short and simple sentences that get to the point. 
IDK. So... I decided not to screw with it. :P (It's a new way of my writing, trying to explore the depths of writing xD)

Thanks to everyone for reading this amazing story! It's good, right? Right? xD

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Chapter 1: This is so good
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Chapter 5: Sehun sounds so evil
*new reader*
Read it all in one go, this story is awesome :D

Update soon ~~
1. It's awesome! Update often!! C:
2. Well all of them mandarin and Korean ^^
3. Himchan!!! And Daehyun :3
4. Correction "the hottest thing walking on earth
5. And nope not on my country -,- but I stil wouldn't wanna XD I at everything
AHeezy #6
XXXTroublemakerXXX #7
Please update, authornim!! Please listen to Amanda !
It's very Interesting and I'm dying for the nxt update!!
Update ;)
AHeezy #9
good job my han.. now update the rest. wooootwooooot