Chapter 1 - Bomi and Dongwoo

Remembering a Sweet Romance


                 “Ireon Gibuen MY MY” screamed Bomi’s alarm “Baro jigeum MY MY” Bomi groaned and shut off her cell phone alarm and looked at the time. “11:45 am” it read, Bomi gasped and threw herself out of bed. “Oh my god, I’m going to be late.” She threw on jeans and a plain sweater ‘No time for make up!’ she thought so she just grabbed her purse and ran downstairs. “Oh wait! I almost forgot something.” She ran back upstairs and grabbed her lucky charm, her Infinite necklace. (That looked like this: She put it on carefully and looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. “Hwiaghting!” she said to herself and ran back downstairs.            

                "Honey, where are you going?” her mother asked. “I forgot I had plans with Eunji today.” She rushed into her kitchen and gave her mother a good morning kiss. “I’m sorry mom, no time for breakfast.  I’m already 30 minute late.” “Well, do you need a ride?” Bomi shook her head “No it’s fine mom, I can run there.  It’s only a 10 minute walk.” Bomi sped out the door and ran.

                “Sorry I’m late Eunji.” She said right when Eunji opened the door. “Yah Bomi! You gotta learn to wake-up earlier, the line for the audition is going to be HUGE!”  Bomi sighed and nodded “I know… now go get your car keys let’s GO GO GO!”

                They rushed to the car and started the engine, Bomi already felt the adrenaline flow through her blood.  She’s never done anything without her parent’s permission before, but she knew if she told her parents about auditioning for an entertainment company they’d refuse.  “There’s no use in becoming a singer, just go to college and become a teacher!  That’s more practical.” They’d always say when Bomi told her parents about her dreams of becoming a singer.

                “I’ll prove them wrong” she said in her mind with determination “I hope all these secret dance and vocal lessons will help.” She sighed and looked over at Eunji. “Do you think I’ll do well?” Eunji smiled and nodded “Of course cousin! I’ve seen you at your vocal and dance lessons! I’m sure you’ll blow the judges away!”  Bomi nodded her head and clenched her fist in determination. “YOU CAN DO IT YOON BOMI!”



                Dongwoo threw his last punch and knocked out the last man of the gang of 5.  He held him up and threw him to the pile of bloody unconscious men, “I told you that you don’t want to mess with me” he said as he wiped his hand together and walked away.  “Oh wait!” he turned around and looked through their pockets stealing their money “I forgot about this part.”

                He walked back to the abandoned warehouse where he stayed with 6 other boys.  “Hey boys! I’m back.” He shouted, and a roar of footsteps made their way towards him. “Dongwoo! You’re back! Bring anything good back?” Dongwoo shouted and pulled out the numerous bills “I think it’s around 150000 won [around 131 Canadian dollars]” “ohhh!” the boys roared. “Dinner’s on me tonight! What do you want?”

                30 minutes later Dongwoo came back with 4 boxes of large pizzas, and the boys started to devour the pizza.  Dongwoo sat down and thought back to that day… the day where he had to say goodbye to Bomi. 


                “But I don’t want you to go.” cried 8 year-old Dongwoo, Bomi sat close to him and said “I don’t want to go either… but I have to.” Dongwoo looked at Bomi who was frowning at him. “Then tell them you don’t want to go! That you promised to live with me forever! And that you promised that we’ll get married once we grow up!” Bomi started to tear up “I tried to, but they don’t let me. they said I have to go!”

                A few days after Dongwoo and Bomi were on the way to the airport.  Dongwoo got permission to say his goodbyes to her right before she left.  Every five minutes Dongwoo would check his pocket to make sure he had the necklace he bought Bomi, the orphanage let him buy a present for her when she left.  Dongwoo knew very well that Bomi loved sparkly things and knew that she’d love what he got her.

                Dongwoo and Bomi chased after each other as they waited for Bomi’s flight to arrive. “Bomi! It’s time to go.” said the woman who was to assist her on her flight to Canada.  Dongwoo frowned and quickly grabbed her hand “Bomi wait!”  He dug his small hand into his pocket and revealed the necklace. “Dongwoo it’s so shiny!” she squealed.                

                Dongwoo nodded and said “Here, take it and wear it!” he said dropping it into her hand. “…so you won’t forget me and our promise!  And when we meet again, we will get married.” Little Bomi nodded her head. “I won’t forget you Dongwoo and I won’t forget our promise too!”  She lightly pecked his cheeks and waved goodbye.

                8 years later, after Bomi left, Dongwoo was kicked out of the orphanage for misbehavior.  He luckily found Sungyeol on the streets, he let him into his secret hiding place and introduced him to his ‘gang’ From then on Dongwoo was never the same, he would go around drinking, fighting and partying. The only time he’d go back to his normal sweet self was when he thought about Bomi.


                Dongwoo lightly touched his cheek and sighed.  “I wonder what she’s doing now?” he thought “I wonder if she still remembers me and our promise.” He shook his head and said “Aish… mola.” and went back to eating with his gang. “Pass me the beer.” He shouted, he opened the bottle and took a long sip. “What are you thinking Dongwoo, she probably has something way better to do that to think about you. It was 10 years ago anyway.” 

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Girlxxx #1
This is frustrating ! Why is Dongwoo still hiding his identity...does Bomi still remember him actually ?? Please update soon !
why would dongwoo lie..? :o
love-lo #3
update soonn.. :D
ohmygawd! it's so good. ><
ohmygawd! it's so good. ><
ohmygawd! this is too cute for me to handle.. aigoo~ ship this couple so much.. XD
though i'm a MyungMi.. XD
Omg this is so cutee <3
Haha @minstal : my animal couple ^^
A DongMi fic!! Wow! Update soon~
I glad you guys like the fanfic!
We'll try to update fast, but iRawrAt is busy.