Chapter 5

4 hot guys


(Jaejoong's POV)

I was sitting at my desk in my room. I was thinking about Taeyeon. I wanted to tell her sooner but I just never had the courage to. And what if I did tell her? She'd never like me back. It'd just ruin our friendship. Yuri thinks she knows everything but she doesn't. She doesn't know what I'm going through. Having to like someone who comes to you for advice when they like someone else. I have to sit there and listen to someone I truly love talk about someone they like. It hurts me. It breaks my heart. I want to tell Taeyeon the truth, but she seems happy with her life just the way it is. Her dating Donghae, and me just being her friend, just a friend. If I can't have her as my girl then I would like to have her as my friend than to not have her in my life at all. She makes me happy. When I'm sad or depressed I think about her and she brings me happiness.

A slight smile started to form on my face as I thought about her. I was thinking about all our good times together. We would always have a good time together. No matter what we were doing. I kept thinking about my thoughts until my phone rang. I went to my bed and looked at the caller ID. It was Taeyeon. I smiled again.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Jaejoong!" She said with excitement in her voice. I can imagine her smiling like and idiot. Not that she likes me, just because she always smiles like that.

"Hey Taeyeon. What's up?" I tried to sound as happy as I could so that she wouldn't worry about me and think that somethings wrong.

"Oh nothing. So um are you busy?" She asked me.

"Nope. Why?" I asked her. She sounded like she had something on her mind, and wanted to talk to someone.

"Well......who do you like better, Eunhyuk or Donghae?" What? Is this a trick question? I'm a guy, I'm not supposed to answer that.

"Um.....what??" I asked making sure I heard it right.

"Who do you like better Eunhyuk or Donghae?" She repeated.

"Uh.......I don't know." I really don't know.

"Jaejoong I'm not asking you if you like them. I'm just saying who do you think is a better person." Oh now I get it.

"Uh well neither." I'm going to try and answer these odd questions truthfully. But I already know where this is going. She's going to tell me about her guy drama. But I'll do this for her no matter how hard it is for me.

"Why?" She asked.

I sighed "Well Eunhyuk's a player, he only cares about himself, and Donghae.... I'm not getting a good vibe from him. I answered truthfully. And I know she's probably going to get mad, but I don't care she deserves someone better.

I heard her sigh. "Well uh alright I got to go see you later."

"Bye." I said.

"Bye" She hung up her phone and I hung up mine. I let out a deep breath, and layed on my bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


(Taeyeon's pov)

I hung up my phone and placed it on my desk. The answer I got from Jaejoong was different then the other answers I got from him. Our conversation would last for about an hour. I sighed and layed down on my bed. I don't know what to do. I mean I guess Jaejoong's right about Eunhyuk but what about Donghae. What kind of bad vibes? Ow my head hurts. I'm thinking to much. Argh this is so frustrating. I closed my eyes and tried to relax. A layed on my bed for a couple of minutes then I started to doze off. I pulled my blankets over me and went to sleep.


I woke up. I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock. It was already 7:00. I slept for 5 hours. I heard someone knocking on my door. "Come in" I yelled.

Yunho came in. "Hey did I wake you up?" He asked me.

I shook my head. "No I was already awake."

He smiled "Oh. Good."

I smiled back. "Was there something you wanted to tell me?"

He looked away as if he was trying to remember something. "Oh yeah" He turned back to me. "Yuri called, she wanted me to tell you to call her back when you wake up."

"Oh. Thanks for the message." I thanked him.

"No problem." He turned around and walked out of my room closing the door behind him.

I walked over to my desk, got my phone and called Yuri. Someone answered the phone "Hello? Taeyeon?" It was Yuri.

"Hey Yuri. Yunho said you wanted me to call you."

"Oh yeah, um can you go meet me at 'Bean Palace'?" Bean Palace is a coffee shop.

"Uh sure, what time?" I asked.

"Um in 5 minutes." What 5 minutes? I can't get ready and go there in 5 minutes!

"Fine I'll meet you there." I quickly ran to my closet and picked out an outfit. I put on some blue jeans, and a white t-shirt. I know it's plain but I'm only going to the coffee shop. No one's going to see me. I walked downstairs, said good bye to Yunho and walked out.


