
What I want to say the next time we meet

It was six months after Yesung left that Kyuhyun realized that his hyungs had been taking particular care of him.  Mostly it was Ryoewook, and surprisingly, Heechul.  They seemed to have an almost supernatural ability to know his every need, even before he did.  But all the hyungs supported him as best they knew how. Leeteuk fussed over his health, Siwon was somehow even more affectionate, even Shindong tried out all his latest gags on him to get him to laugh.  Even his friends outside the group felt his fragile state and made more plans than usual.  They really had no idea what was wrong with their friend, but guessed it had something to do with love.

Late one afternoon, it was just Kyuhyun and Ryeowook hanging out in the dorm.  Ryeowook had become an adept at reading Kyuhun's feelings.  There was a certain look he got when daydreaming about Yesung, his eyes would look far into the distance and a smile would ghost across his lips.  It made Ryeowook's tender heart sigh. On this particular day, Ryeowook decided to be brave and ask his friend what exactly he was thinking about.  He didn;t expect a resonse, but apparently, Kyu needed someone to talk to. "I was thinking about the morning he left." Kyu said.  "It was amazing and heartbreaking to start the morning together. When he got out of bed, he looked at me with the saddest smile and ran his fingers through his hair and said 'I guess it's time to get rid of this.'  I don;t know if he wanted me to, or expected me to, but I followed him to the bathroom..."

Kyuhyun stood aside as Yesung dug through the cabinet to find the razor.  When he had finally located it, Kyuhyun gently pushed him away from the counter and jumped up on it, blocking Yesung's view of the mirror.  Then he pulled the older man towards him until he was standing between Kyu's knees.  Kyuhyun reached out with is hand and gently caressed Yesung's face, looking into those endless eyes.  Yesung was not one to keep his hair long, but Kyuhyun wanted to know what it was like to run his hands through the thick strands.  He gently began to run his fingers through it, finding it as soft as he had always imagined.  Yesung had closed his eyes, lost in the sensation.  So he didn;t see when Kyuhyun leaned forward to kiss him, but he felt it.  And suddenly the hands that had played gently in his hair became more insistent and harsh as the kiss progressed.

When they broke apart, Kyuhyun just leaned his forehead against Yesung's.  "Let's do this," he said.  He took the razor and turned it on.  Yesung got a little frightened when he saw the smirk on Kyuhyun's face.  "We might as well have fun with this, right?" Kyu said.  Yesung braced himself for whatever the maknae had decided to do.  The somber tone the morning had started with quickly changed as Kyuhyun first shaved one side, so he'd look like Key(or an early version of Sungmin), then progressed to a full mohawk.  They had the most fun with this one. By the time he had finished, they had tears of laughter streaming down their faces.  Yesung pulled Kyuhyun down from his perch and gave him the best hug he knew how.  "Thank you."  Realizing this may be their last chance to be alone, they stood together in the bathroom holdig on to one another.  Occasionally kissing, but mostly just being lost in the sensation of being in one another's arms.  Memorizing the details of one another's faces.  There was little spoken.  They already knew how the other felt.  Kyuhyun was beginning to feel lost. Yesung was beginning to feel the inevitable change and burden of being the responsible one in their newly formed relationship.  He knew it was his place, as the oldest, to be strong.  So with one last lingering kiss, they went out to face the day, together.


Ryeowook wiped the tears from his face.  They had all heard the laughter coming from the bathroom that morning, wondering what humor the two had found in the situation.  But when they had finally emerged, Ryeowook had seen the unshed tears in their eyes, and the way their hands were clenched tightly together.  He could see how Kyuhyun subconsciously leaned closer to Yesung for support.  He not so subconsciously had gone looking for Heechul.  He wasn't sure why he found so much comfort lately from the older man.  But whenever he found himself getting emotional about either Yesung's imminent departure or watching the love between Yesung and Kyuhyun blossom, he needed the reassurance he felt when he was near Heechul.  Maybe it was just that Heechul had gained a lot of inner strength through the years, and that is what Ryeowook coveted.  He felt so safe when Heechul held him.  And it finally occured to him to wonder if that was what Kyuhyun felt in Yesung's arms. 



