Chivalry and a Variety





Ninomiya Kazunari, a very famous idol suddenly took a leave from work. He didn't ask for it, but his boss told him to. Why? He was asked to date a stranger. But this girl has conditions if they start dating:
Condition#1: You tell me what kind of girlfriend you'll want me to be in one week. Then change, every week.
Condition#2: You be chivalrous.


Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama

Rating: PG


This fanfiction will be written in Nino's POV. But there may be side stories which will be written in the other characters' POV..


Hope you guys will like this!! I know I'm writing three stories at once and that's very irresponsible of me but please be patient. :( 


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he's beginning to like her despite himself xDD awesome!!!!
i like this story! i think it's gonna turn out good despite what nino might be thinking ^.^
update soon~!!!
Hiwatarii #2
waaaaai, he's falling~ >////<
I wonder what type of questions will he make about her ne, since it's only twice a week.
Really enjoying this fic <3

Update soon Pocky-chan~ :3
Hiwatarii #3
awww, this is so cool xD I liked how she became all quiet.
He doesnt seem to like this (for now) but he still agrees with what she says.
Update soon Poky-chan~ ^^
hehehe this is funny~ he hates her and yet hes still going along with it xD
update soon~!!
it sounds good so far! this will be interesting ^^
update soon~!!