Deep Caramel Brown Orbs

The whole time Taeyeon was asleep, Jessica intently observed the feline. She familiarized herself with the cat’s features. Its small round face, ears flat on her head, cute little nose, puffy fluffy cheeks. She was undeniably adorable. She looked really peaceful sleeping and ever so slowly, Jessica was also feeling her eyelids drop.

Just then she heard jingling of keys, muffled though and then the door opened. Sooyoung, she thought. Quickly, Jessica stood up, ran out of the room and closed the door. There she saw a dizzy Sooyoung, obviously drank more than she should.

Jessica ran to Sooyoung to both help her and get the cat food what was inside the plastic bag in her hands. “God Soo, learn to control your liquor.”  Sooyoung merely groaned, eyes closed while Jessica dragged the tall woman to the couch.

After settling her on the couch, Jessica grabbed the cat food, walked to the kitchen to search for a bowl where the feline could eat. She opened a few drawers here and there and fortunately, there was this metal bowl that resembled the usual pet plate.

While Jessica fixed Taeyeon’s food, Sooyoug stood up and walked to her shared room with Jessica, groggily because of the alcohol. She has eyelids half open and by the time she entered the room, she loved the cold wind that greeted her.

Sooyoung wanted to do nothing except sleep and be wrapped by that warm blanket, God how heavenly that would feel like. Breathing through her lips, she dragged her heavy feet to her bed and flopped with a groan. Slowly, she opened her eyes and her vision laid on Jessica bed.

She saw a tiny lump on the bed and later on she realized it was something fluffy. Cute, she thought. Sooyoung observed the cat that was lying on the bed then that image entered her mind. The image of a cat, bloody here and there, fangs erect.

“Kyaaaaaa!!” Jessica’s eyes widen in shock. She temporarily stopped whatever she was doing and ran to the living room, cursing below her breath when she saw Sooyoung not on the couch, where she previously laid the taller girl.

She then knew what happened. Jessica ran to the room and there she saw Sooyoung, running towards her with tears at the corner of her eyes. Sooyoung, though not really suited her large frame, hid behind Jessica’s back. Jessica saw Taeyeon seated on the bed, head tilted to the side, tail erect on it’s right side, seeming like confused.

“Soo, Soo, calm down.” Jessica turned around, placing both her palms against Sooyoung’s shoulders.
“Calm down? That thing killed a man!” Sooyoung pointed at the innocent looking feline who had her eyes wide open, concentrated on the two women by the door frame. Taeyeon then walked and jumped down from the bed, shocking Sooyoung much further.

Sooyoung subconsciously pushed the smaller woman making her fall down flat on her before running out to the living room. Jessica muttered a faint ‘ow’, eyes tightly closed, teeth clenched.

Taeyeon, knowing Jessica was hurt sprung out of the room and locked her eyes on the taller girl. Sooyoung who was shivering after seeing the cat chase after her, stood up on the couch as if it would make her safe from the feline. Taeyeon then growled, pouncing herself to Sooyoung.

The feline jumped high, so high Sooyoung’s eyes widen in shock. She opened and Sooyoung saw how sharp her fangs were and as an instinct, Sooyoung blocked her face with her forearm, forcing Taeyeon to bite on the flesh.

It hurt of course and Sooyoung screamed from pain. Jessica, cursing for how slow she’s reacting right now, stood up from the ground. She gasped when she saw the scene that was happening before her eyes. Taeyeon was hanging on Sooyoung’s forearm, her teeth buried on Sooyoung’s forearm, blood dripping.

“Oh my God!” Jessica instantly ran to them, hands instantly grabbing the feline, trying to get her fangs off Sooyoung’s flesh.

“Taeyeon! Tae-tae! Taengoo! Let go, she’s my friend!” instantly, the cat let go, like she understood what Jessica was saying. Sighing, she brought the cat to her bed and without a word, she ran outside to help her bleeding friend.

Jessica took the first aid kit, cotton, and a bottle of alcohol, since the cat contain some kind of disease. Sooyoung was still on the couch, though this time sitting down, tears in her eyes as she stares at her bleeding forearm.