A/N.  this seemed longer in my head.  lol.  I finally got a computer! Yay! So hopefully will have the last chapter up next week.  Yep, it will probably be the last chapter.  So thank you, thank you, thank you, to all the subscriber's and commenters.  I think I was supposed to reply to comments in this chapter, but now I don;t remember what I needed to reply to. Below I have posted a link and a translation for the song that I listened to while writing this(not the whole time, but more than a few times). I think it fits this story well.  We'll pretend it's Yesung singing to Kyu while he's away. Ooh, maybe I should have put that in the story.  oh well.  It's really pretty, go listen to it.   


Listen to this song

“Somehow, You”

When the cold wind blows

when it blows so fiercely you can hardly breathe

I worry if it’s bearable

because it’s hard for me to endure


I don’t know what love is

Because I don’t know, I keep shrinking away

Suddenly you’re at my side, in my arms

Suddenly, love, my love


Somehow, maybe I fell in love with you

or somehow, maybe you fell in love with me

Even if I’m crippled, in this moment

I’ll laugh, in front of you I’ll laugh


What happens with us now?

Should I give up?

How could I, in front of you

Should I tell you to take care?

To meet a good man?

I can’t, I can’t do that now


Somehow, maybe I fell in love with you

or somehow, maybe you fell in love with me

Even if I’m crippled, in this moment

I’ll laugh, in front of you I’ll laugh


It’s okay,

now I’ll become your own clear sky


Even if love pains me

Even if love makes you sad

Even if I’m crippled, in this moment

I’ll laugh now

It hurts, but I love you forever

I’ll hold you, I’ll hold you forever

 translation from dramabeans.com

song from Shut Up! Flower Boy Band(awesome show, I highly recommend if you haven't seen it,)

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sorry no update this week. no time :( will def update next week.


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404 streak #1
Chapter 8: I love it! Such a wonderful story to read <3 thank you for sharing <3
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 8: I'm randomly reading these older fics and oh my heart, this one is absolutely fantastic....so many precious moments between them and last but certainly not least is that beautiful love song. <3<3<3
Cenya14 #3
Chapter 8: Really great story. Was very touching and emotional, great job
OhMYGOOOOORD! this is super unbelievably fan-effing-tastic!!! :) i was listening to SuJu songs while i was reading this then when I read the very last word, the chorus of their song "angel (ballad ver.)" play. i almost cried because it was so pretty. good job dear! :)))))
1. KyuSung is my OTP.
2. You wrote about Yesung's enlistment.
3. You added HeeWook.

I loved the beginning, the storm, the haircut, HeeWook's characters, the letters, the end. Everything was so touching ♥
Thank you for this wonderful story.
ice420 #6
Darn but I love reading fics like this. You and Midnight sure knows how to write emotions and expressions ♥

I love the Letters ^^ But what is with KyuSung and coffee? Good thing you didn't add in cinnamon to the mix *laughs* or apples. Ah, but you added in the louds and the cloudless sky and rain. I love the coffee bit. Quite an apt description of KRY. From now on, Yesung is Coffee, Kyu the Cream and Wookie the Sugar. Perfect!

I almost cried when first they held each other. Their silent confessions from the balcony. With KyuSung it really is ACTION SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS :D BUT, I loved the moment when Kyu finally did.

Love this . Thank you.
Excellent! Loved it! Uhhhh a New story! It sounds really interesting:D I shall go check it out XD I really liked this story good job :) Love it!
So Great! :D Thank you so much for the happy ending! I'm glad, happy that they are finally like that! :D:D:D
Oh and you know, I think Yesung just wore a mask! He is not that confident and I think he is really shy :p I saw many many picture of him beginning like that! But for Kyu none, he has a strongest personality then Yesung, he even act mature then him! This why I said that Kyu can't be a shy boy! '^^ I'm sorry, it's was just my point of view ;)
And I know, this is your story, I didn't expect you to write what me or other people want at 100%... '^^ This your story and I LOVE IT! I LIKE IT! I ADORE the whole story, all the precious moments and the beautiful song :D Oh Thank you really so much <3<3
And keep it up! I hope you can write more ;)
KyuSung fighting! :D
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that is so cute i love that song and im glad that he got to sing it and that super junior was in the front row to support Kyuhyun that is so sweet