Enemies Since Birth


LOL. That pic is not part of the fic. I just made that :D

2nd update of the day. ♥



The day after next...

Sooyoung was alone in her room. Then suddenly CL went in...

"Hey Pie!!! You just can’t believe what would i tell you!!"


"I just saw Teddy Oppa a while ago! And guess what??"


"He said he missed me! I was totally speechless! I dont know what to say. I just hugged him and ran!"

"You did that?! You're totally crazy!!"

"Yes! I was! Damn!"

"But you'll meet him soon right?"

"Yeah. We're staying in the same hotel. I might bump him there. ! Pie!!! Help me!"


"Let's act out. You're an acting major!"

"Oh yeah! Ahaha. Im good in that field!"

"Okay. For example you are Teddy Oppa."

"Wait. Let's make a mask. Gimme a picture of him."

"i dont have any."

"And i totally dont believe you. Gimme your phone." Sooyoung reached her hand.

"There." CL was blushing.

"hahaha. Now look at your wallpaper and you said you dont havr a picture of him?!"


"i'll print this."

Sooyoung printed the picture of Teddy and make it as a face mask.


"Ahaha. You're blushing apple pie!" Sooyoung was wearing Teddy's picture in her face.

"So how does Teddy Oppa call you?"



"Okay! 1.2.3..Action!"


the acting===>>>

"Chaerinii, I’ve been always wanting to tell you how i feel. I.. i just don’t have the courage to tell you.."


"What is it?"


"I...I love you CL. Lee Chaerin, saranghaeyo."


CL looked at Sooyoung, who's wearing Teddy's mask. And hugged her.


"i love you too!"


--end of acting--


But without knowing, Tiffany was listening outside the door.




I was holding the door knob then I heard Sooyoung..


"Chaerinii, I’ve been always wanting to tell you how i feel. I.. i just don’t have the courage to tell you.."


"What is it?"


"I...I love you CL. Lee Chaerin, saranghaeyo."


CL looked at Sooyoung, who's wearing Teddy's mask. And hugged her.


"i love you too!"


What?! X﹏X

I ran outside the dorm. They love each other!! And now, they're.... no!!


Nickhun was calling me.

"Hey Fany, I’m at the bar. Wanna come?"

"yeah. Wait for me."

I went to the bar, crying. I don’t know but i was so hurt. I dried my tears as soon i saw Nickhun.

"Hey. Want some drinks?"

"Yeah. Gimme a lot!"


I drank a lot. Nickhun, out of the blue, asked me.

"Fany~yah, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Huh?! Sure!"


I think i should have a relationship too. Hmph.



"Pie, don’t you think it's late already? You still have to go to the bus station."

"Please company me Pie! I think i have the courage to face Teddy Oppa now!"

"That’s the spirit! Let's go!"

I walked with CL to the bus station.

"There's your bus Pie!"

"Yeah. Thanks Pie. Goodnight!"


CL went inside the bus, i was walking back to the dorm then i heard someone calling me.


I turned my back and saw Nickhun with Miyoung on her back.


"Thank God i saw you. Fany's drunk! And i have to go home now. Please take her with you."

He passed Miyoung to my back.

"Did you two drank?"

"Yeah. I'm not drunk. She was drinking a lot. Anyway, I’m in a hurry. Take care of my girlfriend!"


"Yeah! She just said yes a while ago! Cool isn’t it?"

"yah!! Nickhun, i know you! Are you playing with her?"

"Guess??? Haha. I'll go now." Then he dozed off.

Damn. ::>_<::

Stupid Miyoung! That guy is a playboy! Geeez!!

Miyoung was blabbing and singing out loud.

“Michigae bogoshipeoooo saraaaang!!!!”

“Oi…Miyoung! Shut up! You might disturb people, it’s 11 pm already and they migjt be sleeping.”


“Aish! Miyoung!”

She was tickling my ears.

“Who are you?”

“Sooyoung. Stop tickling my ears!”



“Am I riding your back?”

“What do you think?”

“Oh. Am I drunk?”

“What do you think?”

“Ohh. Haha! Sooyoungaaah! I still remember the last time I ride on your back…”


“Yeah…hik! Ahaha!”

“Eeeesh. You drank a lot huh? What’s your problem?”

“Problem? I don’t have! Ahaha! Yah! I rode your back when we were in Grade 3, we were in a running contest then I tripped off then you won. I asked you why you helped me and… you said..hik!”


“Then you said you hate to see me cry…Ahaha!”

“I did?”

“YEAH!! And I never forgot about that! Ahaha”


“Because…secret! Ahaha.”




“Why are you so cold to me?”

“I’m not.”

