
Thanks to Them


Baekhyun was surprised.

His new friends just bought him a contact lens; he thanked God for bringing this amazing ‘friends’ of him.

“Uhm, Hyung, Thanks again” Baekhyun said, still adjusting with his eyes. It’s new and it kind of hurts a little bit.

“No problem, again,” Key chuckled, repeating what he just said earlier when he first thanked him.

“Remember, you’re only going to wear that when you’re out,” Hyoyeon points her index finger at him and telling him to be careful while wearing it.

“Neh, Umma.” Baekhyun giggled at how cute Hyoyeon was acting.

They were currently inside to the car.

“Where are we going now, Hyung?” Baekhyun asked. It’s hard to understand for him, why do they have to go all through this just for a party?

“At my house,” Hyoyeon answered Baekhyun’s question for Key. It true though, they are going to Hyoyeon’s house. Did I mention that these two people are damn rich? If no, now you know.

After a few minute they arrive at Hyoyeon’s house.

They entered in and got greeted by a couple of maids and butlers.

“Hyoyeon-sshi, where have you been, your mother was worried.” One of the men asked as he takes their jackets.

“We just went to go shopping, Mr.Lee” Hyoyeon smiled as they left the sight of the man. They went inside Hyoyeon’s room which is only for her friends, strictly for her friends only.

They throw all of their shopping bags on her bed and slam themselves on it, except for Baekhyun.

He sits right in front of them.

“What time is it, Hyo?” Key asked, facing to the side where Hyoyeon is lying.

“Uhm, two more hours before the party,” Hyoyeon glanced at her expensive Gucci watch before she answered.

“Ooh, we still have tons of time.” Key chuckled sitting up, followed by Hyoyeon.

Hyoyeon stands up and walk towards Baekhyun, “Come, Honey,” She grabs his wrist and drag him in front of the mirror.

“Stand here,” she pointed at the empty spot in front of the giant vanity mirror.

“Then, tell me what you see.” Hyoyeon said before leaving in front of the mirror.

Baekhyun smiled at himself, he can clearly see what he was wearing, it for other’s eyes but with his eyes it’s adorable.

He slid off his glasses on his pocket and put it on, “I’m a nerd,” He sighed, he’s smart with this glasses and sweatshirts and some baggy pants.

With Baekhyun’s thought covering all over his mind he heard a camera shot and had to look around and saw Key just took a picture of him, “Where are you going to use that for?” Baekhyun asked.

“A remembrance of you,” Key smiled before hiding his phone back to his pocket.

“Okay,” Hyoyeon clasped her hands together, “Let’s start working.”

Key made Baekhyun sit in front of the mirror and they had to do the Hairstyling work.

“What kind of Hairstyle should we give him?” Key massages his chin as he thinks for a better hairstyle to give him.

“I know,” Hyoyeon said as she quickly grasped the scissors off Key’s hands and starts doing his style for his hair.

After a couple of minutes it came out good, “Do you like it?” Hyoyeon asked, feeling so good with the work she have done.


“So, my job is the wardrobe,” Key smiled before pulling all of the clothes on the shopping bags.

Key put every clothes in front of Baekhyun’s body trying to see if it looks great on him.

After trying tons of clothes, Baekhyun came out from the bathroom that making Hyoyeon and Key go ‘OOHH!’

“That’s damn cool of you Baekhyun,” Key gave him a thumbs up, making Baekhyun giggled.

“You’re so hot, all girls will adore you.” Hyoyeon chuckled as she approaches him with a hug, tight friendly hug.

[the top][pants][shoes]

“Okay, accessories are mine.” Hyoyeon chuckled as she gets to the bags and starts pouring all of the accessories on the bed.

She picked up the right things and put it on Baekhyun’s.

“Are we all set?” Key said while observing the work they’ve done.

“I think so,” Baekhyun shot a pose making his sunbaes’ smile.


"But, sunbaenims, you're not ready yet," Baekhyun stops them from exiting the room; he looks at them from head to toe; telling them they're not like Baekhyun's outfit.

"Ooh, right, go wait outside, I'll dress." Hyoyeon pushed the two outside and starts doing her own thing. From head to toe, accesories and dresses Hyoyeon came out good as you expected.

