Chapter 15

4 hot guys

(Yuri's POV)

"Jaejoong open up!!" I yelled banging on his front door. I've been banging on this door for five minutes now. Ugh I know he's inside he just won't answer. "Jaejoong!!!!"

I heard foot steps and backed away. Jaejoong opened the door and pulled me in. He slammed me onto the door. "What?!?" He yelled. I was so shocked that he actually did this to me. I couldn't do anything but just stare at his flaming mad face. He realized what he did and backed away. "I'm sorry." He looked down and I knew he meant it.

"Jaejoong what's up with you?" I asked after I caught my breath from all that shock.

"I don't know Yuri. I just haven't been the same since Jessica kissed me."

"Wait." I said stopping him. "You mean when Jessica kissed you and Taeyeon saw right?" I mean he can't change because he actually liked the kiss right?

He nodded. "Yeah. Yuri I would NEVER like Jessica. You know that."

This time I nodded. Yeah you like Taeyeon I know. Gosh you told me this so many times and It's not me who doesn't believe you it's Taeyeon. Oh wait this isn't supposed to be said in my head. "I know Jaejoong. It's not me who doesn't believe you, it's Taeyeon."

"Did you talk to her?"

"Well...." I started walking towards the couch. "Uh I told her that you didn't like Jessica, but something came up so I didn't get to finish." I answered truthfully.

He walked towards the couch. "Like what?"

I gulped. I didn't know if I should tell him , or if I shouldn't. "Well I saw Donghae with Yoona, but she didn't believe me."

"She didn't believe that you saw them together?"

Oh boy this is hard to explain. Would he get said if I told him that Taeyeon didn't believe me? "No, that they were seeing eachother."

"She didn't believe you?" I could see that he was hurt. Gosh so much delimma.

I shook my head. "Nope. I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" he asked sitting down on the couches. I followed him and sat down.

"I don't know. I just feel bad."

"Yuri, I think I really do love her."


(Eunhyuk's POV)

I was walking home when I got a phone call from Yoona.

"What?" I asked bitterly

"It's over." What!! She can't dump me!


"You heard me. It's over." She repeated.

"You know what, fine I don't want you anyway" I replied.

She gasped. "Stop lying. You do want me."

"Please Yoona, stop making it harder than it is." Since she's such a dumb doll, I'll confuse her.

"Make what harder?"

"I'm sorry Yoona I just don't think it's going to work. It's over." Hahaha this is fun.

"What but I-" I hung up on her before she could finish her sentence. This feels good. Now I can go out with someone I actually like.


"So what did he say?" Donghae said coming up behind Yoona.

She turned around and smiled. "It's all good." Donghae smiled back. "Now you have to tell Taeyeon."

Donghae's smile dissapeared. "I can't."

Yoona's smile also dissapeared. "Why not?"

"Because you said we could go out with out telling her."

"But Donghae, it's better for her, you, and me." Yoona said coming closer to Donghae.

"But I don't want to hurt her." Donghae said.

"Then I will." Yoona said turning around and walking to Taeyeon's house.

"What?" Donghae ran after Yoona. "You can't."

"Watch me." Yoona said running to Taeyeon's house.


While she was running Yuri and Jaejoong saw her. They looked at each other and then ran after Yoona. When Yoona stopped in front of Taeyeon's house, Yuri and Jaejoong also stopped.

"What is she doing here?" Jaejoong asked.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out." Yuri said walking towards Yoona. "Yoona!"

Yoona turned around. "What?"

"What are you doing here?"

"That's none of your business."

"Shut up Yoona. You're just causing more trouble." Yuri said giving her a glare.

"Oh whatever." Yoona replied back giving Yuri a glare also.

"Just leave." Yuri commanded

"How about no."


"Because I'm here to give Taeyeon some bad news."

Yuri stopped glaring and looked at Yoona. "What bad news?"

Yoona gave her signature smirk. "Donghae and I are dating now."

Jaejoong heard the conversation and was shocked. Why would he do that to Taeyeon? He asked in his head. He walked tp where Yoona and Yuri were. "What do you mean you and Donghae are dating now?" He asked walking up to Yoona.

She still had her evil smirk on her face. "The sentence says it all."

Yuri went back to glaring. "How could you do this? You knew Taeyeon and Donghae were dating."

"It's not my fault i'm tall and pretty."

"I noticed you left out nice. I guess you already knew that you weren't nice." Yuri said walking closer to Yoona.

"Boys don't care for nice girls. They just want a hot one." Yoona said walking closer to Yuri as well.

"Those boys are the ones who regret dating a girl." Jaejoong said from behind Yuri.

"Donghae won't regret dating me." Yoona said not taking her evil eyes off of Yuri.

