First meet.

Remembering a Sweet Romance


                Bomi got off the plane and smiled “Wahhh! Eunji! Can you believe it?” “No I actually can’t” Replied Eunji as she put her arm around Bomi.  “Now let’s not waste time, we need to get out stuff, check into the hotel and confirm our arrival at AP Entertainment!” Bomi threw her hands out and took a deep breath. “Just like a few seconds, I need to take in the new air.” Bomi smiled and played with her Infinite necklace and remembered the memories she had in Korea, in the orphanage, and with Dongwoo. Eunji rolled her eyes, “Don’t be so extra Bomi. Let’s go!” she said as she grabbed Bomi’s arm. “We cannot waste our time!”


                The bus ride to their hotel wasn’t too long, but for them it felt like forever. Both Eunji and Bomi were extremely jet lagged, but they tried their best to stay awake so they wouldn’t miss their stop. “Ugh Eunji. Once we check in, can we look for a café? I NEED COFFEE!” Eunji smiled and said “Don’t worry, I asked my mom for great places to eat and shop, I got this covered." They walked into the hotel and quickly checked in and settled into their hotel room. “WAHHH BED!” Screamed Bomi; she threw her bags to the side and ran to a bed. “I call this one!” Eunji laughed and plopped herself on the other bed “I’m fine with whatever!” and they both smiled at each other. 

                They continued to laugh hysterically for no reason whatsoever, “Eunji, I think we need a nap.  I don’t even know what we’re laughing at, but I know that means we’re tired.” Eunji nodded as she tried to stop laughing “Okay… okay wait..” Eunji continued to laugh than she finally settled down.  “Okay fine! a nap, but only for like 30 minutes!” Bomi closed her eyes and took a deep breath, Eunji did the same.  The room was quiet for a few seconds, but it wasn’t long until the two of them again bursted into laughter.  Eunji got up off her bed and said “That’s it; I don’t think we should stay in this hotel room. Let’s go explore Korea and enjoy a cup of coffee!”

                Eunji and Bomi skipped out of their hotel room and ventured around for the nearest one, and after 30 minutes of asking and walking they found a small café that looked decent.  They walked in and smelled the aroma of coffee, “Oh my god that smells good.” Eunji said and Bomi nodded. “We should order coffee.” They stood in line and looked at the menu “Oh caramel latte sounds good.” Bomi said “I think I’ll just get a French vanilla.” Eunji replied.

                “Next.” called the man working cash.  Bomi and Eunji walked to cash “We’ll take one medium caramel latte and one medium French vanilla” “That’ll be 5 600 won.” And as the man looked up to take their money his eyes widened. He looked straight at Eunji and blushed quickly taking the money from her hands.  Bomi tried to hide in her laughter ‘How did Eunji not see that?’ Bomi thought. 

They both sat down near the window and waited for their drinks. Bomi couldn’t stop laughing at how the man blushed at Eunji.  Eunji raised her eyebrow “What’s so funny?” Just as Eunji asked, the same man came up to their table to give them their drinks.  Bomi quickly looked up at him and looked at his name tag “Yoseop” Eunji did the same and smile “Thank you… Yoseopshi.” Yoseop smiled and blushed “Enjoy your drinks.” As soon as he left Bomi started to burst out into laughter.  Eunji looked at her weird “What’s so funny?” Bomi calmed down and whispered “I think the Yoseop dude thinks you’re cute.” Eunji gave her a funny look once again “Don’t be ridiculous” Eunji looked around until she spotted him, Eunji then blushed. “Oh… oh are you blushing now?” Bomi said.

Eunji looked away “Well… good thing he’s kind of cute.” Bomi once again bursted out in laughter.  “Shut up Eunji, everyone is looking at us.” Eunji couldn’t take it anymore and walked out, Bomi chased after her “Wait Eunji! Wait for me!” she screamed chasing after her. Bomi put her arm around Eunji and laughed “I think we should go to that café more often.” Eunji blushed “Shut up Bomi… now where do you want to go?” Bomi then started toying with her lucky Infinite necklace. “Well… I kind of want to visit my old orphanage. I kind of miss it.” Eunji nodded and said “Do you know the address?” Bomi nodded “My parents gave it to me before I left; they knew I’d want to visit.” Eunji smiled “LETS GOOO!”


                They stepped out of the cab and looked around “Are you sure this is it Bomi?” Eunji asked. Bomi nodded remembering what the orphanage looked like “It looks… abandoned.” Bomi shrugged her shoulder and said “I guess we’ll never know until we go inside.” Bomi started walking toward the building and walked inside. Eunji held onto Bomi’s arm tight and looked around “It’s abandoned alright." Bomi smiled and walked deeper inside her old home, she let go of Eunji and spread out her arms “I miss this place so much!” She ran to the end of the hall and pointed at the door “This is where I slept.” She opened the door.

                “Wow wow wow…” said a male voice.  “” Bomi cursed under her breath.  “Sorry, I didn’t know there were people in this place.  I thought it was abandoned.” Eunji then ran to her side and whispered “I knew something like this would happen.” “Shut up.” Bomi whispered back.  “Well, it’s no problem.  Me and my boys haven’t had any female company in a while, care to join us?” said the man as he pointed to four other men in the room. Bomi and Eunji shook their head “No, it’s okay. We’ll just leave.” The man then grabbed Bomi’s arm “Aww, where you going? We don’t bite.” “Sir, please let go. We’ll be leaving now.” The man refused to let her go and pushed Bomi against the wall “I’m sorry, but I don’t think you want to disobey me.  Just stay.” Bomi slapped the man with her other hand and the four other men stood up. 

