Honorifics and Name Calling

Writing Tips 101 - The Do's and Don't That Everyone Should Follow

Honorifics. Tell me, how many of you actually know what the hell this is?

I'm aware of the many anime fans in this site so let me say it.


-Sshi = -san = Mr/Mrs/Ms    ||    Generally used for those around the same age (apppearance or age wise), it is generally only used for strangers or for formality purposes. It's equivilent to the Japanese "blank-san" or the English "Mr. Smith" type thing.

-Gun = -kun   ||    Only used commonly for younger boys around little kids to young adults (around college age). It is pretty much equilivent to "kun" of Japanese, but since "kun" is used for both genders, "Gun" (pronounced Goon) is for males only.

-Yang = -Chan    ||     Only used for younger girls from little kids to young adults. It's like the same thing as -gun, but for females only.

-songsaengnim = -sensei    ||    Used for teachers or for those of high professions (teachers, doctors, lawyers, etc). It is equivilent to the Japanese "sensei" and since there really isn't one for English, I guess it could literally mean teacher. But songsaengnim and sensei are actually anyone of high profession, or a profession considered high class in Asia. 

Ahjusshi   ||    Ahjusshi is used for middle aged men that are not of high profession. Or if you don't know, you would just call them ahjusshi.

Ahjumma  ||  The equivilent of Ahjusshi except it's middle aged women instead.


Then for senior folks there's always the grandpa and grandma, but that's complicated and you don't generally call out to senior citizens so I'll skip over that now.

No honorifics are needed for close friends or little kids (outside of formalities).


The use of "Yah" is not... common. You do not, I repeat, DO NOT, shout "YAH" at a random stranger unless it's like a mugger or a thief. It is incredibly rude and you will get glared at and possibly scolded. When you bump into someone, it's always a polite "sorry" or "excuse me". You DO NOT yell "YAH" and start yelling at them UNLESS they were drunk or like a gang/bad people.

"Yah" is used for family, friends, whatever. NOT for complete strangers. It's like the "HEY" or "WHAT THE HELL" type exclamation that could either earn laughs or a whack on the head depending on the context it's used in.


Btw, in Korea, nobody really talks to each other unless they really know each other. Like on the streets or taxis or restaurants, you don't randomly strike up conversation with those around you. They tend to stay to themselves and not talk to strangers unless required too (like waitresses). It's completely different from the US where you can just talk to anyone.

Another issue with fics are these. Things you should not do/that never occur on the streets or public transporation in Korea:

  • Yell. Yelling, loud talking, none of it. Sometimes subway trains are silent. Completely silent. Taxis are usually rode in silence unless you're with a family member. Public transporation is a place where you do not draw attention to yourself.
  • Strike up random conversation with strangers on public transporation.
  • Hold doors open for another behind you. That's considered a bit strange lol and a bunch of people rush past. I did it once and I ended up standing there for 5 minutes before I could leave.


Those are only a few things out of the top of my head. You just should NOT yell or speak in an extremely loud voice on buses or subways though, that's just not allowed/normal, haha.


It's terrible seeing YAH as an introduction to a character in fanfics since that never happens. You don't just yell that out of nowhere really. Also, honorifcs are so wrongly used it really bothers me. Now you know, spread the love and show people how wrong they are. 'K thanks.

Sorry for not updating in awhile though, augh, I'm on vacation in Korea right now.

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Chapter 5: dude, this post is cool. i'm freaking agree with it.
Chapter 5: i think this might help
Korea?! O.O
I'm so jealous~ -.-;

I missed your updates. :3
this has regained my faith in humanity. thank you.
Thank you! Good God, this irks my nerves a lot when I see yah all the time.
I'd like to read your opinion on posters with a story like this or that with pictures that doesn't really fit the fic. :)
I don't mind romanization. But if the author has to look it up in order to put it in the story then there's no point in using it, because chances are other people won't know what it means either and will e too lazy to try and find out what it means
I don't mind a korean romanization every once in a while- the occasional annyeong or waeyo- but not entirely romanized and about the way of recognizing dialogue; it depends merely on whose writing the story for me. Huntress is an offender of <putting things inside to describe actions> However, It adds to the comedy concept of her stories so for me it's OK. There are a few others as well but, half of them I cannot stand. Please update soon, I like to hear your view points.
jongxshin #9
I'm fine with Korean Romanizations in fics. It's okay to use oppa/unnie or the suffixes -yah/-ah but, there's no need to write fully in Romani. I mean, hello? We're not Korean, and I can't even write "Hello, I'm ___" in Korea (Yes, my Korean is pretty bad - but then, I'm not Korean, so yeah -.-)