Chapter 17

Something Wonderful


Dara awakened feeling oddly refreshed after her awful night of tearful self-recriminations. The discovery of Jiyong's treachery had destroyed her illusions, but as she slowly went about her morning routine of bathing and dressing, she began to realize that what she had learned last night had released her from the bonds of loyalty and devotion that had kept her tied to his memory for over a year.


She was free of Jiyong Kwon now. A faint, wry smile touched her lips as she sat down before the dressing table and began brushing her long, heavy hair. How funny it was that, in trying to become "worthy" of being Jiyong's wife, she had turned herself into a rigidly prim and proper female who would have suited a cleric, but never, ever the wife of a scandalous, unprincipled rake. Which was really rather funny, she thought wryly, because her true nature was any thing but rigid and starched.


She had always done that, Dara realized suddenly; she had always tried to be what those she loved wanted her to be: For her father, she had been more like a son than a daughter; for her mother, she had become the parent, rather than the child; for Jiyong, she had become a complete idiot.


However, from this day forward, all that was going to change. For better or for worse, Sandara Park Kwon was going to enjoy herself. In order to do that, however, she first needed to eradicate the reputation for hauteur and boundless idiocy she had unwittingly earned amongst the haute ton. Since Wooyoung Jang was her most vocal, and most influential, detractor, he was obviously the best place to start. Youngbae intended to speak to him this morning, but perhaps she could say or do something to change his opinion of her while he was here.


While she was contemplating that problem, she suddenly remembered the last part of her conversation with Bom Choi last night. Bom had said her friends thought Dara was "the veriest greenhead ever to appear at a Seoul party," so she had obviously known Dara was persona non grata amongst the ton, yet she had still wanted to befriend her. She had, in fact, been hinting at the same thing Youngbae had said later. The brush stilled in Dara's hand, and a surprised smile lit her face. Perhaps she was going to have a true friend in Seoul, after all.


Feeling more lighthearted than she had in over a year, she pinned her heavy hair atop her head and hurriedly pulled on a pair of the tight breeches and one of the shirts she wore each morning when she and Youngbae practiced their fencing. Snatching her rapier from the closet and picking up her face mask, she walked from the room, humming a cheerful tune, her steps light and buoyantly carefree.


Youngbae was standing alone in the center of the deserted ballroom where they practiced each, morning, idly tapping the tip of his rapier against the sole of his boot. He turned at the sound of her brisk footsteps upon the polished floor, his face mirroring his relief at her appearance. "I wasn't certain you'd feel up to this, after last night"


Dara's flashing smile told him she harbored no grudge against him for his silence on the matter of Jiyong's perfidy, but she said nothing about last night. She wanted to forget it and Jiyong Kwon. Picking up the padded chestplate from the ballroom floor, she put it on, then she put on her face mask, adjusted it, and touched her rapier to her forehead in a jaunty salute to her worthy opponent.


"My word, Kwon," Wooyoung drawl stopped Dara and Youngbae in the middle of a furious parry. "Isn't it rather early to be cavorting about in such an energetic fashion?" Shifting his lazy gaze to Youngbae's unknown fencing partner, he said admiringly, "Whoever you are, you're a damned fine swordsman."


Waiting for her labored breathing to even out, Dara stood with hands on her hips while she quickly weighed the relative merits of showing herself to Jang as she now stood, or waiting to see him in the salon later, as she had intended. Recalling what Youngbae had told her about him last night, she decided to be daring, rather than cowardly.


Reaching behind her head, Dara unfastened her face mask and simultaneously pulled out the pins that secured her heavy hair. In one quick motion, she pulled off her face mask and gave her head a hard shake that sent dark hair tumbling down over her shoulders in a gleaming dark waterfall.


"I don't believe it!" the unshakable Wooyoung uttered, staring at the laughing young woman before him, his expression almost comical as he tried to absorb the fact that the prim, proper peagoose G dragon had married was one and the same with the young woman standing before him, wearing tight buff breeches that were more physically alluring than the lowest-cut ballgown he had ever seen. Moreover, her eyes were dancing with laughter as she watched his shock register. "I'll be damned" he began, but Dara's low, throaty laughter, which he had never heard before, interrupted his exclamation.


"No doubt you will be," she said with sham sympathy, walking toward him with the easy natural grace of a young athlete. "And if you aren't, you ought to be," she added, and then graciously extended her hand to him as if she hadn't just wished him to perdition.


