Chapter 29

4 hot guys


Taeyeon looked up from her coffee and saw Tiffany standing over her. She went to Coffee Palace to get a drink for the morning. “Oh, Tiffany.”

She sat down in front of Taeyeon and set her drink down. “So……you’re dating Eunhyuk now huh?”

Taeyeon slowly nodded. She didn’t know why Tiffany started talking to her. They were complete enemies. Tiffany smiled her eye smile. “So what about Jaejoong?”

Taeyeon looked at her. “What about him?”

Tiffany placed her elbows on the table. “You do know that he has feelings for you right?”

She nodded. “Yeah, he just never came out and told me.” Taeyeon then looked down.

Tiffany sighed and took a sip of her drink. “Look, I’m sorry for all of the bad things Yoona and Jessica have been doing.” This caused Taeyeon to look up at her. “Don’t let them get to you, don’t let them take what you already have away.”

Taeyeon nodded and gave Tiffany a thankful grin. “Thanks……”

Tiffany grinned back. “No problem.”

“Um……Taeyeon?” Taeyeon and Tiffany looked up and saw Jiyong standing beside their table. Taeyeon rolled her eyes and looked away. She didn’t want to speak to him. “Taeyeon, can we please talk?”

Tiffany looked at Jiyong and then at Taeyeon. “Um…..well I have to get going. Bye Taeyeon.” She held onto her drink and stood up. She smiled at Jiyong and walked towards the exit.

When she was outside Jiyong took her seat. “Taeyeon, we need to talk.”

She looked at him and let out a sigh. “Fine…..”


“And that is why I left. That is why I couldn’t call and tell you.” Jiyong had just finished explaining everything to Taeyeon, and she didn’t interrupt him once.

“My parents want you to have lunch with us…..” Jiyong suddenly said.

Taeyeon was caught off guard. “What? After they did all of those things, they want me to have lunch with them?” Jiyong simply nodded. “No, I’m not going to go.”

“But, they want to apologize.”

“Apologize?” Taeyeon shouted. “They want to apologize? I’m still not going.”

“Please?” Jiyong begged. “Please, just come for lunch and then you can leave and never talk to me again.”

Taeyeon looked at him. “Really?”

He nodded. Even though he still wanted to be apart of Taeyeon’s life, he had to let her go sometime. “Yes, if you come you’ll never have to speak to me again.”

Taeyeon sat there and thought about it for a moment. “Alright, I’ll go.”

“Be ready by 11:30. I’ll pick you up.” Jiyong said with sadness in his voice.

“Alright…….I’ll see you later.” Taeyeon stood up and walked out of Coffee Palace leaving Jiyong with sadness.


“Okay so why are you going to have lunch with his family again?” Yuri asked.

It was 10:00 and Taeyeon called Yuri over. She wanted someone to talk to while she was getting ready. She would’ve talked to Boa but she was out.

“I’m just going so he can leave me alone.” Taeyeon answered while putting her makeup on.

“But, you can’t! Yuri shouted.

Taeyeon stopped putting makeup on and turned to her friend. “Why?”

Yuri sat there looking at Taeyeon. She was getting nervous. “Because…….because……”

Taeyeon stood up from her chair and walked towards her bed where Yuri was. “Because what?”

Yuri took a deep breath. “Jaejoong’s moving!!”

Taeyeon stopped walking forwards. She also dropped her lipstick. “What?”

Yuri nodded. “He’s moving…… His flight leaves at 11:00 am.”

Taeyeon looked away and then back at Yuri. “When did you know about this? How come you didn’t tell me!!!” She was getting angry; tears were forming in her eyes.

Yuri stood up. “I couldn’t, he wouldn’t let me! I wanted to tell you, I really did, but I couldn’t.”

Taeyeon tried to blink her tears away but it didn’t help.” “Where’s he moving to?”

“Canada.” Yuri answered quietly.

“Canada? He’s moving to Canada? I thought he was just going to move to a different city or something, but he’s moving to a different Continent!!” Taeyeon yelled. She sat down on her bed and then looked up at Yuri. “Why is he leaving?”

Yuri took a seat next to her friend. “He likes you Taeyeon, he really likes you. He was about to tell you, but then you told him you were dating Eunhyuk.”

Taeyeon looked at her with watery eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you tell me he liked me and that he was moving? I could’ve made him stay.”

Yuri rubbed Taeyeon’s back trying to comfort her. “I’m sorry, he wouldn’t let me. He just wanted you to be happy.”

“But without him here, I won’t be happy.” Taeyeon said while sobbing.

“That’s it!” Yuri shouted. “I have an idea.”

Taeyeon looked up at her. “What is it?”

“If we leave now, we can still be able to catch him.”

Taeyeon stood up along with Yuri. “You think so?” Yuri nodded.

They both ran to Yunho’s room and banged on his door. He came running out. “What is it?”

“We need you to drive us to the airport……” Taeyeon said.


“Okay so why is he leaving?” Yunho shouted while driving to the airport.

“We told you like five times already!” Yuri shouted.

“Aish, I never knew he was so stupid!” Yunho shouted.

“Can’t you go any faster?” Taeyeon asked from the back seat.

Yunho shook his head. “No, because if I do I’ll get a ticket, and if I get a ticket that’s going to make us miss his flight!”

“Why is the airport so far away?!” Taeyeon yelled after five minutes of riding in the car.

