
The Room


“What the?!” Eli exclaimed out of shock.

            “Oh no no no no nononooo.” You raced over to the closed door and desperately searched for any possible way to open it. There was no handle on door so you resorted to scratching it and pounding helplessly as though that would some how open it.

            “Hey hey hey,” Eli tried to calm you down and grabbed your arms, pulling you away from the door. He whipped you around, looked into your eyes and said, “Banging on it won’t help anything. Just calm down, and we will figure it out.”

            You sank down to the floor with tears threatening to spill over. Eli quietly inspected the door.

            At long last, he began to talk. “Well, it looks like there is a metal rod holding the door in its place. Since there is no handle I guess there must be some kind of button around here or something... Or maybe you can only open it on the outside?” He pondered this while roaming his fingers along the wall around it in search for a button, but soon gave up and looked at the other two doors. “What about these other doors over here?” Eli walked over and jiggled the handles. “They’re locked. Of course… Do you have a bobby pin?”

            You reached into your hair and pulled out the bobby pin that was holding up your bun. Your long, slightly blonde hair fell over your jacket covered shoulders and scarf. You were reaching out to give Eli the pin, but he wasn’t taking it. He looked like he was spacing out. “Eli? Hello!” You started waving the pin in his face. He snapped out of it as a small blush appeared on his cheek.

            He snatched the pin out of your hand, and began to manipulate the lock on the door to the left. “This is really difficult for some reason. I’m normally really good at picking locks, but this one is really locked tight,” he said jamming the pin in a tad farther. “At least these doors have handles. So once I get these open, we-“ Eli’s ramblings drifted off as you became more absorbed in your thoughts. What if we never get out of here? Oh god. What if I never get to see my mom again? Or my dog?! Oh man I have to get out of here! We’re going to die in here. I just know it! I DON’T WANT TO DIE!! I’M TOO YOUNG! You were still sitting on the floor and had your knees and arms pressed against your chest when you realized how ridiculous you were behaving. You knew you were both going to get out soon and even so, would it really be that bad to be trapped in a room with Eli? You glanced over at Eli and watched his muscles bulge over the tiny little lock. He seemed like a nice enough guy, and he was level headed too. His level headedness should keep you from freaking out.

            Suddenly, your stomach began to gurgle. You had skipped dinner so that you would be hungry when the boys would finally call to tell you the picnic was ready. You didn’t realize, however, that their heavy practice schedule would push back the picnic to 11:30 in the evening. Hmmmm… I could eat out of the picnic basket but Kevin might get mad at me for eating my dinner without them. Your eyes wandered to the refrigerator as a small smirk played across your lips. You opened it to find stacks upon stacks of ramen. Ramen in the fridge? Seriously? That’s weird… but it has probably been preserved pretty well; not that it ever expires... Then you looked at the inside door of the fridge. It must have had at least fifty bottles of Soju. Wow. Ramen and Soju. Whoever lived here had a really bad diet… you thought to yourself.

            You grabbed a bag of the Shin Ramen and tried to figure out how to cook it. There is no stove so I guess I’ll have to use really hot water.  You the sink. It gurgled and just sputtered at first, but soon clear hot water began to flow.

            “How’s the surgery on that lock going?” you asked once you had finished cooking the noodles.

            “I’ve had easier locks to pick…” he said with a strained voice, completely focused on the little handle.

            “So you’ve done this a lot before?” you asked before you took a large bite of the noodles, quite surprised to see this side of Eli.

            “Yeah. I wasn’t always a good kid.” Eli looked at you and smirked. Suddenly a loud snap rang through the room. “Shoot! I broke the bobby pin. Do you have another?” He didn’t give you time to answer before he jiggled the handle. The door opened.


Short chapeter... I'll try to make up for it tomorrow!! 

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Now on to maymester!! cramming an entire semester of speech into two weeks sooo again, updates will be sparse for a little while... sorry :(


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Chapter 5: This is so cute! Please update soon~ I want to know what happens! ^^
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE! And that is all ~ hehe
LeeRai23 #4
Please please UPDATE!!! Im one of ELI's girl. :"> ^.^
syirahkissme1339 #5
...update...soon...!!!!! ^_~
baramxxbreezy #6
Thanks!! i will try my best to update with quality stories quickly :)
awesome start! can u update soon?