It's Better To Give Than To Recieve

Wherever You Go

Countless gunshots rang from the television in the foyer. Yongguk must have left one of his war movies on. Tsk, tsk, I thought to myself as I crossed over to turn the television off. They weren't very good at saving electricity. I looked at the other movies scattered on the ground. Saving Private Ryan. Jarhead. Willy Wanker and the Fudge Packing Factory. Whatever that last title was didn't seem like it was appropriate for children like Jongup and Zelo, so I stuffed it in Haneul's bag. We cared deeply for the boys; we needed to preserve the younger ones' innocence.

Moving into the kitchen, I opened the pantry to reveal-- yes, you guessed it-- snacks galore. Deciding to take a bag of Cheetos, a tube of Pringles and Doritos, I browsed around their neat little kitchen. Now, neither me nor Haneul were not like some of the other sasaengs who would defile their kitchen by drawing graffiti or anything. We respected the boys. I wanted to cook a meal or something, just to do something kind for them, but I decided against it because I didn't know how to cook. My thoughts were interrupted by Haneul shouting from the bedroom.

"Geunji-yah! I've found the motherlode!" she yelled. Opening the bag of Doritos, I began to eat some as I wandered over to see what my friend had found. I nearly dropped the bags of food in surprise as I saw what she was looking at. She was standing right in front of an underwear drawer. Jongup's, from the looks of it. I mean, who else would have a pair of dumbbells in there? Taking out a pair of tighty-whities, Haneul sniffed it, shrugged and put it inside her backpack.

"Yah, Kang Haneul, you're such a ert," I joked, but I crossed over to the room to find where Daehyun kept his undergarments as well. Might as well take a souvenir; it's what we came in here for, after all. It might even earn me brownie points in our sasaeng community. Opening the drawer, a smile crept on my lips as I took out a pair of boxers. They were standard, plaid, blue boxers; nothing special to an ordinary person. But to me, they were beautiful. Grabbing two other pairs, a black and blue patterened one and bright orange one, I slipped it in the bag as well.

"Who's the ert now?" Haneul retorted, giving me a knowing smile. I rolled my eyes as I replied with a, "I'll give it back to him one day..." Maybe when we come visit their dorm another day. Checking the phone clock, I realized that we had only spent about twenty minutes in the dorms. Perfect, we had plenty of stuff to rifle through anyways. Searching through Daehyun's things, I found a picture of his mother, father and older brother. I also found a pack of gum, a box of Pocky and a pink pen. Nothing out of the ordinary. Taking out a piece of gum, I stuffed it in my mouth as I sat on his bed.

The two of us hung out there for about an hour, taking things we thought were cool. When we decided to high tail it out of there, I felt complete and glad that I could have a few pieces of Daehyun that I could keep with me. It made me feel so much closer to him. We exited the building, happy with our find. The two of us were eager to share our new treasures with our other sasaeng friends, but right before we walked back down the street, Haneul nudged me. Standing next to the building was a girl about our age, glaring at us. What was her problem? "Better go ask her why she's staring at us like that. It's like she's trying to pick a fight with us or something," Haneul said, a spark lighting in her eyes.

We approached her and with my toughest voice, I called out, "Yah, don't you know it's rude to stare at people? Were you not taught manners?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing?" She let out a patronizing laugh. I wanted to wipe that stupid grin off her face. Who did this girl think she was? Coming closer, I narrowed my eyes at her smart look. She was smaller than both Haneul and I, so the two of us could easily take her on. Luckily, I wasn't boiling mad yet, but if she kept this attitude up, I could end up in a fit. Haneul's rage point was even lower than mine, so the girl really had to watch it.

"Mind your own business, commoner," Haneul sneered and challenged the girl with her eyes. "And get out of my sight, if you know what's good for you."

"I know what you just did, you disgusting sasaengs," the girl spat. "You should be minding YOUR own business. Getting into oppas' private lives like know what they call people like you? Stalkers! You should be ashamed of yourselves. The oppas will never love you like that."

That was all it took for Haneul to blow her top. The next thing I knew, she was yanking the girl by the hair and pushed her to the ground. The other girl yelped in pain, but I wanted her to shut up too, so I kicked her in the shoulder. I wasn't aiming for vital organs or anything like that; I just wanted to teach the little a lesson, honestly. She had no right to say what she said. A loud smack sounded and I saw Haneul's eyes close to shooting fire. The girl had a bright red handprint on her face. Served her right. People were starting to freak out and crowd around us, which wasn't good. The two of us had to get out of there and fast. Spitting on the ground, I grabbed Haneul's jacket and pushed past the crowd, running before the police or anyone got there. I wasn't very worried, though. This was Korea; people would just think this was another schoolgirl fight and get over it.

Huffing and puffing, we reached the subway station and managed to get away from the scene before the police could find us. I felt neither any guilt nor repulsion for what I had just done. Haneul still had that crazy look in her eyes, but her temper had simmered down a little bit. We sat down in the far corner of the train car when we got on. The first thing she said to me as soon as the train accelerated was, "That had it coming. Who is she to tell us that? Seriously! The nerve of her..."

"I swear, if people weren't watching, we could have beaten her to a pulp. She's lucky we let her go with just a slap on the wrist," I agreed, then tapped Haneul's backpack. "Look on the bright side. At least we still have these things. How many did you take from their room? Enough to fill your underwear drawer?"

Haneul giggled. "I only took a couple! I think half of the contents in this bag are Daehyun's! You little klepto." The two of us joked like that on the way home. We would be going back to the dorm anyways to return the items. It wasn't stealing. It was more of like...secret borrowing. The boys would get their stuff back eventually. Plus, tomorrow would be a big day since we would be showing up to a radio show of theirs.

We got off at our stop and said our goodbyes soon afterwards. I got weird stares from people as I walked to my own house carrying boys' boxer shorts, the movie I picked up off the floor and wearing a face mask I was pretty sure belonged to Zelo. Who cares, though? I was breathing in some of Zelo's particles! I was carrying a movie that Yongguk watched when he got lonely! I was holding Daehyun's underwear! People always criticize us sasaengs for living a stalkerish lifestyle, but they just don't love the artists as much as we do. They always dream of ways to get closer to their artists, but they never do anything about it. We, the sasaengs, are the ones who do take action and in the end, these are the rewards that we reap from being proactive about it.

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Ooh, I hope I'm using this correctly. Hi, guys! I will try to have the next chapter up by this Friday, so please look forward to it!


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saibear12 #1
This is really interesting. Happy to log in and see you wrote a little more....damn creepy fan. Sleeping in his boxers *shudder*