See You Again?

Deep Caramel Brown Orbs


Jessica came home, tired as usual. Being her habit, she threw her keys to the small coffee table that was in the middle of the couches. She headed to the couch and sat with a groan, untying the bun she made.

Her long brown locks fell and she was so beautiful anyone would be in awe. Like literally anyone. Then Jessica felt empty. It was like something was missing. Furrowing her brows, she tried hard to think of what or who is missing.


Smiling, she stood up and headed to her bedroom. She missed the feline so much that she just wanted to spend time with her. Weird, she knows. But she feels entirely different whenever she’s with the feline. Like she was doing some bonding time with a loved one.

She held the metal doorknob and twisted it open. She noticed how the doorknob was so cold though, odd, she thought. By the time the door opened and her vision landed on her bed, she saw a lump. A lump bigger than what’s supposed to be.

Again, for the nth time, Jessica furrowed her brows. Did Taeyeon grow that big now? Jessica walked to the bed and poked the large figure under the covers but it didn’t move. Biting her lower lip, Jessica then removed the blanket and what lies there shocked her.

It was a woman!

A woman with a cat’s tail and ears! It looked exactly like Taeyeon’s though! And she was ! No clothes at all! Just completely ! Anyone would be freaked out of course, no exception. Jessica screamed to the top of her lungs. The woman jolted up, shocked seeing someone shouting so early in the morning.

“Wha—“ Jessica couldn’t think of any words to say, or maybe no words still could come out. The woman’s cat ears were flat on her head though her tail stood still, indicating she is shocked and scared.

Just then, though she doesn’t know how, Jessica stopped shouting. She observed the woman on her bed instead. She was beautiful, no doubt. Then it hit Jessica. She stared at the woman’s eyes.

Her eyes felt the same of Taeyeon’s. It were large, golden brown orbs and just then, to Jessica’s shock, they stared glistening and from brow, they turned to crystal blue. Same as Taeyeon’s.

Jessica though, was dreaming. She woke up, sitting upright, trying to catch her breath, sweat smudged all over forehead. Why was she sweating so much? Did she just dream of something weird?

It was a nightmare! A cat turning into a human, is there even such thing? She breathed with agape. Suddenly remembering her dream, she threw the blankets away and she saw a cat there, peacefully sleeping.

Still catching her breath, she stared at the cat for almost one minute straight. What did she just dream about? A woman? A woman who somehow looked so young. A woman that had cat ears and tail. And most of all, the woman had Taeyeon’s eyes.

By the time her breath returned to normal she got off the bed, not caring whether she woke up the cat. That was the very first time she dreamt of such thing. She rarely even dreams of something.

She walked out of the door and in an instant she was greeted with a breakfast aroma. Someone was cooking? Jessica, leaving her thoughts walked to the kitchen. There she saw Sooyoung, wearing an apron, cooking something.

“Morning,” Sooyoung smiled at Jessica, her dimples showing.

Wait what did she just see? Sooyoung, cooking? Is this another dream?

“Something happening?” Jessica’s tone was completely doubtful. She walked to the fridge, grabbed herself a bottle of water and consumed the cold liquid. She heard Sooyoung giggle before the battling of spatula and the cooking pan.

“Why you cooking all of a sudden? You rarely cook,” Jessica walked to Sooyoung, leaning against the counter.

“I’m offended. Don’t you like my cooking?”
“I like all food when someone cooks it for me but then again, is something wrong?”
“Hmm, there is this one thing.” Sooyoung trailed off, attention on the food she was cooking.

Jessica glanced at the taller girl who had her attention on the fried eggs across her. She waited for the taller girl with both brows arhced.

“I want the cat out of this place,” Jessica blinked rapidly and thought Sooyoung was only joking until she turned to face the shorter girl. She had seriousness in her eyes and this made Jessica uncomfortable.

“I’m serious, get that cat out.” Sooyoung turned off the fire, grabbed a plate, settled the cooked eggs on it and placed it on the dining table. Jessica, troubled, walked back inside the bedroom. She then remembered her dream. She was walking to her room.