“What the hell is that thing doing here?! Is that the cat you said you’ll be keeping?” Sooyoung asked, wide eyed as she stares at the Jessica who was walking towards her. Jessica bit her lower lip, grabbing herself cotton to dampen it with water and clean the cut.

Jessica bit her lower lip, brows furrowing. She knew Sooyoung wouldn’t like the idea of the feline staying with them. “Y-Yeah, it’s completely harmless!” Jessica lightly pressed and cleaned the wound. Just then she noticed how deep the bite was, it was deep enough that it would bleed so much.

God, what has this cat done, Jessica thought.

“Harmless? Are you telling me that a cat that has buried its fangs on a man’s neck and managed to kill it on the spot not HARMLESS? Are you gullible, Jessica?” ceasing the cleaning of the wound, Jessica took time to glare at the drunken taller woman. Clenching her teeth, she harshly pressed on the wound, making Sooyoung yelp.

“Think of it! The man looked suspicious! The cat might’ve killed it to save us!”
“MIGHT! There’s that ‘might’ word, meaning you’re not that sure,”
“Okay, I’m SURE that Taeyeon killed—“
“It has a name?!”

Sooyoung’s shouting caused Taeyeon to walk back to the living room and just sit by the doorframe, observing both women again on the couch. Neither girls noticed the cat’s presence so they just continued on whatever they were bickering about.

“My God Sica! Does this thing even talk to you to even call her that name?” Sooyoung lightly whistled when she felt Jessica resume in cleaning her wound. Jessica avoided eye contact and instead concentrated on the wound she’s cleaning.

“She acts like she understands everything I say,” she muttered under her breath, knowing she again would be judged by the god damn giant.

“I think I need to send you to the rehab. You act worse than a woman who is drunk or took some kind of drug that would make you gullible,” Sooyoung shook her head, eyes closed.

Taeyeon then, slowly, walked until she reached the behind of Jessica, rubbing her face against it. Feeling something being rubbed on her back, Jessica turned around and saw Taeyeon there, the fur on her snout still damp with blood.

What does the cat want now? Jessica thought as she carries the cat in her arms and brought her to the toilet before saying, “Soo, your wound’s clean, just put on band aid.”

“Damn this, I’m the person who’s wounded and yet I’m still the person who’ll put first aid kit on myself. Well curse my life,” Sooyoung sighed, groggily grabbing the band aid and did what Jessica said.

In the bathroom, Jessica settled the feline on by the toilet sink, across the mirror. “Why did you even bite my friend, Taeyeon-ah.” Taeyeon sat on the cold marble, probably observing herself on the mirror.

“God, and to think I wanted her to have a nice impression on you. Nice plan on ruining your image on her. Good thing she’s still a bit drunk,” Jessica walked to tub, grabbed a towel, dampened it with water and started cleaning the cat’s little snout.

Taeyeon then purred and meowed, the stained fangs showing. “Oh by the way, we’ve bought food for you. You can eat it later,” wanting to see if the cat understood what she said, Jessica stopped cleaning the stained snout. Taeyeon then titled her head to the side to lookat Jessica, maybe confused.

“Why do you have to be so cute anyway,” Jessica sighed, a smile forming on her lips. She shook her head before cleaning the cat completely. By the time she finished, she opened the door and the cat sprung to somewhere. Maybe to eat food.

Jessica walked to the living room and so no one there. Puzzled, she walked to the bedroom and saw the tall woman there, sleeping already but still with her old clothes on. Too drunk to change into decent ones.

Jessica then closed the door after turning the lights off and headed to her bed. She snuggled closer to her pillow, loving the warmth it was giving off. In a few minutes, she then fell asleep.















Jessica stirred in her sleep, trying hard to ignore the scratching sound the door was making. The scratching then stopped. Finally, she thought. Just when she was about to fall asleep again, the sound then again came. Groaning, Jessica threw one pillow to the door but it only made the noise louder.

Annoyed and frustrated, Jessica sat upright and walked to the door. By the time she opened the door, she saw Taeyeon there with those large round eyes that somehow had tears on the edges of it.

