Just A Feeling

Remembering a Sweet Romance


Bomi walked into her house taking a deep breath “C’mon Bomi, you can do it!” she told herself once again; she repeated this to herself out loud when walking home. “Bomi!” her mother called. “Hi mom! I’m home.” “Where were you after school?” “I went to Eunji’s house, she was helping me with… uhh Math.” Bomi lied. “Well you’re just in time, dinner’s ready now go wash your hands and come eat.” Bomi ran up to her room and changed into comfortable clothes and washed her hands.

             She took her time going back downstairs to her kitchen; she took deep breaths and told herself that “she could do it.” Bomi sat down and smelled the aroma of her mom’s good ol’ home cooking. She her lips and looked at the meal prepared by her mom. “Gahh! You made my favourite! CHICKEN WINGS!” Bomi automatically started to dig in. ‘Wait until we finish dinner.’ She told herself ‘That’s probably the best time to tell mom.’

             Throughout dinner, everything stayed silent; Bomi and her mother enjoyed dinner and waited for her father to come home. Bomi finished up her dinner and did her dishes and sat back down “So mom… how was your day?” she asked “Good, thank you for asking. How about you? How was school?” “It was fine, it’s always the same…. But….” Her mom raised an eyebrow “But what?” “Uhhhh…” Bomi bit her lip and looked at her fingers. Her mom gave her a stern look and said “Did you fail another math test honey?” Bomi shook her head and said “No, I’m actually doing better in math. I didn’t fail anything, in fact I did the complete opposite, I passed something.”

             Her mom’s face brightened up and said “What’d you pass? Let me see that test! I need to post it on our fridge.” Bomi took a deep breath and said “I didn’t pass a test…. I passed an audition.” “You mean like you made it to your school talent show? Musical?” Bomi shook her head and said “I passed the audition for AP Entertainment.” She said in a low voice, her mom crossed her arms and said “Yoon Bomi… would you please speak up and repeat what you just said.” Bomi took another deep breath and said “I passed the first round of AP Entertainment, which means I have to go to their second round…. In Seoul.”

             Her mom looked and Bomi in disappointment “Bomi… I told you I don’t want you to get into that stuff, you’re just a teenager take your time to decide what you want to do.” Bomi shook her head and said “No mom, I want to go. I know this is what I want to do.” “Yoon Bomi! How many times do we have to tell you no.” The front door opened and said “Honey, what did our Bomi do this time?” Her mother smiled as she saw her husband walk into the kitchen; she greeted him with a kiss on the cheek and said “Our daughter auditioned for an entertainment company… without our permission.”

             Bomi’s dad looked and her and said “Bomi, we told you no. Just listen to us, we know what’s best for you.” Bomi shook her head and said “No dad, I’m almost 18 now! And I know this is what I want to do! I don’t care what you guys think, this is all I’ve been dreaming of, ever since I was a kid and before you two adopted me.” “YOON BOMI!” her mother shouted. Bomi stood there silent and with her arms crossed. “We’ll talk about this later; just go to your room.” Bomi stormed up the stairs and mumbled a few curse words; she slammed her door and threw herself on her bed.

              She placed her head on her pillow and eavesdropped on her parent's conversation “thank god my bedroom is right above the kitchen” she thought. She listened carefully and her dad’s deep voice. “I think she should go, I can tell she really has a passion for it… and look what I found in our mail when I got home.” Her mother sighed and Bomi heard her rip paper and the rustle of paper, “Look, she’s been taking dance lessons AND vocal lessons behind our back. I know you’re probably mad honey, but I think our Bomi really wants this.” Her mom sighed once again “I don’t want her to go back to Korea, that’s so far and her memory are back there are probably not to pleasant. Remember what the orphanage told us, about how her REAL parents didn’t want her and just left her outside of the orphanage crying. I don’t want those memories to come back to her.” Bomi’s heart broke and she started to cry, although she was just 4-years of age when that happened, the memory was so vivid.

              She heard her mom cry and her dad sighed “Don’t worry; I’m sure she’ll be fine there. I’m sure Eunji made the audition too, the both of them can go together.” “But… I…” her mom took a deep breath and said “Maybe we should let her go….” Bomi’s tears started to fall even more; she was crying tears of joy and tears of sadness. It broke her heart to know mom would worry for her in Korea, but she was also overjoyed to hear her mom finally say yes to her dreams. She heard the soft footsteps of her mom walk up the stairs and toward her room.

