When the Storm Breaks-continuation

What I want to say the next time we meet

Heechul and Ryeowook sat open-mouthed as they continued to watch.  They noticed that the storm that had been threatening had finally approached.  They gasped in unison when the lightning illuminated the now passionately kissing couple.  Seeing them in the dark was one thing, but to see it so clearly left them both a little breathless.  Ryeowook looked up at Heechul and they both saw something indefinable reflected in each other's eyes, and because his head was now resting against Heechul's chest, Ryeowook could feel his heart begin to beat more rapidly and the steady rise and fall of Heechul's chest become erratic.

Yesung and Kyuhyun had not noticed the encroaching storm, so wrapped up in one another that the frequent lightning flashes against their closed eyes gave the impression of fireworks.  It wasn't until the storm suddenly poured down on them that they parted breathlessly in shock.  They were instantly soaked through by the downpour.

Heechul and Ryeowook quickly feigned sleep as the other two made their way back inside, the cold of the air conditioner bringing up goosebumps on each of their bodies.  Hands entwined, they shivered as they made their way to Kyuhyun's room.

When they heard the door to Kyu's room shut, Heechul and Ryeowook opened their eyes.  Heechul pulled Ryeowook up off the couch and kept him pressed closely to his side as they made their way upstairs to the 12th floor.  Right after they had entered their apartment, the storm unleashed the full force of its fury on Seoul, causing the lights in their entire building to shut off.  Using his phone as a flashlight, he led Ryeowook, who he could feel shaking from the storm, to Heechul's room.  Once safely within the familiar walls, Heechul lit the random candles that were scattered around his room.  Ryeowook sat on the edge of the bed, displacing a disgruntled Heebum.  When he was through lighting the candle, Heechul sat awkwardly next to him on the bed.  They both needed a few moments to process what they had seen transpire on the balcony.

"That was..." Ryeowook said.

"Amazing?" Heechul finished.

Ryeowook just nodded. 

"I don't think we should tell the others about that." 

"I agree," said Ryeowook.  "That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." He sighed with fondness at the memory. "It was past time for that to happen."

The silence in the dorm was palpable when they ceased to speak.  The absence of the ever asive hum of electricity and the peace of the  moodily lit room turned the space into a temporary sanctuary.

"Hyung?" Ryeowook eventually broke the silence.  "Did you confess to anyone before you left for your service?"

Heechul chuckled.  "Silly.  Why would I do that?  I was only gone for a month."

"I know.  But it's so romantic.  I mean, you enter the army as a boy and leave as a man.  It seems somehow fitting to make a confession before you leave.  A clearing of the air before your life takes a dramatic turn."

"Ryeowook-ah, I think someone has been watching too many dramas.  Besides, I am neither a boy or a man...I am Kim Hee Chul."  Heechul grinned at his friend with his signature smirk.  But after a moment of thought, he began to speak in a more serious manner.  "I did actually consider confessing to someone, but the timing never seemed right, so I decided to wait.  I didn't want to hurt them with my love. They are much too precious to me."

"How could your love ever hurt someone?" Ryeowook said with indignation.  "To be loved by you is such a privilege.  After all, you are Kim Hee Chul."

"I'm glad you feel that way, Ryeowook-ah.  I guess I've just been hurt to many times by people I love.  It's hard to love again."

Ryeowook moved to sit behind Heechul on the bed and wrapped his arms around him in a tight back-hug.  It was such a rare moment, that Heechul would open up to him.  He realized that watching Yesung and Kyuhyun had deeply affected his hyung.  He understood, he was having a difficult time making sense of the emotions he was experiencing.

"Thank you, Heechullie-hyung, for letting me love you."

This statement proved to be a little too much for Heechul's extremely fragile heart.  He was nearly undone with Ryeowook's hug, but his words completely unstrung him.  He reached back and pulled Ryeowook around until he was sitting in his lap.  He buried his face into the younger's chest.  Reowook was shocked by the sudden action and even more shocked when he felt Heechul's body trembling as he wept.



A/N  I think my subconscious ships heewook.  I totally wasn;t going to do much more with them than have them observe, but they have demanded their own storyline.  They both have a way of sneaking into my stories.  So I apologize to my fellow kyusung shippers. There is much more to their story that will come.  But my time is limited and I want to update my other story.  This is really part of the previous chapter that I did not have time to type yesterday.  Hopefully my next update will be a little longer and will focus on Kyusung.  But I am curious, do you want me to leave Heewook here, or would you like for their story to continue as well?  Also, thanks to everyone who has subscribed, it makes me very happy. 

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sorry no update this week. no time :( will def update next week.


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404 streak #1
Chapter 8: I love it! Such a wonderful story to read <3 thank you for sharing <3
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 8: I'm randomly reading these older fics and oh my heart, this one is absolutely fantastic....so many precious moments between them and last but certainly not least is that beautiful love song. <3<3<3
Cenya14 #3
Chapter 8: Really great story. Was very touching and emotional, great job
OhMYGOOOOORD! this is super unbelievably fan-effing-tastic!!! :) i was listening to SuJu songs while i was reading this then when I read the very last word, the chorus of their song "angel (ballad ver.)" play. i almost cried because it was so pretty. good job dear! :)))))
1. KyuSung is my OTP.
2. You wrote about Yesung's enlistment.
3. You added HeeWook.

I loved the beginning, the storm, the haircut, HeeWook's characters, the letters, the end. Everything was so touching ♥
Thank you for this wonderful story.
ice420 #6
Darn but I love reading fics like this. You and Midnight sure knows how to write emotions and expressions ♥

I love the Letters ^^ But what is with KyuSung and coffee? Good thing you didn't add in cinnamon to the mix *laughs* or apples. Ah, but you added in the louds and the cloudless sky and rain. I love the coffee bit. Quite an apt description of KRY. From now on, Yesung is Coffee, Kyu the Cream and Wookie the Sugar. Perfect!

I almost cried when first they held each other. Their silent confessions from the balcony. With KyuSung it really is ACTION SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS :D BUT, I loved the moment when Kyu finally did.

Love this . Thank you.
Excellent! Loved it! Uhhhh a New story! It sounds really interesting:D I shall go check it out XD I really liked this story good job :) Love it!
So Great! :D Thank you so much for the happy ending! I'm glad, happy that they are finally like that! :D:D:D
Oh and you know, I think Yesung just wore a mask! He is not that confident and I think he is really shy :p I saw many many picture of him beginning like that! But for Kyu none, he has a strongest personality then Yesung, he even act mature then him! This why I said that Kyu can't be a shy boy! '^^ I'm sorry, it's was just my point of view ;)
And I know, this is your story, I didn't expect you to write what me or other people want at 100%... '^^ This your story and I LOVE IT! I LIKE IT! I ADORE the whole story, all the precious moments and the beautiful song :D Oh Thank you really so much <3<3
And keep it up! I hope you can write more ;)
KyuSung fighting! :D
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that is so cute i love that song and im glad that he got to sing it and that super junior was in the front row to support Kyuhyun that is so sweet