5) Finding Out; Dilemma

Of Window, Sunshine, and Reflection

“Do you think Luhan hyung is okay?”

Sehun sighed at Kai’s question. They’re laying down the grass on a school’s backyards. Peaceful and calm. But when Kai brought out this topic, Sehun felt uneasy right away.

“I never lied to you, so, no.” Sehun blurted out. “Tao said he’s been coughing a lot these days. I think something’s must be a little off.”

“And the coughs sound painful. It’s not like a normal cough.” Kai added. Sehun widened his eyes, earning a confused look from his bestfriend.

“Wow, Kai. I never thought you’re so into biology.”

“It’s not like that!” Kai defended himself. “My uncle is a doctor and when my mom panicked hearing me cough a lot when I was little, he laughed it off saying it wasn’t something serious. He told my mom that if the cough sounds like blah whatever blah, he needs to check me out to the doctor. I forgot that important part.”

“How could you forget such important part.” Sehun snorted.

“I was only five that time! How am I supposed to remember?”

“I don’t know what or who has you guys been gossiping, but aren’t you two hungry?” Chanyeol came tossing two pieces of tuna sandwich. He sat down with a box in his hands.

“Ey, another free lunch for you?” Kai asked, eyeing the lunch box.

“Yeah. I wonder who put this inside my locker and how the hell he broke to my locker.”

Sehun saw Kai choked on his sandwich before shrugging, “You forgot to lock your locker almost every day, Chanyeol. And besides, Kyungso from the vocal choir knew your password, right? You told me he’s your childhood friend.”

“Yeah, but he’s never made me lunch. Well, when we’re in junior high, sure. But he stopped when we reached senior high. I don’t want him to be bothered by making me lunch every morning.”

“Maybe he just got the déjà vu to do it again?”

“I’ll ask him later. But it’s kinda weird, though.”


“There’s always a note saying. ‘I hope you enjoy this lunch I made today’. And a star without name. Why would Kyungsoo do that? And Kyungsoo had never made stars on note for me if you want to ask.” He said right away as Kai opened his mouth to say something.

“Means you got a secret admirer.” Sehun said the point.

“Isn’t that a good or bad thing?”

“Who freaking cares as long as you got delicious lunch everyday.” Kai interrupted as he steals one egg roll from Chanyeol’s lunch box. The taller just glared at him and began eating. Three of them ate in silence before Chanyeol took out a piece of paper and a pen. Started writing on it and slipped it inside the lunch box.

“What’s that?” Sehun asked.

“A note. Well, I think I should thank him for making me lunch.”

“Such a gentleman.” Kai snorted. Chanyeol thought for a bit before slipping another note inside. “What’s that?”

“I’m asking him out tomorrow evening.”

“What?! Isn’t that too fast? And have you seen the boy?”

“Not yet, but I’m so freaking curious about this person.”

Sehun gulped down the rest of his sandwich, “Don’t rush, Chanyeol. Or you’ll regret it.”

“Don’t talk while eating or you’ll choke, see.” He said as Sehun rolled to Jongin’s side to grab the water bottle. Chanyeol sighed before taking the note out, maybe his friends are right. He shouldn’t rush. He needs to ask Kyungsoo soon because only him and his mom know his favorite food for lunch. This guy must be someone around Kyungsoo.

“Detective Chanyeol in action.” Jongin scoffed, kicking the empty water bottle which earn him a smack from the youngest because of him littering the ground, scolding him how close the rubbish bin is. Kai rubbed his head in pain while Chanyeol just laughed.


“So it goes like this… and that’s the answer.”

Sehun nodded, smile formed on his face as he understood the problem better if Tao’s the one who teach him. “So if the ‘x’ is here, I’ll just transfer it to the next column, fixes the problem here and add plus on this formula.”


The whole class was staring at them with disbelief. Tao was talking. Not much, but he did and that doesn’t fail to amuse the students.

“How could you be so smart?” Sehun blurted out, he failed at finding other topics.

“I used to hate studying. But Luhan changed me. He taught me differently. When the teachers are freaking annoying with their so illogical formulas, Luhan always had the easier way. Since then I learned.”

“Ah, no wonder Kai’s scores are improving day by day.”

Tao chuckled. “The formula I just taught you might be an easier one than the book had. But Luhan could probably make the easiest. I learned from him, though.”

“Luhan hyung seems so perfect.”

“Wrong. He’s actually a brat with awesome acting skill.”

“Shush, he’s your hyung.”


They laughed, attracting the curious stares from everyone.


Kai wasn’t feeling well, he’s having stomachache and busy whining in the middle of subject which bothered Sehun a lot because Kai just happened to sit on the table next to his and Tao’s today. He doesn’t even know because his usual seat is on the third line from front.

“Hell’s sake, Jongin, go out and roll to clinic. I can’t understand the Mr. Kim’s talking about because of your whines.” Chanyeol, who sat in front of Sehun, growled.

“I don’t want to be alone.”

“None of us wanted to accompany you there.”

Sehun stood up. “Seriously, I’ll get some medicine but promise me to shut up after that.”

“Ay, sir!” Jongin saluted, earning a glare from Mr. Kim.

Sehun walked out and Kai slumped back to the table, continue the whining. Chanyeol throw an eraser and it hit Kai’s head hard.

“ you!” Kai hissed, low enough for Mr. Kim to not hear.

“I doubt that!” Chanyeol hissed back.


