Getting Closer

Wherever You Go

NOTE: This chapter is meant to be a prologue; the other chapters will not be as short!

-Cali (:


My eyes traveled across the street as I saw Youngjae’s blonde head disappear into a large van. The boys’ manager entered the driver’s side door and in a matter of seconds, they were off to record a music show. This meant that the dormitory was completely empty. Making eye contact with my friend, she nodded solemnly at me as we walked towards the direction of the tall building. Haneul and I were in luck; a man that could pass as one of our fathers entered the building. He was a bit short in stature, rotund too. Nodding at the security guard at the door, he was given access to enter.  Haneul and I waited until the door closed behind him before we made a run for it.


“Dad!” I shouted, catching the attention of the security guard. Haneul was right behind me, clutching a backpack as if she had just come back from school. We had rehearsed this scene in an empty parking lot earlier today, but nothing compared to the real thing. My heart was beating quickly, but I didn’t let my nervousness show as I looked at the security guard. “Can you please let us in? Our father was the man who you just saw; he has a tendency to leave my sister and I behind after he picks us up from school.”


The security guard didn’t even give us a second glance. He buzzed us right in. Haneul and I entered the building as I tried to keep a huge grin off my face. I’m sure she was too. If our information from our other friends were correct, their dorm should be on the fifth floor. Haneul checked her phone to see what the boys’ schedule was for the night. “They’re supposed to be recording for Music Bank until 7:30, so we have a little over two hours to do this. I don’t think we’ll take that long, though,” Haneul told me as we entered the elevator.


I pressed the button to go to the fifth floor. “No, I don’t think so. I’m a bit hungry, though, so maybe we can munch on a few of their snacks. I know that Daehyun likes to eat, so there are bound to be chips or something up there we can nibble on,” I replied.


We reached the fifth floor. Walking along the hallway, our eyes scanned the numbers on the doors until we reached the one that said 516. Taking the key card that we had acquired from our other sasaeng friends, Haneul swiped it on the door lock. The satisfying click of the door unlocking sent an adrenaline rush through my veins. Walking inside the dorm, neither of us minded that it smelled like B.O and bad cologne. We were finally in their space. Their private living quarters. Their home. Haneul and I looked at each other again, but this time, we didn’t bother to hide the wide grins on our faces.


My name is Nam Geunji, I am eighteen years old and I am a sasaeng fan.

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Ooh, I hope I'm using this correctly. Hi, guys! I will try to have the next chapter up by this Friday, so please look forward to it!


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saibear12 #1
This is really interesting. Happy to log in and see you wrote a little more....damn creepy fan. Sleeping in his boxers *shudder*