             Her mom knocked on her door and said “Bomi?” “Come in mom.” Bomi said. Right when the door opened Bomi hugged her mom “Thank you mom.” Her mom smiled and said “I’m guessing you over heard our conversation.” Bomi nodded and said “You don’t know how much this means to me, I know you don’t want me to go…. But I… really mom… I love you.” Bomi’s mom her hair and said “I love you too, and that’s why I decided to let you go but… only if Eunji goes with you.” Her mom slowly pulled away and said “You got that?” Bomi nodded and agreed “Eunji will definitely come with me.”



             Dongwoo walked around the streets unsure of what to do, he walked around with a lollipop in his mouth kicking around a rock. He sighed still thinking about Bomi, “Dongwoo, why can’t you just forget about her? You haven’t seen her in years! She probably forgot all about you.” But not matter how hard he tried to forget, he just couldn’t erase those precious memories he shared with her. Bomi really meant a lot to him and he knew he truly loved her even though they were just children.

             He kicked his rock hard accidentally kicking into a little booth on the street. The woman running the booth looked at him creepily. Dongwoo just stared and bowed slight “Sorry” he said. Just as he was about to walk away the lady called and said “Young man, are you troubled?” she asked. Dongwoo stopped and turned around “I’m sorry lady, but is that any of your business?” The lady smirked and said “I can see it all in your face, something is on your mind and you can’t get it out of your head.” Dongwoo was slightly creeped out but at the same time somewhat intrigued, he didn’t know how this woman could read him so well. “Excuse me lady, but do you do this to everyone that passes by?”

             The women just simply shook her head “Take a seat young man.” She said. Dongwoo was slightly hesitant but he sat down and stared down the old woman and of course she stared back. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath “Now young man you must trust me, I am no scamming fortune teller, I am a shaman. I ask you to please answer me honestly, and take everything I say to heart.” Dongwoo nodded and sat there waiting for the shaman to say something. She stared at Dongwoo like she was analyzing every aspect of him; it felt as if she was eating at his soul. “Do you have a lover?” she asked, Dongwoo nodded. “She left you quite a while ago, but for some reason you just can’t let go of her…. Am I right?” Dongwoo nodded once again.

             Dongwoo suddenly felt comfortable and knew he could trust this woman. She smiled as she closed her eyes “Well you’re in luck, she’s coming back.” Dongwoo’s heart started racing as he heard these word, he tilted his head and said “She’s coming back? What do you mean?” The shaman smiled and just simple repeated her word “She’s coming back… to you.” “What?! When?! How?!” Dongwoo asked, but the shaman did not answer. “Please, miss I want to know.” She nodded and said “I understand, but that I cannot answer those questions, just wait patiently, she will come back.” Dongwoo kicked the stand and said “What kind of bull is this. I’m out.” The shaman nodded and said “I have one more thing to tell you.”

             Dongwoo was about to get up and leave, but he stayed to see what the shaman will say. “One more thing… it is possible she might have forgotten about you. When she comes back take your time, do not be impatient.” Dongwoo scoffed and just walked away. “What kind of… I can’t believe I fell for that.” He turned around to scream at the woman but when he turned around she disappeared. Dongwoo stood there blankly but shook it off “Whatever.” He thought and started to walk again.

             As he walked the voice of the shaman kept ringing in his mind “She’s coming back” “Forgotten” “Patience” all these small words and phrases echoed in his mind. “Aish!” he ruffled his hair and kicked a cement wall. He turned around and leaned his back on the wall “Damn it, like I needed more things on my mind.” He slowly sat down still leaning his back in the wall and he took a deep breath. He didn’t want to admit it, but he really needed someone to talk to; sure he could talk to Sungyeol, but he wouldn’t understand. Than Dongwoo remembered one of the caretakers from the orphanage, he remembered how much love and care she gave to him when Bomi left for Canada. He sighed and thought “Hey what the hell, how about I go visit.” So he got up and made his way to the orphanage.  

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Girlxxx #1
This is frustrating ! Why is Dongwoo still hiding his identity...does Bomi still remember him actually ?? Please update soon !
why would dongwoo lie..? :o
love-lo #3
update soonn.. :D
ohmygawd! it's so good. ><
ohmygawd! it's so good. ><
ohmygawd! this is too cute for me to handle.. aigoo~ ship this couple so much.. XD
though i'm a MyungMi.. XD
Omg this is so cutee <3
Haha @minstal : my animal couple ^^
A DongMi fic!! Wow! Update soon~
I glad you guys like the fanfic!
We'll try to update fast, but iRawrAt is busy.