Chapter 17

4 hot guys

Taeyeon was walking to school all by herself because Yuri already left with Jaejoong.

This morning Yuri called Taeyeon and told her that she would be walking with Jaejoong to school because he wanted to get there early. Taeyeon felt confused, because it's usually Jaejoong who wanted to wait up for Taeyeon.


"Hey TaeTae." Yuri came running once Taeyeon walked through the school doors.

Taeyeon walked passed her. "Hey."

Yuri followed her. "What's wrong?"

Taeyeon stopped at her locker and opened it. "You want to know what's wrong?"

Yuri nodded. Taeyeon got her books out and closed the locker door, and turned to Yuri. "Why all of a sudden?"

Yuri gave a 'What-are-you-talking-about' look. "I don't get it."

Taeyeon stared at her. "Why all of a sudden did you and Jaejoong decide to come to school with out me together?"

"Taeyeon I called you this morning and told you everything."

"Yeah but why? You just told me that you were going to walk to school with Jaejoong." Yuri stared at Taeyeon not knowing what to say. Taeyeon rolled her eyes and walked to her class.


"Hey did you guys hear that?" Jessica asked. Her, Yoona, and Tiffany were at their lockers which were across from Taeyeon's.

Tiffany and Yoona nodded. "Looks like you might have a chance." Yoona said smiling.

Jessica smiled. "I'll get that chance."

"But we don't even know the whole story." Tiffany said.

Jessica rolled her eyes while Yoona turned to Tiffany. "Well it seems like Taeyeon and Jaejoong aren't that close anymore."

Jessica smirked. "All we have to do is get Yuri out of the way."


After class the teacher called Taeyeon back. "Taeyeon I need you to tutor someone."



Taeyeon's eyes widened "What?!?"

"Yes. You are one of the best students in my class."


"No buts. Go on now." Taeyeon groaned and walked out of the classroom.

"So I heard that you're my tutor." Taeyeon turned to her right and saw that Eunhyuk was leaning on the wall.

"You heard right." Taeyeon turned around and walked down the hall.

"Hey!" Eunhyuk yelled while running after her. "I'm sorry about what happened last night."

Taeyeon stopped and turned around. "Why'd you do it?"

Eunhyuk stopped running and started walking. "Take a guess."

"I don't have time for games."

"Fine. It's because I like you Taeyeon. I like you so much and I want you to give me a chance."

"Why would I give a player a chance?"

Eunhyuk walked closer. "I'll change for you Taeyeon." Taeyeon stood there frozen. She didn't know whether he was telling the truth or if he was lying. "Please Taeyeon, I can show you that I'm better than what you think of me."

"If you know so much then what do I think of you?"

Eunhyuk stopped about a foot away. "You think I'm some kind of jerk who just likes to play with girls."

"And?" Taeyeon asked.

"And that I just like to go out and break girls hearts."

"And?" Taeyeon asked again.

"And that I don't know what the meaning of love is." And with that Taeyeon didn't say anything else. She just stood there looking at Eunhyuk shocked. That was right, everything he said was right. Even the part where he said that he doesn't know what the meaning of love is. Eunhyuk walked over to Taeyeon and moved her hair out of her face. "That's what you think of me."

Taeyeon nodded. "How did you know?"

Eunhyuk gave a smile "Lucky guess."


(Taeyeon's POV)

"No Eunhyuk not like that!" We were at the park sitting under this shelter. We had our books, paper, and pencils. Yes I am tutoring Eunhyuk. I was tutoring him in music. Yes music can you believe that? In school we have this choice. You could either be in a music class or be in art. And since I love to sing I chose music. But it turns out that I am in the same class as the kingka. And who knew that I was going to be teaching him how to sing and read notes!

"Then how do I do it?"

"Here just repeat after me." I started to sing some notes. "La La La La La La La"

"Ba Bo Ba Bo Bo....... Boo?" I smacked his head.

"Where did you get Ba and Bo and Boo from?" He shrugged and gave an embarressed smile. "Okay start again."

"Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fo" This time instead of smacking his head I hit his arm.