Somehow feeling afraid that it might happen, she hesitated but opened it anyway. By the time she opened the door, she sighed in relief. The lump was small, same size as of Taeyeon.

Quietly, Jessica walked to the bed, sat on the edge and observed the sleeping feline. Can’t resist, she caressed the cat, from its head down to its tail. It was smooth, Taeyeon’s fur. Taeyeon, still asleep, snuggled closer against Jessica’s body, its face searching for Jessica’s palm.

Why would Sooyoung want this innocuous cat out? She hasn’t done anything wrong, besides from biting her. Biting her lower lip, Jessica contemplated deeply while observing the cat sleeping.

Is it right for her to throw out the cat? She has only been with the cat for two nights and yet she felt like she has been with her for almost a year now. It wasn’t genial at all. It felt like she’s breaking up with a lover she’s been so in love with.

Then she came to the conclusion that, she must bring her out. The cat is undeniably dangerous. Just then, Sooyoung entered the room with a straight face. “Breakfast is ready,”

Jessica nodded Sooyoung and without any other words, Sooyoung walked away, leaving the door ajar. Jessica, biting her lower lip to prevent herself from crying, carried the sleeping Taeyeon into her arms.

Taeyeon then woke up, quickly opening her eyes and slightly panicked. She relaxed when she saw Jessica carrying her and instead of wanting to get off, she snuggled her face deeper into Jessica’s arms.

This action only added up Jessica’s guilt to the cat. She walked to their door, ignoring Sooyoung’s stare on the process. It seemed like Taeyeon knew what was happening by then since she was now struggling.

She tried getting off Jessica’s arm but the latter only tightened her grip. There is no ordinary cat that can kill a man. No ordinary cat that has eyes that turn crystal blue at times. Somehow, Jessica was heard whimpers, whines, and yelps. Or maybe she was just imagining things.

She twisted the knob and opened the door. The harsh wind greeted her body and this made her shiver. “Taeyeon, you must go on your own now.” Jessica crouched and let go of Taeyeon who didn’t struggle to enter the house anymore.

“If we meet again then… I’d keep you. Like until I grow old, okay?” Jessica pats Taeyeon’s head. Taeyeon though just stared at the human, eyes wide open. Jessica was crying, tears escaping her beautiful eyes.

Just then, Taeyeon pounced her, the tears that were running down her cheeks. As much as Jessica wanted to laugh, she couldn’t. Taeyeon’s gestures only made her much more sad that she was supposed to be.

She sobbed much more, she cried. Sooyoung heard this and thought something bad happened to the girl but was shocked seeing the shorter girl hugging the cat who was her face.

What is this cat? Why is it so… weird? Sooyoung thought. She hated though how guilt was eating her alive. She hated it when someone was crying before her and so, “God Jessica! Bring that cat back here and stop your ugly sobbing!”

Sooyoung stomped back inside, Jessica wide eyed, tears in the corner of her eyes. “Huh?” Jessica then smiled, hugging the cat against her chest. Taeyeon though was confused. What just happened?

A/N: Hey guys! I dont know where this chapter came from but yeah, my fingers just started doing whatever what was in my mind. i'd probably again update tomorrow or later tonight (in my timeline). Have fun :)

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Chapter 4: Still waiting for the update 😔❤️
Chapter 4: look who is here again now... its me again..
Chapter 4: Ohoho, i wish you can continue this :(
Laboli #4
Chapter 4: Author nim pls update this your story line is going very good pls come back from your hiatus this almost made me cry I love this story author nim pls comeback
Iriseapril #5
Chapter 4: Authornim update this story taengoo is adorable and sica being cutipie...hope you can update
Im dying waiting ur new update author! Where are u? This not still 2012 anymore~~~ 2016 how much you leave this story T.T
taengsicomg #7
Chapter 4: Ok you updated in your dream.. :(
Movie91 #8
Chapter 4: Please update
mzlyod #9
Chapter 4: can u please upate this fic auth0r ssi..
Chapter 4: please update soon