Halfway point

What I want to say the next time we meet

It had finally almost been a year since Yesung left. They had just wrapped up their last promotions for the latest album, and Heechul had almost completed his service and was surprisingly anxious to rejoin his brothers. He had never really left the public eye, but he really missed performing. And he hated it when his dongsaengs were promoting and he was left alone. When Leetuek had left, the 12th floor was twice as quiet. It was eerie even, especially when Ryeowook was gone. But now he was back and Heechul felt like a huge burdened had been lifted.  And he had missed Yesung more than he had expected. It was going to be hard to not monopolize him so the maknae could have some time with him.


Kyuhyun stared at the calendar on his wall, the x's no longer mocking him. They were at the halfway point. And his Jong Woon was coming to visit

They wouldn't have much time together, but he would consider every second a lifetime. They had been writing each other constantly for the past year, and it was strange how it had somewhat changed their relationship.  When you could not rely on eyes, and fingertips to tell what you wanted to say, you had to find the words to convey the same meaning. It had been challenging at first. Knowing that a letter could be misplaced or stolen because of Yesung's idol status, they still could not say to one another all those words that lovers use. I love you was safe enough, they were known to be friends and it would not seem out of place.  The 15 exclamation marks Kyuhyun was tempted to place after it, however, might be looked at a little strangely. So they refrained.  And found other ways to speak the unspoken.

Dear JongWoon,

Today was a good day.  Can I tell you why?  When I woke up this morning the sun was trying to steal through the blinds in my room.  "Naughty, sun." I said. "You've woken me from my dreams, and now I am alone again." But the sun only shouted at me, "Wake Up! Wake Up! Another day is waiting to be lived." And who am I to argue with the sun, for every day is a step towards the future.  This day, for example, included a long recording session at the studio. Your vocals are noticeably absent. Not that I can't hold my own, but your voice adds a layer of warmth to our music that, alas, mine cannot. I like to think of it this way. Your voice is the coffee, warm,rich, dark, and with just a little bite. My voice is the cream added to soften and cool, and Ryeowook's voice is the sugar to sweeten the whole thing just because. These things are all good on their own, but adding them together makes a much more delicious treat.  Right? Oh, but I just remembered, you never add sugar to your coffee. But I think you know what I mean. 

But the part of my day I wanted to tell you about the most is the simplest part. When my schedule was done, and I had nothing left to do but while away the afternoon I sat outside on the balcony alone and took in the sky.  It was a cloudless day.  And at first this made me very sad. I love to watch the clouds.  They are like endless possibilities. They offer shelter from the sun.  They bring rain to make the flowers grow. They can be fluffy and cute, or dark and dangerous. If the sky was a face, the clouds are it's expressions. I can never decide which type of cloud I like best. I love all the moods of the sky.  

But after sitting for a while, the sun at my back, I began to see the beauty in the cloudless sky. We all know, "the sky is blue." We learn it in preschool or even before. But it is much more than that.  I begin to see the slight changes of color as the sky stretched over me. A pale almost white hue along the horizon line, gradually deepening into a deep bright blue overhead. For a minute it felt like I was sitting in a snow globe(minus the snow of course).  It was a little dizzying, taking in the cloudless sky. I finally began to see the possibilities. I suddenly saw the sky not as empty or devoid of clouds, but I saw it as simply existing in anticipation. It was an encouraging thought.

I hope you are still well. C.K.H. 


Dear Kyu Hyun,

Thank you for your last letter. I, too, have learned to see the beauty in a blue sky. But I like it best when it rains. I can't help but remember the last time I was home when it rained and the power went out. It's such a rare event. It was a memorable way to spend my last evening. I like it best when it rains at night, and I am safe in my bed. As you know, I don't sleep well, but when it rains, the sound keeps me company and sings to me like a lullaby. I feel just a little less homesick. Knowing the same rain will soon be falling on my loved ones who are not far in distance, though it seems we are worlds apart.

I stay pretty busy in the daytime. It's not easy, but is nothing compared to being a trainee, keke.  My acquaintances are slowly turning into friends. But I miss my brothers. I shall see you soon, though. Can you believe it's been almost a year? Hopefully the time has flown for you as it has for me. It seems only like yesterday that we said good bye.  I'll see you very soon.



Kyuhyun tried to act nonchalant when he heard the door code being punched in. Everyone else was upstairs, so there was only one person it could be.  Kyu stood in the entryway wiping his suddenly sweaty palms against his thighs. When the door opened, he lost all his pride and self control, and threw himself at the man who entered. He heard a chuckle near his ear. And a whisper, I missed you, too that slid into his ear and set his heart on fire. How had he lived without that voice(the songs he's had on endless repeat in the past year were nothing like the real thing). Today he wasn't going to consider the next year he would have to live without it. Today was forever. 

