What If

Yun+Jae=4ever In Love

Over the years, a few times the question of what if has arose. 

~If my heart wrote you a letter, would you read it?~

When JaeJoong smiles, without covering his mouth, people pay attention. They immediately want to know why he's smiling and who made it so. JaeJoong never tells, just glances at Yunho, who's eyes twinkle like billions of stars in a gloriously black night sky.

They'll never know, JaeJoong thinks. He's never been one to love and tell.

~if I lit up the sky like a glorious light, would you follow to see where it ends?~

In dance practice JaeJoong is the graceful klutz and Yunho is the power house that serves as the backbone of their whole  structure. They give him complements in the same breath that they tease JaeJoong. The eldest doesn't mind, lending his own 2 cents when the opportunity allows him to.

Yunho's eyes meet his through the wall to wall mirrors of the dance studio. They both share a smile sealed with promises. Later they'll curl up and whisper secrets to each other that will only be meant for them to hear.  It'll stay that way for as long as they breathe and even after then.

~If I dreamed of you singing me a love song, would you do it for real?~

Someone famous, JaeJoong is positive, said that love was a risky thing. He isn't sure who, but he knows it's been said because it's more of the truth than he's ever heard before. As he lays in bed and stares at the ceiling, peeling pant and long cracked lines. The others are off somewhere, being twenty something year olds in the heat of a summers night. 

The bed dips and warm hands press against his stomach. He directs his vision down and see's Yunho smiling up at him with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. His lips are wet from water, maybe soda, he's been drinking. Without words, JaeJoong spreads his arms and Yunho rests his ear against JaeJoong's heartbeat. They'll sleep like that and wake up sweaty from heat, but content nonetheless.

~If I asked you to stay forever, would you promise me longer than that?~

"How do you think it happened?" Years down the road when the Gods Rising From The East no longer need to rise, Yunho and JaeJoong are still the YunJae couple. Siting on the porch of their beach house, they're more satisfied with life then they have ever been.

"How what happened?" JaeJoong chuckles and brushes his hair back. He's let it grow long again because Yunho likes it long.

"Us. This. When did we fall in love like this?" He knows the answer to his own question, but loves Yunho spin on words. Yunho looks like he's about to say something deep and the anticipation makes laugher bubble low in JaeJoong's chest.

"Well, you said hello. Then a few days later I saw you smile for the first time. And then we kissed and I asked you to be the love of my life. Not a very long story, but the best and my favorite." When he's finished, he stares down at JaeJoong who looks just as lovesick as he did the first time they touched. 

Sharing a kiss, they lean into eachothers warmth and watch a sun set that lays to rest another day. JaeJoong cries a little, but doesn't let Yunho see because forever is a long time and he'll have plenty of opportunities to be emotional. 

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Chapter 3: Oh the mishaps and adventures of these bundles of joy. Thank you!
hymeki #3
Chapter 3: the toddler is cuuutttee~~
hymeki #4
Chapter 3: the toddler is cuuutttee~~
hymeki #5
Chapter 3: the toddler is cuuutttee~~
hymeki #6
Chapter 3: the toddler is cuuutttee~~
samirajoon #7
Chapter 2: i'm emotional also. forever yunjae
samirajoon #8
Chapter 1: omo. so sweet. they love each other so much.
SoLiveMe #9
Chapter 3: OMO!!! Toddlers dbsk are so cuteeeee~
I wish I can kiss their cheeks. *muachhh*
Chapter 3: "It was a very big accident. If it makes you feel any better, it was super soft!" 
This made me laugh so hard xD