Chapter 7

What I want to say the next time we meet

Eighteen months after Yesung left, Kyuhyun felt on top of the world, almost.  When their last album promotions were through he was approached and asked to do a solo mini-album. His popularity had soared after the 6th album and the powers that be wanted to take advantage. After talking it through with the other members, he decided it was something he really wanted to do. But he had one condition. He wanted to write one of the songs. He had something he needed to say.


The party the night of Yesung's first return was a quiet affair. There was plenty of food and alcohol, but they all realized at some point during the party that it was a rather grown up affair. Gone were the boyish jokes and pranks. Laughter, however, was in abundance. Not everyone had been aware of the change in relationship between Yesung and Kyuhyun. Heechul and Ryeowook had only told Leetuek a little of what had transpired between them, feeling that as the leader, he should know what happened. A few were suspicious when they realized the sheer volume of mail that was passing between the two men. But one or two were still shocked when the two entered the 12th floor dorm wrapped up in one another with smiles that threatened to blind them all with happiness. 

When the cheering and hugs subsided, Yesung raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet. "I know it's probably obvious at this point, but I wanted to make an official announcement. Kyuhyun and I are together. And I have never been happier."

Cheering began anew along with quite a few "it's about time" comments.  Then, led by Heechul, they all began chanting "kiss him!"

Kyuhyun tried to hide behind Yesung, mortified at his hyungs behavior. Yesung just grinned and pulled him back around and kissed him. Kyuhyn tried to resist, but how could he? He felt his body begin to melt against the other. When Yesung finally broke off the kiss, he didn't even hear all the catcalls and shouts to "get a room." The only thing he could see was the love pouring on him from Yesung's eyes, and all he could hear was the sound of Yesung's breath as he regained his composure after the kiss. 

"So that's why Kyu's paying for the party," Donghae said. The others just laughed at his obliviousness and so the party began.

It took some time, but eventually Kyuhyun let go of Yesung to allow him some time to privately chat with his friends, after all, he would have him to himself later that night. The conversations were simple, allowing everyone to catch up. But when he found Heechul, Yesung could sense the man's mind was somewhere else.

"Still haven't confessed?"

"What?" Heechul said finally looking away from across the room to look properly at Yesung.

"Confessed. have you?"

Heechul blushed and tried to hide it behind a beer bottle.  "No. I haven't."

"I know it's not my place, but don't wait too much longer. I regret not telling Kyu sooner how I felt, especially when it was so obvious how he felt about me. He likes you. So don't be afraid, okay?"

"You're right. I don't want to regret anything. I'm pretty sure he won't reject me. I guess I've just made a habit out of where we stand now. Thanks for the prodding."

"Certainly.  Let me know how it goes."

Heechul just nodded and left to find the object of his affections. He figured there was no time like the present.

When the party finally wound down, Leetuek pushed Yesung and Kyuhyun out the door telling them he didn't want to see them before noon. Happy to comply, they made their way back to Kyuhyun's room.

They were quiet as they prepared for bed. This would be their second time to share a bed, but it felt like the first. Kyuhyun kept trying to switch into his "evil maknae" mode to be more confident, but he was failing. He was standing in the middle of the room, frozen in indecision, when Yesung came in from the shower. Yesung could see the slight panic and made things easier by taking Kyuhyun's hand and leading him to the bed. He pulled him down into his arms, pressing Kyuhyun's head against his chest so that he could hear his heartbeat. He began to whisper in the still darkness, pouring out all the words he had saved up over the previous year. He told him how he had first known he was in love. He talked of all the moments they had together that he held in his heart. He spoke of pain his heart felt while they were apart and how much each letter meant to him. And he told him how when he opened the door, and saw Kyuhyun waiting, he realized that this was how he envisioned forever. The two of them, together.

Yesung could feel again the tears staining his shirt. He couldn't lie to himself and say that it didn't hurt a little that Kyuhyun could not let go and talk about his feelings. But he knew the younger man was shy and he had no doubt about his love, so he let the feeling of disappointment fade before it could take root. He would simply drown Kyuhyun in his own words until Kyu could find the words he wanted to speak.


A/N Sorry for taking so long to update. Been having writers block amongst other things. Sorry this is so short. I almost skipped the party, but I kept seeing Yesung and Heechul talking together and had to write it out. Next chapter will be the last. and if you want to find out what happens with HeeWook, I think I am going to put their story in my one shot collection (it's under the title Hesitation).  I'll post a link to it on the last chapter of this story. 

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sorry no update this week. no time :( will def update next week.


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408 streak #1
Chapter 8: I love it! Such a wonderful story to read <3 thank you for sharing <3
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 8: I'm randomly reading these older fics and oh my heart, this one is absolutely many precious moments between them and last but certainly not least is that beautiful love song. <3<3<3
Cenya14 #3
Chapter 8: Really great story. Was very touching and emotional, great job
OhMYGOOOOORD! this is super unbelievably fan-effing-tastic!!! :) i was listening to SuJu songs while i was reading this then when I read the very last word, the chorus of their song "angel (ballad ver.)" play. i almost cried because it was so pretty. good job dear! :)))))
1. KyuSung is my OTP.
2. You wrote about Yesung's enlistment.
3. You added HeeWook.

I loved the beginning, the storm, the haircut, HeeWook's characters, the letters, the end. Everything was so touching ♥
Thank you for this wonderful story.
ice420 #6
Darn but I love reading fics like this. You and Midnight sure knows how to write emotions and expressions ♥

I love the Letters ^^ But what is with KyuSung and coffee? Good thing you didn't add in cinnamon to the mix *laughs* or apples. Ah, but you added in the louds and the cloudless sky and rain. I love the coffee bit. Quite an apt description of KRY. From now on, Yesung is Coffee, Kyu the Cream and Wookie the Sugar. Perfect!

I almost cried when first they held each other. Their silent confessions from the balcony. With KyuSung it really is ACTION SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS :D BUT, I loved the moment when Kyu finally did.

Love this . Thank you.
Excellent! Loved it! Uhhhh a New story! It sounds really interesting:D I shall go check it out XD I really liked this story good job :) Love it!
So Great! :D Thank you so much for the happy ending! I'm glad, happy that they are finally like that! :D:D:D
Oh and you know, I think Yesung just wore a mask! He is not that confident and I think he is really shy :p I saw many many picture of him beginning like that! But for Kyu none, he has a strongest personality then Yesung, he even act mature then him! This why I said that Kyu can't be a shy boy! '^^ I'm sorry, it's was just my point of view ;)
And I know, this is your story, I didn't expect you to write what me or other people want at 100%... '^^ This your story and I LOVE IT! I LIKE IT! I ADORE the whole story, all the precious moments and the beautiful song :D Oh Thank you really so much <3<3
And keep it up! I hope you can write more ;)
KyuSung fighting! :D
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that is so cute i love that song and im glad that he got to sing it and that super junior was in the front row to support Kyuhyun that is so sweet