Feeling as if some sort of trick twins, perhaps were being played on him, Wooyoung automatically took her hand in his own. "Why ought I?" he demanded, angry with himself for his inability to control his facial expression.


"Because," Dara said lightly, "you have made me an object of considerable ridicule here, which I partially deserved. However, perhaps you could consider making amends, so that you could spend eternity in a more comfortable climate?" One delicately arched brow lifted as she waited for his reply, and in spite of himself, Wooyoung nearly grinned.


Youngbae stood back in pleased silence, watching Wooyoung react to this lovely duelist exactly as he'd hoped when he instructed Higgins to send him to the ballroom as soon as he arrived. "I gather you are blaming me for your lack of shall we say, popularity?" Wooyoung put in, beginning to recover his composure.


"I am blaming myself," the young beauty replied, her smile sweet, yet unconsciously seductive. "I am asking you to help me change matters." "Why should I?" he demanded bluntly.


Dara lifted her brows and her smile widened, "Why, to prove you can, of course."


The challenge was thrown down as lightly as a glove, and Wooyoung hesitated before taking it up. From sheer ersity and extreme boredom, he had unscrupulously flayed the reputations of dozens of pretentiously proud females, but he had never once attempted to rebuild one of those demolished reputations. To try would be to put his influence with the ton to the acid test. Ah, but to fail Still, the challenge was intriguing. Yejin had enough influence to force the old crones to accept Dara, but only Wooyoung could make her popular with the younger set who followed his lead.


Glancing down at her, he noted that she was watching him out of the corner of her eyes, a tiny, irresistible smile playing about her soft lips. With a jolt of surprise, he noticed how incredibly long and curly her lashes were as they lay like dark fans, casting shadows on her high delicate cheekbones. Almost against his will and against his better judgment Wooyoung Jang offered his arm to her. "Shall we discuss our strategy later say, tonight, when I arrive to you to Shindong’s Party?"


"You'll help me then?"


Wooyoung affected a bland smile and answered with a philosophical quotation: " 'Nothing is too high for the daring of mortal, We storm heaven itself in our folly.' That is a quote from Homer, I believe," he added informatively.


Dara at his side shook her head and sent him an impertinent, plucky smile. "Horace."


Wooyoung stared at her, momentarily lost in thought. "You're right," he said slowly, and there was the beginning glimmer of admiration in his hooded eyes. How easy it had been, Dara thought with an inward smile four weeks later as she stood, surrounded by a crowd of friends and admirers. At Bom's advice, she had ordered a whole new wardrobe in bright pastels and rich primary colors, party dress that emphasized her figure to advantage and flattered her vivid coloring. Beyond that, she had only needed to ignore many of the Yejin's strictures on appropriate demeanor and, instead, to say virtually whatever came to mind.


Wooyoung had done the rest, by appearing in public with her and putting his stamp of approval upon her, along with giving her some pithy advice that included instructing her to put herself on good terms with Jiyong's former paramours, Jessica and Sohee: "Given your excruciatingly naive remarks about your husband's imaginary virtues," he had informed her as he escorted her to the first ball, "and your absurd compliments to his former paramours' beauty, there is nothing for it but that you must be seen to be on friendly terms with those ladies. Society will then assume that, rather than being an utter nitwit which you were you are instead a young lady with a heretofore unappreciated, highly developed sense of humor."


Dara had followed that and all the rest of his advice, and in four short weeks she had become A Success. Dara's natural wit and innate intelligence made her seem more sophisticated and desirable; surrounded by truly sophisticated married women, her unaffected candor and gentle smile made her seem softer, more feminine, less brittle. Against a sea of Socialite with milk-white complexions, Sandara, with her vivid coloring and lush darky hair, glowed like a jewel against pale satin.

She was impulsive and witty and gay, but Dara's popularity wasn't due primarily to her beauty and wit.

She had become an exciting enigma, a mystery: She had been married to Seoul's most desired, and most notorious, rake; therefore it was naturally assumed she had been expertly initiated into the act of love. Yet even when she was her gayest, there was a glow of freshness and innocence that made most men hesitate to take liberties with her, a distinct aura of quiet pride about her that warned a man not to come too near.


As one besotted swain,Choi Min Hwan, described it, "She makes me want to know everything about her at the same time she makes me feel as if I never really could. I daresay no one truly knows the 'real' her, not really. Kwon's young widow is a mystery, I tell you. Everyone thinks so. It's damned intriguing."