Yuri turned to her. “Taeyeon, we’re almost there don’t worry.”

Taeyeon looked out of the window. She could see the airport up ahead. “Yunho, drive faster!”

Yunho made a turn to the right and found an empty parking space. He parked his car and all three of them got out and ran into the airport trying to find Jaejoong.

The three of them ran all over trying to find him. “Hey look there he is!” Yuri shouted while she pointed in the direction Jaejoong was in.

Taeyeon turned around and saw him getting ready to get onto the plane. The three of them started running after him.

“Jaejoong!” Yuri shouted, but he didn’t hear her.

“Jaejoong!” Yunho shouted, but he still didn’t hear him.

“He doesn’t hear us!” Yuri shouted while trying to keep up with the other two. Even though Taeyeon had short legs, she was pretty fast.

“Jaejoong!!!” Taeyeon yelled, she didn’t care if people were staring at her like she was insane. She just wanted to get his attention.

Luckily she was able to. Jaejoong turned around and spotted Taeyeon, Yuri, and Yunho running in his direction. “Taeyeon?” He asked himself. “Taeyeon!” He shouted once he saw that it was really her.

They both ran towards each other but the doors started to close. “NO!” They both yelled. They ran faster, but it didn’t help. The doors were already closed.

“That isn’t good.” Yuri said while panting. Her and Yunho decided to stop once they saw the doors closing.

Taeyeon had reached the doors. “Jaejoong?” She yelled while she started to bang on the doors. But that didn’t help. She gave up and ran to the lady who was checking their tickets. “Can you open the doors? My friends in their and he needs to come out.”

She shook her head. “I’m sorry ma’am, but we can not open the doors once they are closed.”

“No, you don’t understand. Please, he needs to come out!” Taeyeon yelled.

She shook her head again. “I’m sorry, I would like to help but I can’t.”

Taeyeon looked back at the doors and gave up. There was nothing else she could do.


Jaejoong turned around and saw a flight attendant standing there watching the passengers aboard the plane. He ran to her while breathing heavily.

“Is there a way to get out? I can’t go on this plane.” He asked.

She shook her head. “No sir, there isn’t another way out. I’m sorry.”

“So you’re saying that if someone got on the wrong plane you still wouldn’t let them off?” He questioned.

The flight attendant nodded. “But you don’t understand!” He yelled which caused he to jump a little. “The girl of my dreams is out there. She came here for me……she came all of this way for me. I need to get out.” He hung his head low. “Please……I’m begging you.”


Taeyeon turned around and walked back to Yunho and Yuri. “It’s over, I came too late.”

Yuri walked over to her and hugged her. “No, it’s not your fault. It was his choice to go.”

Taeyeon shook her head while she pulled away from her friend. “No, if I wasn’t so blind to see that he liked me, he wouldn’t have made this choice.” She turned around and ran off.

“Taeyeon!” Yuri yelled. She was about to run after her until Yunho caught her arm.

“Let her go, this is too big for her to handle. She needs time to settle down.”

Yuri looked at him. “Will she be alright?”

He nodded. “Let’s go home.”

She gave him a confused look. “We’re leaving her?”

He nodded again. “She’ll find a way home. She’s a smart and tough girl, I know she’ll be able to find a way home.”

Yuri nodded and followed Yunho out of the airport.


(Taeyeon’s POV)

I can’t believe this is happening. If I wasn’t so blind none of this would’ve happened. If I knew that he liked me then maybe I wouldn’t be sitting on this bench crying my eyes out. Maybe he would’ve still been here. I’ve lost everything. That’s it. Now I know. Now I know that he was the one. He was the one that always made me happy when I’m sad. He was the one that was always by my side no matter what. No matter how much I’ve hurt him. He was my everything. But it’s too late, it’s too late to tell him how I really feel. Babo!! I’m such a fool! If I wasn’t so blind and stupid this wouldn’t have happened!

I buried my face into my hands. I can’t stop the tears now. Now that he’s really gone I can’t stop.

“If you keep crying you’ll look like a ghost. You’ve already got the pale skin.”

There’s only one person who would say that to me. I slowly looked up. “Jaejoong……” I stood up and stared at him. He’s here, this can’t be. “But I thought you couldn’t come out.”

He gave a small smile. Boy I’ve missed his smile. The smile that made me smile. “A flight attendant understood what was happening, she let me out.”

He walked closer to me. “How did you find out?”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked ignoring his question. I need to know the answer to mine.

“That I was moving?” He asked.

I shook my head. “That you liked me.” He stared at me for a while and then looked away. “Did you think that it would change our friendship? Did you think that it would’ve made us awkward with each other?”

I paused and waited for an answer, but I got nothing. “It wouldn’t have.” He looked at me. “It wouldn’t have made it awkward because I realized that all of this time it’s been you all along.” I tried to grin. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that, I like you no, I love you Jaejoong. And I hope that it’s not too late to let you know.”

He moved towards me slowly. He reached out and pulled me in for a hug. I haven’t felt this warm in a long time. Come to think of it. I’ve never felt this warm with anyone else but him. Not even Jiyong.

Oh no Jiyong!!!

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Chapter 29: why didn't you let him take the flight, so there will be 'another jiyong'... mwahahahaha... overall i like it, until the last 2 chapters.. it's a major turn-off
mizsara #3
great it!
continue with ur writing okay...its really good =D