“You are!!! Since that day you came back, we just talk like 3 sentences…I’m upset…”

“Oh, you are?”

“YEAHH! I want my Shikshin Pig back, my enemy. My caring adorable enemy… Sooyoungaah!”

“Alright. Alright. Shut up now.”

“You told me to shut up!?”

“Yeah! We’re near the dorm already! Your seriously disturbing people with your loud voice!”

“But my voice is y right?”


“Nah, you just hate to admit it! Ahaha.”

Suddenly, she became quiet.

At last!

Then she just vomited! On my shoulders!!!

"Aish Miyoungaaaah!!!"

“Ooops. Can’t keep it any longer. Sorry Pig.. Ehehe…” Then she bit my right ear!

“OUCH! YAH!! What’s with you?!”

“Me? Ahaha!”

“Ewww! I’m so dirty!!!”

At last we reached our room. I put Miyoung on her bed and I take a bath.

“Whoa!! Refreshing!!” I was going to sleep but I saw Miyoung who’s really stinky and dirty.

“Mushroom! Yah! Wake up! Was yourself! You can’t sleep in that state! You’ll be terrorizing this room with your stink!”


“Come on! Or else I’ll be the one to clean you up.”


Eeesh. I didn’t listen anymore to her. I took her clothes off and wiped her stinky body with a damp towel. Of course she wasn’t totally . I don’t have plans to take advantage. Lol.


The next morning…



“AWWWWW! MY HEAD HURTS!!” I got up and went to the bathroom.

Omo! When did I change? This is not mine! But its cute. Ehehe.

I washed my face then suddenly Sooyoung entered the bathroom.

“Can I pee? Just for a while. Please?”

“Hmm. Okay.” I went outside.

“Done! Yah, you were too drunk last night!”

“I was?”

“Don’t tell me you didn’t remember anything?”

“Oh. All I remember is that me and Nickhun are drinking and…”

“And you said Yes to him! Congratulation Miyoung!”


“Nickhun said you are his girlfriend. Last night you just said yes to him.”



“Oh! Ehehe. Yeah, I remember.” Damn! I did?!

“Then we saw each other at the bus station then he asked me to take you home since he has something to attend to or whatever is that… and guess what?”



“Ahaha. I did?”

“HELL YEAH! Jinja! Miyoung, I never thought you can drink a lot! Jinja! And you were heavy last night! You owe me a lot!”

“You carried me?”

“Hell yeah! You can’t freaking walk straight!”

“Oooops. Sorry!”


“Who put this on me?” I pointed on my sleeping attire.

“Me. Who else? Nickhun?”

“I wasn’t thinking about that!”

“Duh. Questions with obvious answers. Anyway, isn’t it cute? I bought that for you. I forgot to give you the things I bought for you. Uhh, I’ll give it to you later. Take a bath first coz you still stink seriously!”

“Okay… YAH! So…you took my clothes off and saw my….?!”

“Saw it and touched it! HAHAHA”


“Kidding! Take a bath now or else I’ll spread pictures and videos of drunk Miyoung.”



After taking a bath and changed I saw Sooyoung taking some things off her luggage.

“HEY! Here’s yours, this one too, and this one…Oh, this is cute, CL and me bought this one. Ahaha”

CL?! 0_o?! CL?! Her GIRLFRIEND! EEESH. I remembered last night she was telling CL she loves her.

“Uhh. Yeah, it is. You..I mean, is CL your, uhhh girlfriend?”

“Girlfriend?! No! Haha.”

“Nah! Tell me the truth!”

“It is the truth!”

Ugh. I know she wouldn’t admit it. Hmph!

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no soofany this time. Sooyoung + YoonYul + YG girls :D


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YulSicSLTTR #2
Chapter 60: This was GREAT!!
I..I...just thanks for the story ^^
YulSicSLTTR #3
Chapter 26: Sooyoung potter omg!! I love it <3
YulSicSLTTR #4
Chapter 18: I want one of those donuts >.<
YulSicSLTTR #5
Chapter 7: Silent hahahahah that's funny :')
Chapter 60: Finished!!!
I love it!!
Soofany is so cute!!
Thankyou for dis!
Chapter 42: Omo memory lost!??
Chapter 35: Im a new reader here!
At first i decide to be a silent reader but reading dis chapters i cant take it anymore!!
You author!! Ur so good!! My stomach is already aching because i try not to laugh so hard! and not to be
(Im reading dis during my my professor is really boring and i cant stop reafing dis. !! Hihi)
I think ur a romantic comedian author. Haha
Thankyou so much for dis! Daebak!!

Ok gonna read da next chapters!! Weee