When Wooyoung repeated Min Hwan’s remarks to her, Dara's soft lips trembled as she valiantly fought back gales of laughter. She knew exactly why the elegant gentlemen of the haute ton found her "mysterious" and difficult to understand it was because, beneath her carefully acquired veneer of sophistication, Sandara Park Kwon was a complete sham!


On the surface, she had partially adopted the attitude of languid nonchalance that was de rigueur among Select Society and particularly Jiyong's lofty friends but neither the strictures of Society, nor Dara herself, could completely repress her natural ebullience or her innate common sense. She could not prevent her eyes from glowing with laughter when someone paid her outrageously flowery compliments.

 Beside her, one of Dara's swains handed her a glass of sparkling champagne, and she accepted it with a soft smile, raising the glass to her lips as she watched the swirling dancers dancing before her. Across the room, Wooyoung raised his glass to her in a silent toast, and she lifted hers in answer.Wooyoung, in many ways, was still a puzzle to her, but she was oddly fond of him and extremely grateful.


Only once in all these weeks had Wooyoung given Dara cause to dislike him and that was when he repeated the story of her original meeting with Jiyong, which she had told him in confidence after obtaining his word not to spread the story.


Within twenty-four hours, Seoul was on fire with the gossip that Sandara Kwon, had saved G dragon’s life.


Within forty-eight more hours, the "mystery" surrounding Sandara Kwon multiplied tenfold. So did her popularity and the number of her suitors. When Dara confronted Wooyoung with his perfidy, he had looked at her as if she were a complete fool. "My dear girl," he had drawled, "I gave my word not to tell anyone that you shot a man to save dear Jiyong, and I have not done so. I did not, however, promise not to tell anyone you saved his life that tasty morsel was entirely too delicious to keep to myself. Your deceased husband, you see," he had explained with a derisive smile, "was purported to be a rather dangerous man when crossed. He was a crack shot and an expert in fights, as several husbands, including Jessica and Sohee, ascertained for themselves."


Inwardly, Dara was disgusted by the husbands' hypocritical attitudes, but she tried not to judge them too harshly. She tried not to judge anyone too harshly, for that matter, because she remembered with painful clarity how it had felt to be ostracized.


As a result, shy young men flocked to her side because they knew the beautiful Sandara Park would never humiliate them with a disdainful glance or a joke at their expense. Older, intelligent men jostled one another for the right to take her down to dinner or dance with her at the party, because she did not require them to mouth absurd, prescribed platitudes. Instead, they could speak to her on a variety of interesting subjects.


Fanboys set admired not only her abundant beauty, but her famous skill with a rapier, and they flocked to the house on Upper Brook Street in hopes of seeing her fence, which they were rarely permitted to do


or, better yet, to fence with Youngbae and thus impress her with their own skill, so they might win her undivided notice. In that last regard, young Kevin, who was too clumsy to fence and too shy to ask her to dance with him, outdid them all. After noting that Bom Choi and the elderly under-butler at the house on Brook Street (who seemed to be quite deaf) called Sandara by a special nickname, he wrote a song to her and had it published. He called it "Ode to Dara."


Not to be outdone by a famous swimmer in Seoul ,Park Tae-Hwan, named her "Glorious Dara." After meeting her at one event.


The rest of Sandara's suitors, annoyed by the implied liberties taken by the other two, followed suit. They, too, began calling her Dara.



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Yma_0421 #1
Chapter 38: Really nice... Wonderful story
xe2d2205 #2
Chapter 38: So sweet
Icequeen31 #3
Chapter 38: Aww ? something wonderful ❤️ Love the story ❤️
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 38: (Crying happy tears) That was great. Which story was this story adapted from and by whom? Is this by any chance based on a Judith McNaught novel?
Fr0zenMus1c #5
Chapter 21: Aaahhh Jiyong, if only you listened to you Grandma then you wouldn’t think this way about her.
Lette1022 #6
Chapter 38: Geezzz the epiloge is one of the shortest ive ever seen hehehehe...the story is wonderful but my brain squeez like lemon hahahaha my gosh need to be focus in every detailes and lines coz if you dont your brain will explode with how deep the sentences used
Chapter 10: So hot
Chapter 9: Hahahahaha just make love kkkk