"Where is everyone?" Yesung asked when Kyuhyun finally released him. 

"They're all upstairs. They said they could wait for us there."

Yesung looked at him with surprise. "When did they get so nice?"

"Very funny. And it had nothing to do with me volunteering to pay for the celebratory dinner."

"That makes more sense."

They stood and took each other in for a moment. Yesung had already been lean and fit before he left, but his face had changed some subtle way, and the uniform and short hair changed the flower boy into a man. Kyuhyun had also changed. He had lost weight from their last album activites, and he almost looked his age instead of older. But, there was a new air of seriousness about him, too, Yesung realized. Their separation had taught him patience and given him a strange sort of wisdom not often seen in such a young person. Yesung thought it suited him well. They really couldn't be called boys anymore. Somehow, they were both now men.

Yesung reached a hand out to caress Kyuhyun's face, noting the goosebumps that sprang to life on Kyuhyun's arms when he did so. "You've grown up while I was gone. It looks good on you."

"You've changed, too," Kyuhyun said feeling suddenly shy. It wasn't awkward, but it was different. 

"I've missed you. I love you." Yesung said as he stepped closer, wrapping one arm around Kyuhyun's waist, and one around his neck, bridging the distance between them.



Author's Ramble: Okay, so I lied. this isn;t the end. This chapter sprang out of the ether at me. And I think there's a little more to come in this segment when they go to the party waiting upstairs. Gotta get my heewook in. so sorry for the awkward beginning. And in case you were wondering, the idea behind this story is them learning to communicate with actual words. Yesung's there now, He's said I love you twice. Kyuhyun still hasn;t said it. Did you notice? Will he figure it out? and I got the idea for the letter from when I was dating my husband. We did n;t like to say I love you in public, so we would say "the sky is blue." So I started with that idea and started talking about clouds, and my subconcious kicked in with a big, duh. Yesung=clouds. I'm so dense sometimes. I think I'm a little fond of this chapter, so I hope you all like it, too.  thanks for all the new subscribers!  Tifane, AngelicAngel, laliluala413, yuki_chicken, and of course, midnight, thank you for all your comments. It really means alot to me, you are all so sweet. it's been so long since I've written, you have given me much needed encouragement to continue.

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sorry no update this week. no time :( will def update next week.


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407 streak #1
Chapter 8: I love it! Such a wonderful story to read <3 thank you for sharing <3
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 8: I'm randomly reading these older fics and oh my heart, this one is absolutely fantastic....so many precious moments between them and last but certainly not least is that beautiful love song. <3<3<3
Cenya14 #3
Chapter 8: Really great story. Was very touching and emotional, great job
OhMYGOOOOORD! this is super unbelievably fan-effing-tastic!!! :) i was listening to SuJu songs while i was reading this then when I read the very last word, the chorus of their song "angel (ballad ver.)" play. i almost cried because it was so pretty. good job dear! :)))))
1. KyuSung is my OTP.
2. You wrote about Yesung's enlistment.
3. You added HeeWook.

I loved the beginning, the storm, the haircut, HeeWook's characters, the letters, the end. Everything was so touching ♥
Thank you for this wonderful story.
ice420 #6
Darn but I love reading fics like this. You and Midnight sure knows how to write emotions and expressions ♥

I love the Letters ^^ But what is with KyuSung and coffee? Good thing you didn't add in cinnamon to the mix *laughs* or apples. Ah, but you added in the louds and the cloudless sky and rain. I love the coffee bit. Quite an apt description of KRY. From now on, Yesung is Coffee, Kyu the Cream and Wookie the Sugar. Perfect!

I almost cried when first they held each other. Their silent confessions from the balcony. With KyuSung it really is ACTION SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS :D BUT, I loved the moment when Kyu finally did.

Love this . Thank you.
Excellent! Loved it! Uhhhh a New story! It sounds really interesting:D I shall go check it out XD I really liked this story good job :) Love it!
So Great! :D Thank you so much for the happy ending! I'm glad, happy that they are finally like that! :D:D:D
Oh and you know, I think Yesung just wore a mask! He is not that confident and I think he is really shy :p I saw many many picture of him beginning like that! But for Kyu none, he has a strongest personality then Yesung, he even act mature then him! This why I said that Kyu can't be a shy boy! '^^ I'm sorry, it's was just my point of view ;)
And I know, this is your story, I didn't expect you to write what me or other people want at 100%... '^^ This your story and I LOVE IT! I LIKE IT! I ADORE the whole story, all the precious moments and the beautiful song :D Oh Thank you really so much <3<3
And keep it up! I hope you can write more ;)
KyuSung fighting! :D
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that is so cute i love that song and im glad that he got to sing it and that super junior was in the front row to support Kyuhyun that is so sweet