                “C.A.P Hyung are you okay?” “Dude that girl just slapped you” The man holding Bomi scoffed and looked and Bomi in the eye “Shut up Neil.  I’ll handle her.” The man held up his fist to slap Bomi back, but was stopped by another man. “C’mon dude, that’s not how you treat a lady.”  C.A.P looked up to the man and scoffed again “Now who are you?”


                Dongwoo stormed the streets still furious as the shaman’s words. “For all I know she could be a scam… good thing I didn’t need to pay her.” He said to himself.  Dongwoo continued to walk to the orphanage and tried to forget the shaman’s words, but it kept ringing in his head “She’s coming back” “She might have forgotten about you”  Dongwoo stopped and cursed out loud “Shut the up!” and ruffled his hair.  People on the streets looked at him like he was a crazy person, but Dongwoo didn’t care, he was going crazy.  He missed Bomi like crazy, he thought of her everyday; it made him feel like an obsessive stalker, but he knew that it was nothing like that.  Bomi was his first love, his only love, sure he picked up some girls at clubs, but none of those girls could compare to Bomi.  “ this. He took out his ipod and blasted his music and just continued to walk to the orphanage.


                He walked for 20 minutes until he finally arrived. He was shocked “I don’t come here for a few years… and this is what happened?! Well I guess I’m not going to see anyone from the orphanage.” He sighed and walked into the building and walked down to the end of the hall where Bomi’s room used to be.  Dongwoo heard voices and quickly hid behind the door, he peeked in to see what was happening. ‘Looks like two girls and… a group of boys.  What are two clean rich looking girls doing in an abandoned place like this?  As for the group of boys… not surprised they look like the type to hang around here.’ He thought.  And then he saw it, the Infinite necklace brightly shining on one of the girl’s neck.  Dongwoo’s eyes widened ‘It can’t be’ he thought. 

                The man had her pinned to the wall so Dongwoo couldn’t get a clear view of her, but something in Dongwoo’s conscience told him to go look. ‘But how?’ he asked himself.  The girl slapped the man and Dongwoo knew that the man would slap her back ‘Perfect’ he thought.  As soon as the man lifted up his arm Dongwoo ran in and stopped him. “C’mon dude that’s now how you treat a lady” The man looked up at him and scoffed “Now who are you?”  Dongwoo looked at him in the eye and then looked to the girl on the wall.  He looked at her carefully and his heart started beating fast ‘It can’t be’ he thought to himself.  “I asked you a question… who are you?”  Dongwoo looked back at the man and said “Jang Dongwoo, you guys look like part of the underground culture and you probably heard of my boys, we go by the name of Infinite.”

                The man put his hand down and rolled his eyes “Oh… you’re part of Infinite ehh? WE…. Are Teen Top.”  Dongwoo nodded ‘Ah, that’s why they look so familiar, I saw them in the underground.’ Dongwoo said to himself. “Look bud, I spotted this girl first so you should leave.” Dongwoo smiled at the man “Well it sounded like she and her friend didn’t want to stay, so I think you should let them leave.” Dongwoo saw that the other girl stood behind him as he was talking.  “See… one is hiding behind me. Let them go dude!”

                The man rolled his eyes and said “Okay fine… I’ll let you take them.  But I swear next time I see you I won’t let you leave without a fight.  That’s a warning!”  Dongwoo nodded and walked off, the two ladies followed.  As soon as the three of them were a few feet away from the building Dongwoo turned around and looked at the two girls, he looked at the one who stood behind at him and then quickly looked at the one who wore the necklace.  It looked so much like her, but he wasn’t sure if it was her, he wanted to ask so badly but he thought it’d be creepy.  He just stood there raised his eyebrow “So are the two of you going to follow me around the whole day, or are you going to scram?”

                The necklace girl looked up at him and bowed slightly “Thank you urmm…. What was your name?” Dongwoo’s eyes widened ‘That’s right I said my name… but wait… should I use my real name?’ “My name is Jang…. Dongjoon.” She smiled at him and said “I’m Bomi, Yoon Bomi.” Dongwoo’s heart started beating and his head started to spin ‘It really is her.’ Dongwoo couldn’t believe it, it was her, he was standing right in front of her, and after the many years of missing her he finally saw her

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Girlxxx #1
This is frustrating ! Why is Dongwoo still hiding his identity...does Bomi still remember him actually ?? Please update soon !
why would dongwoo lie..? :o
love-lo #3
update soonn.. :D
ohmygawd! it's so good. ><
ohmygawd! it's so good. ><
ohmygawd! this is too cute for me to handle.. aigoo~ ship this couple so much.. XD
though i'm a MyungMi.. XD
Omg this is so cutee <3
Haha @minstal : my animal couple ^^
A DongMi fic!! Wow! Update soon~
I glad you guys like the fanfic!
We'll try to update fast, but iRawrAt is busy.