"No! You have some hearing issues. It's LA!"

He took his hand and covered my mouth. Eww where has his hands been? "Okay, I got this." He took his hands away from my mouth. "La La La La La La La"

I threw my hands up in the air. "Finally!!" I heard him laugh at me. He took my arms and put them down.

"I'm not the best singer so it took me a while."

I looked at him. "I've noticed."



Taeyeon stood up. "Jiyong?"



"Taeyeon." Jiyong and Eunhyuk said in unison.

"Jiyong, Eunhyuk." Taeyeon then turned to Eunhyuk "How do you guys know eachother?"

"We go way back. We were friends right Hyuk?" Jiyong asked.

Eunhyuk got up and looked at him. "Not until fifth grade."

Taeyeon turned to Eunhyuk. "What happened in fifth grade?"

"I'll tell you." Jiyong said.

"I asked Eunhyuk." Taeyeon said coldly.

"In fifth grade there was this vote. Students had to vote for the person they thought should be the class president. It was between me and Jiyong. And I won."

"So you were jealous?" Taeyeon asked turning back to Jiyong.

"I WAS, but not anymore. Why would I be jealous of some player?" Jiyong said smirking. "I've heard things about you Eunhyuk, bad things."

"Stop it!" Taeyeon Yelled. "Why is it that you are the one who is always bringing back memories to people who don't want to remember it?" She walked closer to him. "It's like you're haunting them. Donghae, Eunhyuk, and me."

Eunhyuk walked over to her. "What do you mean you? What has he done to you?"

Taeyeon looked at Eunhyuk. "I don't want to talk about it. Can we go somewhere else? Please?" Eunhyuk nodded and grabbed all of the stuff that was on the table.

"You're not going to really leave with him right?" Jiyong asked pointing at Eunhyuk, but still looking at Taeyeon.

"Watch me." Taeyeon grabbed her purse and left with Eunhyuk.

Jiyong watched them walk further and further away. "Taeyeon.............mianhae."


"So where do you want to go?" Eunhyuk asked carrying all of the books and following Taeyeon.

"Anywhere but here."

"Do you want to-" Eunhyuk was cut off by a book falling down onto the ground and making a huge thud. He quickly bent down to pick it up but that caused all of the other books to fall. Taeyeon looked back and saw that he was struggling. She bent down and picked up some books.

"I'll carry these. You carry those." Taeyeon said motioning to the other books on the ground with her head. Eunhyuk nodded and picked up the books that were left on the ground.

"Thanks." Eunhyuk said getting up.

Taeyeon looked at him. "For what?"

"For doing all of this. For tutoring me, and for being patient with me."

Taeyeon smiled. "No problem."


(Yuri's POV)

"Hey Yuri." Oh. My. Gosh!!! Did he just say hi to me?? I think he did!!!

"H-Hey TOP." Ahh he smiled at me! Okay Yuri calm yourself. Fangirl mode is kicking in.

"So, what are you doing here?"

"Uh just drinking some coffee." He nodded and sat down in the empty seat in front of me. Oh my gosh!! He just sat in the seat in front of me!!

"So do you know where Eunhyuk is?" What? He's asking me about Eunhyuk? At a time like this? A romantic time like this?!? Well it's not really romantic but still!!!

"Uh no, why would I know."

"Well he said he'd be with Taeyeon, so I thought you would know where they went." Wait what?!? He's with Taeyeon? Since when? She never told me!! But she's also mad at me so that's probably why she didn't tell me.

"Um nope she didn't tell me anything."

He nodded and got up from his seat. "Oh, well see ya." Where's he going?

"Where are you going?"

"Home. It was nice talking to you though. I'll see you soon?" I quickly nodded. Of course he will see me soon! He gave me a smile oh my gosh it was so cute!! And then he walked out. Well that was like the longest conversation we ever had!!

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Chapter 29: why didn't you let him take the flight, so there will be 'another jiyong'... mwahahahaha... overall i like it, until the last 2 chapters.. it's a major turn-off
mizsara #3
great it!
continue with ur writing okay...its really good =D