"I bet he will." Yuri said also not taking her eyes off of Yoona.

"You wish." Yoona turned around and started walking towards Taeyeon's door. But Yuri grabbed a hold of her hand and swung her around.

"Listen, if you and Donghae are dating then why isn't he doing this?" Yuri asked tightning her grip on Yoona's wrist.

"Because he said I could." Yoona said trying to get out of her grip.

"You tell little fishy to get his over here so I can let you go." Yuri said through her gritted teeth.

"How am I supposed to go if you're holding my wrist?" Yoona said still squirming.

"Give me your phone?" Yuri said putting her hand out.

Yoona stopped and looked at her. "What?"

"Give me the phone!" Yuri yelled. Yoona glared at Yuri while reaching into her pocket and pulling out her phone. She gently placed it in Yuri's hand making sure it doesn't fall.

Yuri grabbed the phone and looked through the contacts. She went all the way to Donghae's name and pressed send.

"Hello? Yoona?" Donghae said on the other line.

"No it's Yuri. Taeyeon's friend. Remember her? The girl you're two timing on?" Yuri asked holding the phone up to her ear.

"Why do you have Yoona's phone?" Was all Donghae could say.

"Because I have her. If you truly love her, you would come over here and get her." Yuri said glaring at Yoona.

Donghae took a deep breath and then let it out. "Where are you guys?"

"We're in front of Taeyeon's house." Yuri answered.

"What?!? Why over there?" Donghae asked.

"Just do it." Yuri commanded and hung up the phone. "Jaejoong?" She asked looking behind her to find Jaejoong staring at her with disbelief. "What?" Yuri asked.

"Why are you doing this? Why here?" Jaejoong asked.

Yuri dragged Yoona closer to Jaejoong. "Tayeon needs to know from him, not from her."

Jaejoong looked away and then back at her. "I'm not in this."

Yuri walked up closer pulling Yoona along. "Why? Don't you want Taeyeon to know?"

Jaejoong nodded. "I do, it's just that I don't want to be in this dilemma." He started to walk away but Yuri pulled him back with her free hand.

"No, you have to stay."

He turned to her. "Why?"

"Because she needs her friends for support."

"She doesn't need me." He got out of Yuri's grip and turned around.

"Yes she does Jaejoong, you just don't know it."

"Why do you like her?" Yoona asked stepping into the conversation.

Yuri turned to her. "It's none of your business.

"I'm going to tell Jessica." Yoona threatened.

Jaejoong turned around and walked to Yoona so now they were only 2 inches away. "Go ahead and tell her. Do you think I care? I don't need her, she needs to move on." He said talking as calmly as he can.

Yoona gulped. "But she loves you."

"I don't love her. I don't even like her." Jaejoong said.

Yoona and Yuri had there mouths open. "That was mean." Yoona replied after she snapped back into reality.

Jaejoong smirked. "I never said I was nice." He turned around and walked away leaving Yuri and Yoona all by themselves.

Soon Donghae came running. "Okay now let her go." He said panting.

Yuri shook her head. "Go tell Taeyeon."

Donghae looked at her. "What?"

"You heard me. Now go." She said pointing at the door.

He looked at the door, then to Yoona, and then to Yuri. "Fine."


"Taeyeon?" Donghae said walking into her room with Yuri and Yoona following him.

Taeyeon turned around from her desk. She looked at Yoona and Yuri then back at Donghae. "Donghae? How'd you get in here?"

"Yunho let me in." Donghae said not moving from his spot. "Listen Taeyeon we have to talk."

"I want to break up." Taeyeon said interrupting what Donghae had to talk about.

Everyone in the room looked at her shocked. "What?" Donghae said with a lost expression.

"You're dating Yoona."

"How did you find out?"

"I was hiding behind a bush and heard you. Now get out. All of you!" Taeyeon said with tears forming down her eyes.

Yuri let go of Yoona, and stood there. Yoona and Donghae obeyed Taeyeon and ran out of the house.

"I said get out." Taeyeon said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Yuri didn't listen and walked closer. "Taengoo."

"Don't call me that." Taeyeon said wiping her tears away.

Yuri sat Taeyeon down and sat with her. "It's okay." She hugged Taeyeon and rubbed her back. 'Man I wish Jaejoong was here." Yuri said in her head.

"I'm sorry Yuri." Taeyeon said.

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because I didn't believe you."

"It's alright TaeTae. It's not your fault." Yuri said comforting her.

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Chapter 29: why didn't you let him take the flight, so there will be 'another jiyong'... mwahahahaha... overall i like it, until the last 2 chapters.. it's a major turn-off
mizsara #3
great it!
continue with ur writing okay...its really good =D