Sehun opened the door to clinic after knocking softly few times. No one’s inside so he went straight in, reaching the cabinet where the school doctor kept all the medicines. There are few medicines stated for stomachache but Sehun didn’t know which one is better so he picked randomly. When he was about to go back, he heard two people entering the clinic. He decided not to disturb them and patiently wait until they finished talking because it’s better to ask the doctor about the medicine for Kai. He sat on one bed, playing with his phone until he heard a familiar voice;

“I’m okay with this, doctor. It won’t go far.”

Sehun’s ears set up to listen. He didn’t want to eavesdrop, but he didn’t have any choice, his curiosity kills him.

“I’m afraid not, Luhan. I suggested you go to the bigger hospital. Small clinic won’t help you.”

Luhan coughed few times before speaking again, “But I’m getting better, doctor. With the prescription I got before, it works.”

“I know you, Luhan. And you’re not. My son told me everything, don’t hide it anymore.”


“No, I can’t accept your arguments. Not anymore.”

“Please, please give me few more months. Two months, I promise I’ll get better.”

The doctor sighed, “Okay, I’ll give you two months. But if you’re not getting any better, I’ll take you as our custody. “

“Thank you, doctor. Please keep this a secret, okay?”

“Zitao won’t know. I’ll make sure.”

And then there’s a sound of the clinic door being opened and closed soon. Sehun waited for the doctor to come out as well before he sprinted back to his class.

“Mr. Oh, what took you so long in the clinic? And why are you running?”

“U-uh, nothing, Mr.Kim. I think I just saw a ghost in the hall. Haha, I’m hallucinating. I’ll better be in my seat to calm down now.” He blurted out, grinning widely before walking back to his seat with his friends laughing. But he couldn’t bother to care because all in his head is questions.

Why would the doctor send Luhan to a bigger hospital? Why was a small clinic not enough? What’s wrong with Luhan?

“Hey, anything’s wrong?” Tao asked, nudging the younger’s arm. Sehun snapped out his thoughts, he was about to ask things to Tao because he might know.

“Zitao won’t know. I’ll make sure.”

He remembered what the doctor has said, so he shut his mouth again and faked a smile, shaking his head. “Nothing. I’m just tired.”

“Are you s—“

“Sehun did you get the medicine? Kai won’t stop whining.” Chanyeol cut in, tired face showing his annoyance.

“Ah, yeah. Here, Kai.” Sehun took the tablet from his pocket before passing it to Kai who took it lazily, being a whiny bastard whom almost gets hit by the whiteboard’s eraser as Mr. Kim grew tired of him. The latter quickly grabbed a water bottle out of nowhere and gulped the pill down. Sehun played his fingers under the table and kept his eyes on it, his head was busy processing the situation and he didn’t realize the class had ended. Tao poked his back.

“Are you going to stay here the whole night?”

Sehun snapped his head up, “Ah-uh-…No, I’m going back home now.”

“Don’t you have any extra classes today?”

“Oh, right! Today’s Wednesday, eh? I have dance class with Kai and—“

“I’ll get you home. Kai won’t attend the dance class today because he just went home earlier and I bet you didn’t know that.” Tao shrugged. “I don’t want to stay late here for wushu so I’ll just skip the class. Let’s go.”

“B-but our home’s quite far—“

“Well, count it as a thank you for taking care of me when I was sick.” He smiled and Sehun felt his chest throbbing. “And you don’t look good today.”

Sehun was doubting himself whether to tell Tao. It doesn’t feel right when he’s a no one to both but then he knew almost everything that happens with Luhan. Tao needs to know, Sehun wants to tell but Luhan is just like his brother and Luhan doesn’t want Tao to know so he couldn’t. He’s tied.


“Ah-…I’m okay. I-…I just heard that my uncle is sick and well, he’s the one taking care of me since I was little so I’m feeling a little bit sad.” He lied, taking his bag up. “Let’s go.”



 Hey awhooo~

I know, I've been away orz sorry. I'm so busy and barely got to get my in front of laptop and I don't have any internet connection cries.

But here's the update! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter <3

Working on the next chapter already! Wish me luck~

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[Of Window, Sunshine, and Reflection] First chapter uploaded! Enjoy


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nerdychanyeolism #1
Chapter 5: Wuaaaa whats wrong with lulu baby???? T.T please update soonnnnnn /begs on my knees/
Chapter 5: Please updateeeee~
Chapter 5: It seems to me that kai may be end up with chanyeol. But, well just guessing. Btw, ur fic is so interesting n I really like the part where chankaihun will hv lunch together. So hilarious, their conversation I mean.
SHINeeFan-Key #4
Chapter 5: Ahh I need an update soon please :u:
This is really good!
Chapter 5: hai, new reader here. o/
omg. what's wrong with luhan? ; ;
and can I just say I love tao's personality?
because he's practically only nice like that to Sehun and luhan. B|
update soon! < 3
odultsarang #6
Chapter 5: author-nim i hope that you update this story sooooon! i can't wait><
the storyline is so amazing (?) you know._.
btw i never read TaoHun's fanfic XD and i wasn't the one of TaoHun shipper but i think this story is interesting~~
good job, author!!
Chapter 5: Waaaa luhan get well soon!
chizu99 #8
Chapter 5: haaah... why is getting complicated...
Chapter 5: can't wait for your next update >.<
Chapter 5: coughing?? hmm..i wonder if lulu is coughing up blood..if he is then it's TB..oh well..keep up the good work