When the Storm Breaks

What I want to say the next time we meet

Around 10 pm the night before Yesung's departure, all the members had found a place in the living room to sit and watch the television or chat or cuddle with a friend.  They had reached the point where no one really cared what they were watching, it was just peaceful to sit with one another.  When Yesung got up and headed to the balcony, no one was surprised that he was closely followed by Kyuhyun.  Knowing looks and smiles were passed across the room and nearly as one they began to take themselves off to bed.  They all knew the following day was going to be an emotionally difficult one.  The last remaining members were Heechul and Ryeowook.  Heechul had tried to get up, but realized that Ryeowook had fallen asleep on his shoulder.  He decided to let the sleeping man stay asleep and turned off the television(because of course he had been in charge of the remote) and then reached up and turned off the last remaining lamp.  He was a little startled when he realized that his position on the couch, coupled with the extinquished lights allowed him to see all that was occurring on the balcony.  It never even crossed his mind not to watch.

Outside, the air was heavy and in the distance lightning flickered from cloud to cloud. They leaned against the railing to look out across the city, sides just touching.  It wasn't until the air began to stir with the approach of the storm that they moved to face one another. (Heechul had just about fallen asleep, but felt reinvigorated when he saw them finally look at each other. Ryeowook woke up as Heechul slightly moved and quickly saw the situation.  He remained quiet and watched).

As the wind picked up and began to play in their hair, they finally looked deeply at one another.  Kyuhyun saw the moment that Yesung dropped his final guard.  Kyuhyun knew all the masks and walls Yesung used to protect his fragile heart.  He had always been secretly pleased that he was the least guarded when it was just the two of them.  But with a shaky breath, Yesung let down the last wall around his heart and exposed himself to Kyuhyun.

"Jongwoon-ah," Kyuhyun whispered in amazement.  He had always wondered where Yesung hid the emotions he put into his singing, but now, he could see them all.  He saw the fear of what the next day would bring, he saw the need for affirmation, he saw all his vulnerability and all his strength.  And, above all, he saw all his love.  Kyuhyun realized just how breathtakingly beautiful his hyung was.  it went beyond the good looks he normally saw when he looked at Yesung.  This was something new, and different.  He had known for some time that he was in love with Yesung, but now he knew beyond a doubt that he also loved the man in front of him with every part and parcel of his being. 

Yesung reached up and placed his hands on Kyuhyun's face.  It was an action that he had performed thousands of times, but this time Kyuhyun could feel the slight tremble in his hands.  Kyu knew that it was not a tremble of fear, but simply from the feelings that yesung was finally allowing to overwhelm him.  Kyuhyun felt himself slowly drowning in the sensation and the world around him all but disappeared.

"Kyu-ah."  Kyuhyun felt his heart begin to race at the sound of Yesung's voice, so soft, so gentle, and so deep it was a whisper.  He could fall forever into the sound of his name on Yesung's lips. 

Yesung moved his right hand so that he could trace the outline of Kyu's lips with his thumb, while their eyes remained locked.  Kuyhyun forced himself to breathe.  He was terrified of ruining the moment.  (Inside the apartment Heechul heard Ryeowook sniff, so he wrapped his arm around him and pulled him closer.  There was no way they were leaving yet, and they were way past feeling guilty about spying on their friends.)

Kyuhyun held as still as possible as yesung closed the distance between them.  When their lips finally met, he lost all sound except the beating of his heart and all sensation but the warmth of the gentle pressure of the kiss. There was no hesitancy, no shyness, nor was there any lust.  Yet it was significantly more than a chaste kiss.  It was, simply, a beginning.  It was a promise.  Kyuhyun wasn't so far gone that he didn't feel the strangeness of it all.  All first kisses were strange by nature.  Neither of them was inexperienced, but neither was prepared for how different this kiss would be.  They already knew each other in every way but physically.  There were no secrets between them, so that first kiss was guileless and free from fear or worry.  It was filled instead with love and affection and trust.

Kyuhyun was just beginning to respond  when Yesung pulled slowly to look into Kyuhyun's eyes.  He apparently found whatever he was looking for, so he placed his hands on Kyuhyun 's hips and brought him closer. Yesung began to place gentle and quick kisses, teasing the younger man.  Kyuhyun caught on to the playful mood and began to respond in kind.  When Yesung finally had enough of the teasing, he placed his hands back on Kyuhyun 'sface and leaned in for a real kiss.  Kyuhyun  was prepared this time and immediately responded.  It was as close to a perfect kiss as one could get.  All the desire and longing they had hidden was at last revealed.



a/n  this chapter isn't quite finished but i won't be able until tomorrow afternoon.  so i'llleave you here.

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sorry no update this week. no time :( will def update next week.


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405 streak #1
Chapter 8: I love it! Such a wonderful story to read <3 thank you for sharing <3
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 8: I'm randomly reading these older fics and oh my heart, this one is absolutely fantastic....so many precious moments between them and last but certainly not least is that beautiful love song. <3<3<3
Cenya14 #3
Chapter 8: Really great story. Was very touching and emotional, great job
OhMYGOOOOORD! this is super unbelievably fan-effing-tastic!!! :) i was listening to SuJu songs while i was reading this then when I read the very last word, the chorus of their song "angel (ballad ver.)" play. i almost cried because it was so pretty. good job dear! :)))))
1. KyuSung is my OTP.
2. You wrote about Yesung's enlistment.
3. You added HeeWook.

I loved the beginning, the storm, the haircut, HeeWook's characters, the letters, the end. Everything was so touching ♥
Thank you for this wonderful story.
ice420 #6
Darn but I love reading fics like this. You and Midnight sure knows how to write emotions and expressions ♥

I love the Letters ^^ But what is with KyuSung and coffee? Good thing you didn't add in cinnamon to the mix *laughs* or apples. Ah, but you added in the louds and the cloudless sky and rain. I love the coffee bit. Quite an apt description of KRY. From now on, Yesung is Coffee, Kyu the Cream and Wookie the Sugar. Perfect!

I almost cried when first they held each other. Their silent confessions from the balcony. With KyuSung it really is ACTION SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS :D BUT, I loved the moment when Kyu finally did.

Love this . Thank you.
Excellent! Loved it! Uhhhh a New story! It sounds really interesting:D I shall go check it out XD I really liked this story good job :) Love it!
So Great! :D Thank you so much for the happy ending! I'm glad, happy that they are finally like that! :D:D:D
Oh and you know, I think Yesung just wore a mask! He is not that confident and I think he is really shy :p I saw many many picture of him beginning like that! But for Kyu none, he has a strongest personality then Yesung, he even act mature then him! This why I said that Kyu can't be a shy boy! '^^ I'm sorry, it's was just my point of view ;)
And I know, this is your story, I didn't expect you to write what me or other people want at 100%... '^^ This your story and I LOVE IT! I LIKE IT! I ADORE the whole story, all the precious moments and the beautiful song :D Oh Thank you really so much <3<3
And keep it up! I hope you can write more ;)
KyuSung fighting! :D
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that is so cute i love that song and im glad that he got to sing it and that super junior was in the front row to support Kyuhyun that is so sweet