When I got there I saw Yuri sitting at a table waiting for me. I walked over and sat down.

She looked at me "Oh you're here."

I nodded "Why'd you want me to meet you here?" I asked.

"Oh no reason just thought we hang out." She smiled.

I looked at her not believing what she just said. "Yeah, sure." Then suddenly Yuri's eyes widened. "What's wrong?" She pointed to something. I turned around and saw...... Yoona, Tiffany, and Jessica! "Oh no. I can't be seen like this!" I turned around and ducked down.

"Yah! Taeyeon they'll still know that it's you." Yuri whispered to me.

I whispered back. "I don't care. I don't want them to see me like this."

"Like what?" She asked.

I looked up at her. "Ugly."

She rolled her eyes. "Taeyeon you're not ug-

"Oh look who we have here." Yuri's and my eyes widened. Oh no!

We looked up and saw Yoona and her crew behind her. "Uh hey Yoona." We both said with a nervous smile.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked us with a snobby attitude.

"What does it look like we're doing? We're drinking coffee." Yuri fired back. And there's the Yuri I know.

Yoona looked at her with an "Oh-no-you-didn't" look. "What was that?"

Yuri stood up from her seat. "You heard me."

I also got up from my seat, but to stop Yuri from pushing it. I may be able to stand up to Jessica but not Yoona. "Yuri stop."

She didn't look at me. "No, Taeyeon someone needs to stand up to this punk."

Yoona didn't step away. "Why don't you just listen to your dorky friend." Oh no she didn't.

"What was that?" I asked up in her face now.

She looked at me. "You heard me short stop." Okay that's it!

"Listen you barbie wannabe. Don't come calling me a short stop when you are trying to be a plastic doll. Just because you're taller than me doesn't make you any better. You're just some stuck up girl who whines to your daddy to give you more money." I said to her with an attitude and a fierce look. Well I think it was fierce.

Jessica stepped up in front of her. "Listen don't start talking crap about someone you don't know."

I looked at her. "Well then why don't you take your own advice and stop talking crap about me." I looked around and saw that people were now staring at us, They were probably thinking. "Why are these girls making so much noise?" Well I didn't care what they were thinking. I turned back and looked at Jessica.

She looked back at me. "Ha Like I would stop talking about a loser like you."

"Who are you calling a loser?" I asked her.

"You. Look I don't even know why Jaejoong or Donghae would want to be around you." I didn't say anything. "Jaejoong can be one of the popular guys and hang with us, but he's too blind to see that."

I gave her one of my cold glares. I heard Yuri speak. "Why wouldn't they want to hang out with Taeyeon? Why would they want to hang around a fake like you?"

I stopped her from saying anything else. "Yuri I can handle this." No one can just talk crap about me and get away with it. "What is your problem? Huh? You're just mad because Jaejoong doesn't like you. He NEVER liked you. Can't you just leave him alone and move on? He doesn't want to deal with you anymore. And you want to know why he likes to hang out with me?" She just stared at me. "He hangs out with me because I'm not some fake like you. He's a true friend, and he doesn't need to be one of the popular people. He's got friends who love him the way he is."

Jessica stared at me shocked. Yoona and Tiffany did too. "I stood up to you before so don't try to act like this is the first time I did." I said to Jessica.

Jessica pouted and stomped away.....again. Yoona and Tiffany followed behind. Yuri turns towards me. "I don't get why Yoona's the leader when Jessica is older and acts like she is the leader."

I turned to answer her. "It's because people think Yoona's the prettiest."

She laughed. "Yeah right."

I laughed also. "I don't get why Tiffany is even one of them. I mean she doesn't seem as mean as Yoona or Jerksica."

She laughed again. "Haha you're funny."

We both walked out of "Bean Palace". We had to turn a corner to get to our neighborhood, But when I turned I bumped into someone. I fell down, and got back up. "Sorry" I apologized.

When I looked at who I bumped into my eyes grew wide. I never expected to see this person again.

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Chapter 29: why didn't you let him take the flight, so there will be 'another jiyong'... mwahahahaha... overall i like it, until the last 2 chapters.. it's a major turn-off
mizsara #3
great it!
continue with ur writing okay...its really good =D