
Remembering a Sweet Romance


                He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, it was really too good to be true.  He couldn’t believe this was real; it reminded him of the days when they were kinds, the way she grabbed his hand and smiled telling him to join her for a snack reminded him of how she was when they were kids, and the way she talked was exactly the same.  “So Dongjoon-shi, tell me what you like to eat! I’ll treat you to whatever!” He smiled like an idiot and said “I… umm… haven’t had Gamjatang in a long time.” Bomi smiled and said “Gamjatang it is!”  She started to walk but stopped “Wait… I’m not really familiar with Korea. Do you wanna show us a restaurant?” Dongwoo laughed and nodded leading Bomi and Eunji to one of his favourite restaurants, hoping it’ll somehow help Bomi recognize him.


                “Dongwoo are you sure we’re allowed to do this? I’m afraid we’re going to get in trouble for sneaking off we’re supposed to stay with the group.”  Dongwoo was always a bad kid, he never liked following the rules; he went by his own instinct and intuition.  “I’m sure it’s fine.  It was kind of boring there anyways.” They were only kids, Bomi was scared thinking of all the things that could happen to kids on the streets “But what if someone tries to kidnap us? Dongwoo… I’m scared” Dongwoo flashed her a reassuring smile and said “What if I get us some food? Would you feel better?”  Bomi nodded and said “Okay… I’ll trust you.”

                The two of them walked hand in hand on the streets of Korea, they were constantly kicked out of all the restaurants for not having a parent with them, and finally they gave up and just sat in a stair case. “I blame this on you Dongwoo, we should have stayed with our group!” their tummies grumbled and Bomi was on the verge of crying. “Dongwoo, I’m so hungry!” then Bomi started to cry.  Dongwoo was unsure of what to do “Bomi, are you that hungry? Don’t cry! Please?” Bomi sat there and cried just as a child would cry.

                Bomi was crying so loud people were staring “Bomi stop, people are looking.” Finally an old grandmother came up to them “Little girl why are you crying?” She pointed at Dongwoo and said “He told me to leave our group and he said he would buy me food but he didn’t and I’m hungry.” Bomi cried. The halmonee smiled and said “Hungry? Why didn’t you say so? I was heading to one of my favourite restaurants! How about you two kinds come along with me! I’ll buy you their specialty, Gamjatang!” Bomi slowly stopped crying and smiled “Really?” The halmonee nodded and said “C’mon! Follow me!”


                Dongwoo made his way to that same exact restaurant that Halmonee took them, he looked and Bomi hoping she’d remember anything, but she didn’t seem to remember.  Her facial expression didn’t change at all; she just took a seat in the restaurant and smiled “Aren’t you going to sit down Dongjoon?”  He nodded and sat down across from the two girls and ordered. ‘Why can’t you remember this Bomi? Was the shaman right? Did you really forget everything about me?’


                Bomi watched Dongjoon enjoy his food, she analyzed him knowing that he was trying to hide something. ‘He’s hiding something, I know it…. But what is it? Does he have a secret identity? Is he some sort of spy maybe?’  She just brushed it off and smiled at him.  Eunji nudged Bomi and looked at her and then whispered “I don’t think we should be hanging around a guy like this, he looks like no good.” Bomi shook her head and said “Don’t be so closed minded, some guys just seem tough and scary on the outside, but you never know what’s in the inside.” Bomi looked at Doojoon again and could see that he was hiding a soft side.

                She looked around the restaurant and felt a strange feeling rush through her body, something about this place struck a light bulb in her mind.  She wasn’t sure what it was but she felt like this place was important to her, she touched her Infinite necklace to try to get rid of the feeling, but it just poured down.  Then she looked at Dongjoon and her heart started pounding What is wrong with my heart?’ she thought.  ‘Is my body trying to tell me something?’ she thought.  Bomi just took a deep breath and thought of the auditions. “OH !” she said out loud. “Wait… Eunji weren’t we supposed to sign in for the auditions?!” Eunji gasped. “OH CRAP! RIGHT!” She looked at her watch and said “We have to sign in in an hour! WE HAVE AN HOUR TO GET THERE!”

                Eunji got up out of her seat and pulled Bomi away, but Bomi felt bad for leaving Dongjoon there.  She looked at him and gave him an apologetic look “Sorry Dongjoonshi… ummm”. She quickly wrote her number on a napkin and handed him some money “I hope this can cover the meal.” She smiled and ran out waving at Dongjoon “Call me if you want!” she said as Eunji dragged her to the nearest subway station.

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Girlxxx #1
This is frustrating ! Why is Dongwoo still hiding his identity...does Bomi still remember him actually ?? Please update soon !
why would dongwoo lie..? :o
love-lo #3
update soonn.. :D
ohmygawd! it's so good. ><
ohmygawd! it's so good. ><
ohmygawd! this is too cute for me to handle.. aigoo~ ship this couple so much.. XD
though i'm a MyungMi.. XD
Omg this is so cutee <3
Haha @minstal : my animal couple ^^
A DongMi fic!! Wow! Update soon~
I glad you guys like the fanfic!
We'll try to update fast, but iRawrAt is busy.