"Sunbaenim, you look hotter than me." Baekhyun chuckled earning a playful slap from Hyoyeon who's barely can't carry on with the heels she's wearing. She really hates heels but for Key, he would wear it. Once, Key commented about Hyoyeon wearing heels, he said she would rock heels. That's why she kept wearing.

"You look good, Hyo." Key commented as he gave him a friendly hug.

"Where should we go now, we still have one hour before the party thingy," Baekhyun said, adjusting the hat he was wearing. He really look good with the things that his new friends make him wear.

"Let's go to my house, I still have to prepare. You guys rock already," Key chuckled as they bid goodbye to the maids and butlers.

"Tell Mom, I'll be at Jonghyun's party," Hyoyeon told her butler, her butler nodded and closes the door.

"Jonghyun's party? Eh?" Key asked, suddenly when they enter the car.

"It's the only way," Hyoyeon chuckled; she was never good in lying.

"Can't you just tell them you're going to a 'Party'?" Key asked as slid off his phone from his back pocket.

He took a snapshot of what Baekhyun's looking right now. He, then, edited it by putting the nerdy look Baekhyun picture beside the new hottie Baekhyun picture. He saved it, "Baekhyun-ah, come and look," He grins and put the phone in front of Baekhyun's face.

"What do you prefer?" Key asked. Not really expecting for any answers from him but Baekhyun picked the new him, brand new him.

"I liked my new me now, sunbaenims. Thank you very much," Baekhyun bows a few times before calming his heart for beating so fast.

They arrive as Key's house just in time, "Hey, just wait here, no need for entering, I'll be here within ten minutes," Key said before closing the car's door.

'I want to see his house.' Baekhyun pouted, he want to see what Key's house like. He can see from outside, it was the same size of what Hyoyeon's house is. And damn, they have a large garden.

After ten minutes, Key came inside the car fabulous than anyone else inside the room.

Well, he prefers to be the Hottest than the hotter. "You look good yourself too," Hyoyeon chuckled by her comment.

"Hyung, you look really awesome, I bet many girls have fallen for you already." Baekhyun grinned making Hyoyeon frowns with that hasty but jealous -for Hyoyeon- comment.

"I only have my heart for one girl," Key flips his hanging bangs. They tap the window and gestures the driver to start the engine.

It took for them thirty minutes before they arrive at the place, they were fifteen minutes late. But, they doesn't mind that since they're the Hotties >.<

Baekhyun was not yet use walking like a god so Key teach him for few seconds.

"You should walk with confidence," Key said, Baekhyun nodded.

Confidence? Where should he get those? I mean, it's easy to do but hard to find. He often walks like a shy-type person when he's with glasses but confidence? I don't think so.

"Confidence, full of confidence, Baekhyun-ah!" Hyoyeon said before bidding 'see you letter' to them. She has a couple of gals on the party and they're dying to see Hyoyeon now, I mean, right now.

"Do you see how models and s walk when they're on the hallway?" Key asked, focusing his eyes to Baekhyun's.

Baekhyun nodded and imagines it; he wanted to walk like that. Can he be able to do it?

"I think I'm ready," Baekhyun smiled as his Hyung open the car door for him.

They came out from the car door surprised by many girls -even boys- surrounding the car. What are they? Some kind of celebrities?

Everyone has their camera and phone's with them, taking a picture for the both them. Lucky Hyoyeon, she managed to go out from these tons of people.

"Baekhyun-ah! Baekhyun-ah!" Someone shouted from the back making all of the people turn their attention to the guy, the guy walk towards Baekhyun and stares at him.

"Is that you, Baekhyun-ah?" The guy was nerd, the old Baekhyun it is. He was wearing glasses but what he was wearing is damn hot on him.

"It is me," Baekhyun chuckled at his friend, Tao. This guy, his too hot to be a nerd.

"What had happened to you?" Tao, his friend, asked.

Key just look at the two and let them talk. He waves as his fans and starts searching the crowd for Hyoyeon.

"It's really hard to explain, but aaah, I've changed." Baekhyun awkwardly rubs the back of his neck.

He changed.

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ahh my bias is baekhyun too^^ love this story:)
HyoTeukkie #2
wahh it's finish!! I really like it >.<

haha hyokey turn a nerd to a hottie ♥
update soon :)
i'm waiting for your update..
HyoTeukkie #5
wahh! sounds interesting >.<

update soon! :D