Chapter 2



"I'm sorry, but I have loved you for a long time now. Do you really not remember me? I'm Teru, from back then?" His eyes sadden.
Before I can respond, Masashi comes in and notices what has happened. He looks to Teru, angry. He rushes over and grabs Teru by his shirt collar, " Idiot!! I hate you! How could you do this?!" He shouts. 
Teru has no hint of emotion, "What? Are you mad? Just because I had the courage to kiss her?" Masashi glares at Teru. "What? Are you going to do something to me?"
"You know how long I've loved her! Yet you do this?! You're the worst!" Masashi growled, betrayel shrouded his eyes
Just then, the other members come in and stop them from fighting. Hizaki, dressed in jeans and a white muscle shirt, grabs my hand and leads me away, "[Name]-chan?" His voice, deeper then I have ever heard it before is soft, worried, gentle. "Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah. but they said some weird stuff. As if they've known me forever...." [Name] answered, a hint of confusion in her voice.
Hizaki takes me in his arms, caringly , "You really do have a horrible memory, [Name]-chan." I look at him, confused. "Remember? In 1st grade you three were really close, but they had to move away. You were really  Disappointed. That is also when we first met, though you saw me as a guy then. I don't know how on Earth you got confused about my gender. But I wanted to cheer you up." He holds me tighter. "That's also when I fell in love."
"In love? With...?" When I realize he’s not telling me I decide not to push it. "And Masashi.....Teru....." I think for a time. "Oh!~ Masa chan and Teru chan! I remember now!" 
"Love... W-well. I-I love.... Y-you...." He turns his head, embarrassed to show how much he's blushing.
"M-me?!" Disbelief in her voice.
He nods, "Y-yes. D-do you..?"
I think back to the young boy I met in 1st grade. He was my first love, now, to have him standing in front of me years later telling me he loves me... Unbelievable...but do I still love him?
He leans in closer, our lips nearly touching when Kamijo comes in. He doesn't hesitate. He lundges forward and punches Hizaki.

Sorry short chapter. Chapter is very short. 
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OTL I swear I thought that was going to turn out longer.....


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I just thought of that.... O_O ahahaha I'm sorry. >< I just used first name that came to mind
Versaillesfreak #2
kyaaaa!!That was sooo cute i liked the ending! Though when Hizaki was with yuki-san i thought of yuki the drummer from Versailles pffft lol XD
Hizaki has dressed as a guy before. Just rarely.
I don't know what to make happen now. Suggestions?