Obnoxiously Long Titles That Don't Have Proper Spelling and/or Random Symbols or Unneeded Punctuation That Give Away The Whole Entire Story Plot?!?!?!?!

Writing Tips 101 - The Do's and Don't That Everyone Should Follow


Why do you do this to yourself? Why is this a morally-acceptable story that gains subscribers who also read this? If I had a child and the babysitter was a pedo, I'd report them immediately.


I am also sick of     "____ Is my Fiance?!?!?!?!?!?!?111"

Real Translation: "He's a jackass and I'm a Prissy Goody-Two Shoes but we fall in love at the end and the writing makes the readers want to stab themselves."

Stop. Just stop right now before I sob.

People, this does not make your story attractive, nor does it make me want to read it.


Ok, here's the real tip:

Your title is the first thing people see. It should make the readers wonder, "Huh, I wonder what this could mean? I'm curious..."

Titles are practically traps that help the reader gain interest in the story and wonder what the title could possibly mean. Some are more obvious than others, but nontheless, they still work.

Take real life examples: Eragon - We get why the first book of this incredible series is called Eragon. It's simple and straightforward, but it works.

or something more mysterious as To Kill a Mockingbird. This title is already chocked full of symbolism and you wonder to yourself, "Why a mockingbird? Why would you kill it?"

Titles are only one of your creative outlets of the story, but it is your most important. I think about mine and replace them constantly. I hate almost all my titles actually, but that's besides the point.


Your Title Should:

  • Be short, less than 10 words (unless it's something as interesting as "A Love Story Featuring My Dead Best Friend." Interesting right? It's a great book btw.
  • Capitalized letters except for "A, To, etc" this kind of small words should not be capitazlied.
  • No puncuation. At all. Unless aboely necessary. Look at a book, do you see any obnoxious ?!?!?!?!?!? at the end of it? No? Didn't think so.
  • Be interesting: It should get your readers attention from the get-go
  • Actually relate to the story and not be a random word you like/picked out


Your Title Should Not:

  • Be so obnoxious long "OMFG, I fell in love with Taemin and we had lots of kids together." (plus this is super creepy)
  • Not contain a mixture of randomly capitalized letters "I'm MaRRied to ChuNJi?!1?1!"
  • Contain ?!?!?!?!? any sort of punctuation at the end of it.
  • No symbols. At all. They only distract people and it's irritating to read.
  • Give away all of the story. (As shown in the example above)

If your title contains one or more of these elements I recommend you change them now.

Thanks for fixing your mistakes


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Chapter 5: dude, this post is cool. i'm freaking agree with it.
Chapter 5: i think this might help
Korea?! O.O
I'm so jealous~ -.-;

I missed your updates. :3
this has regained my faith in humanity. thank you.
Thank you! Good God, this irks my nerves a lot when I see yah all the time.
I'd like to read your opinion on posters with a story like this or that with pictures that doesn't really fit the fic. :)
I don't mind romanization. But if the author has to look it up in order to put it in the story then there's no point in using it, because chances are other people won't know what it means either and will e too lazy to try and find out what it means
I don't mind a korean romanization every once in a while- the occasional annyeong or waeyo- but not entirely romanized and about the way of recognizing dialogue; it depends merely on whose writing the story for me. Huntress is an offender of <putting things inside to describe actions> However, It adds to the comedy concept of her stories so for me it's OK. There are a few others as well but, half of them I cannot stand. Please update soon, I like to hear your view points.
jongxshin #9
I'm fine with Korean Romanizations in fics. It's okay to use oppa/unnie or the suffixes -yah/-ah but, there's no need to write fully in Romani. I mean, hello? We're not Korean, and I can't even write "Hello, I'm ___" in Korea (Yes, my Korean is pretty bad - but then, I'm not Korean, so yeah -.-)