Blinking rapidly, Jessica stared at the cat. She was crying? Do cats even cry? “Taeyeon-ah, what are you doing?” Jessica yawned before stepping aside, letting the little cat in who meowed. “Sorry for leaving you outside, was too tired to even remember you.” Jessica muttered before closing the door.

Jessica, half lidded, sneaked under her blankets and buried her face on the pillow. She then felt something rub against her face. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Taeyeon’s face close to hers, its eyes still wide open. It was like the cat was observing her, or maybe that was just her?

Either way, she was still a bit confused. Do cats really act this way? They act completely like human beings; only they have fur, a tail, ears, four legs, and don’t talk. It’s weird, really really weird, Jessica thought. Somehow, something made Jessica stare back.

Those eyes, they were previously light crystal blue and now they’re deep brown warm caramel orbs, almost like eyes of a human being. Taeyeon then purred, burying its face in jessica’s neck, the warmth of Taeyeon making Jessica’s eyes feel heavy.















“I want to go home,” Jessica mutters to herself as she tries hard to concentrate on the paper that was given to her. There were tons of reports to pass today and yet it feels like she hasn’t finished any paper at all.

She was tired and somehow, Taeyeon’s eyes kept flashing in her head. It felt like it is drawing her to return home or something. Weird, really weird. Jessica stared at the pile of folders to be done before pushing herself away from the table, closing her eyes, allowing herself to rest for probably a minute.

She leaned her head back and while her eyes were closed, images of Taeyeon ran through her mind. Her eyes, her ears, her warmth, its like she could still feel the cute little animal next to her.

“Sica, remember. All those papers, if not due today, tomorrow.” One of her colleagues reminded her. Jessica inwardly cursed for how hectic her schedule is. Just last night she was feeling so good on her bed since there was some kind of warmth spreading through her bed.

And now here she is, working her off. Jessica wanted to go home, wanted to see Taeyeon again.















“Sica, go home ahead. I’ll just pay Yoona a small visit,” Sooyoung bid herself goodbye to Jessica who was waiting for a cab.

One finally came and once inside, Jessica told her address and later on fished for her phone. She opened it and the wallpaper that appeared was black and blank. Boring, she thought. She then smiled, knowing what she would use as her wallpaper once she arrives home.

By the time Jessica arrived home and opened the door, she saw Taeyeon on the couch, sleeping. God, cats always sleep. Do they do other things besides from sleeping? Jessica then tossed the keys to her dining table and the noise woke up the sleeping feline.

“I’m home Taengoo,” Jessica smiled seeing Taeyeon instantly jump off the couch and ran to her, rubbing her body against her leg. Cute, she thought. Settling her purse beside her keys, she lifted Taeyeon and stared at its eyes.

“How was your day?” Jessica hummed before placing her again down. Jessica walked to the bowl and check if there still was food and surprisingly, it was clean. That fast? Jessica thought.

“We must go grocery shopping soon,” Jessica mumbled to no one as she walks to the couch, turns the TV on. Taeyeon followed Jessica and settles herself in Jessica’s crossed legs, finding herself a comfortable position.

A/N: Update! Btw, i've posted this story on AFF so yeah, you can also look for it there. i might put up a pm list tomorrow or the day tomorrow so for those who wants to be on it, just comment. OH btw, looking for someone who knows how to make banners for this fic. If you know how to, pm me and let's talk /winkeu Have fun!

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Chapter 4: Still waiting for the update 😔❤️
Chapter 4: look who is here again now... its me again..
Chapter 4: Ohoho, i wish you can continue this :(
Laboli #4
Chapter 4: Author nim pls update this your story line is going very good pls come back from your hiatus this almost made me cry I love this story author nim pls comeback
Iriseapril #5
Chapter 4: Authornim update this story taengoo is adorable and sica being cutipie...hope you can update
Im dying waiting ur new update author! Where are u? This not still 2012 anymore~~~ 2016 how much you leave this story T.T
taengsicomg #7
Chapter 4: Ok you updated in your dream.. :(
Movie91 #8
Chapter 4: Please update
mzlyod #9
Chapter 4: can u please upate this fic auth0r ssi..
Chapter 4: please update soon