Chapter 1

The 1st Time...


A single breeze swept through my body gives me the chill in the cold autumn night.  I hugged my own body more tighter and start to walk down the famous Apgunjeong Rodeo street which was filled with couples here and there. I let  out a long sigh. Somehow tonight was the most loneliness night ever. 

It had been almost a two years now and I still can feel the pain as though it happen just yesterday. A million miles away from home and why am I still miserable?

Come on Lee Sha, you are here to start a new life! Please don't remind yourself of the past! it had been two years now for God sake! You should have moved on by now..

Before I knew it, I was in a playground. Since it was night time I decided to sit on the swing.

I could feel warm tears rolling down my cheeks. The more tears comes out the more angrier & frustrated I became of myself!! 


"Aaarrggghhhh!!!!!" I let out my frustation.

My voice echoed through the empty park. All of the suden all the pain weighing on my heart  and I felt it suffocates me so much I started cry out loud. I don't care if there anybody hear me! I need to get it all out of my chest! I need to end this! Right here! Right now! I clench my hand close to my heart.... I wish I could take out my heart and throw it away so I wouldn't get hurt anymore.

"Here" A strange male voice woke me from my own world. I was about to scream but when I saw him holding a white handkerchief I stopped mid way. When I look at the man standing in front of me, he just smiled and I... I was rather confused. 

"Wipe off your tears, it doesn't suits you" He simply said. Just smiling insisting me to take his handkerchief. I was about to refuse his offer but then he just took the handkerchief and wipe off my tears very carefully. Just then I got to see his face more clearer. 

He had this sincere smile showing off his dimple on the side of his cheek and just kept on wiping my tears away. At that point I just froze and stared at him blankly. A little bit embarrassed I must admit and I don't know how to react at that point of moment.

"There you go," He gushes looking at my face after he was done with what he was doing. 

I immediately stood up forgoting the fact when I did that our nose nearly touched which caued him back away from me.

Realizing what I did I could feel my cheeks burning "jwesonghamnida" I bowed "jwesonghamnida.." I bowed again. 

"it's fine... here, keep this." Again with that smile he put the handkerchief in my hand. 


"It's okay to cry. Cry your heart out and tomorrow start your day with a big smile. Throw away your sorrow. Live life the fullest... because you deserve better" He cut me off. He shoves his hands in his pockets, turn around and walked away.

"B-but how am I....gonna ring this back to you..." I said it loudly enough for him to hear but then he didn't stop. I just stared at him blankly until he disappear in the darkness. 

"Mwuhya???"  I asked myself. This guy is one weird guy.... more like a one weird angel; I recalled what his last word to me... He said it as thugh he knows what I am going through. Then I remember the white handkerchief that he gave to me. When I unfold it I saw an initial right in the corner of the handkerchief... L.T

"L.T? Who is he?" I wondered


I'm so sorry if the starting is a bit slow... but I promise the storyline will be exciting in the future =) 

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Finally, a Leeteuk story! Good job so far!
Tashlikeme #2
Thanx Cazy =)... will do soon! ^^
It's sooo coool :D
Can't wait for the next part
Tashlikeme #4
I was wondering the same thing too T_T... but i'm glad u did!!! Thanx for ur support! FIGHTING!!! ^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #5
hmm... why is nobody commenting except me?
anyways i like your story and this chap^^
please update soon ;)
YoongiholicAnonymous #6
yay new chap^^
and i have to say this is also my peronal fave!
Tashlikeme #7
soon! soon! *wink *wink
YoongiholicAnonymous #8
ahaha the last few line were funny with donghaes aegyo :D
chapter 5, please come fast :D
Tashlikeme #9
Heheh tq so much. I will keep on posted... Chapter 5 is on the way! Hope you like Chapter 4 too
YoongiholicAnonymous #10
haha teukie was annoyed :D
i like the chap^^
update soon ;)