Symbolisms and Meanings

The Gods of the East

            Personally, I don’t like have the word “god” in the title capitalized, but I’ve excused my blasphemous self for the sake of this fic. ^^ This is a chapter totally dedicated to explain in specific details the symbolism and meanings within the fic.

            In the first line “Not long ago, but very long ago” simply puts that TVXQ is seen as an older generation band. They debuted in 2004, so it was quite a while ago, but at the same time, it feels like no time has passed at all and that they’re still quite childish like all the other new bands. In short, time is an illusion.

            The gifts, as you can see, are a featured aspect of each member, each containing some back story of some sorts. Voice is Jaejoong because when he was younger he was tone deaf; now he sings beautifully, so, I treasure his voice. Power is Yunho because he’s the leader and really has a lot of influence on his fans and those who aren’t his fans. Take it from me because I told my friends all about him and how he does charity work behind SM’s back and they almost cried. Intelligence is Changmin since on many accounts TVXQ’s said he’s more mature and knows a lot for his age. I chose dance for Junsu because Yoochun said that he really likes dancing and sports—pretty much anything that has to do with moving his body. And finally, Yoochun has the gift of music. The reason why is because they once asked Junsu what he thought Yoochun was best at and he couldn’t say. He only said that when Yoochun sings or dances, it’s music—pure music. There was nothing to it; Yoochun was music. It’s also known that Yoochun is quite emotional, so his character—the third god—is portrayed as so.

            The evil wizard is SM Entertainment. I do not necessarily mean this to be in a negative way, but let’s face it, guys. SM treats TVXQ pretty badly. To me, SM isn’t all bad. I don’t mean to portray SM as a negative industry, but every story needs a villain; I only exaggerated the character.

            When the wizard says he wants to “control their powers” what I really mean is that SM wants to show off TVXQ’s talents. “Messengers” was a cover-up word for talent scouts, as well as “letters” and auditions. Having the wizard’s palace in the North had nothing to do with anything. I just… chose North… because it was generic… ^^

            The feast was actually for the end of their training and their official debut. It was a joyous time, so, therefore, a joyous banquet. The potion that the wizard gives the gods symbolizes DBSK’s money and success. It’s what kept them with SM and it’s what keeps the gods from returning home.

            The gardens where the five discuss about whether they should leave for home again is the gardens of SM. I described there being roses of different shades of blue roses, pink roses, red roses, and other colors, correct? Well, in SM there are two shades of blue—Pearl Sapphire for Super Junior and Sky blue for SHINee. Pink would be for SNSD. Pearl red is for DBSK. And other colors refers to f(x) and EXO—and SM the Ballad—since they have yet to announce official fan colors for these bands.

            The specific five weeks that the gods stay in the North symbolize the five years DBSK had together before the JYJ lawsuit reared its ugly head and the two bands parted. Over the time where the second, third, and fourth gods were not with the other two, the first and fifth gods’ will to stay in the North began to disappear. This is the start of part two. Part two is the future and what I hope happens—sort of… During that time where the two are still in the North but not enjoying their stay is equivalent to HoMin’s fluctuation in popularity and sales.

            The kingdom that the five rules over—if you haven’t guessed by now—is the representation of Cassiopeia. For the many months I’ve been a Cassie, I’ve observed that my fellow fans are quite passionate and headstrong. We keep by TVXQ even though their slowly declining in sales, though, they are still quite successful. I realize that Cassies are very strong and refuse to back down in some cases. We will always support TVXQ.

            December 26th is DBSK official debut anniversary, so therefore, the city’s day of independence is on that day where they parade red balloons around, because in a way, us Cassies do that on that day in real life.

            When the two gods in the story begin to feel down and depressed is where, in real life, HoMin begins to miss JYJ. There was one report where a staff member had seen Changmin crying while reading Jaejoong’s tweets. Here is an example of their remorse. The hideous beast that the wizard brings the two gods to is what I think may become of a HoMin lawsuit. In the future, I have a feeling that maybe HoMin will want to leave SM, too, and will end up having to file a lawsuit. That’s where JYJ comes in and backs them up—when the other three gods rush to the castle in the North again. But this time, the three travel barefoot. This is a representation that JYJ will come rushing to HoMin’s side with all their hearts and will stick by them through everything like they’ve been doing. Traveling by foot and bare is a symbol that the other two are more important than their own safety—which in real life, I’m sure JYJ will be fully clothed and well rested, as well as thinking of their own careers and safety for themselves as well. They’re not that reckless.

            During the part where the wizard taunts the second god about him being weak is an interpretation of JYJ’s positions with sasaeng fans. Notice that I put that the wizard says, “As much as you love your people, you want them to go away, slap them in the face. I hear you have already because you couldn't handle them. I also hear the third god has been slapped back.” According to the media, Jaejoong has cursed and slapped his fans, as well as Yoochun. Yoochun has also been slapped multiple times by sasaeng fans. Also, when the wizard tells the second god he’s weak and then the first god intervenes is an example of Yunho’s love for Jaejoong. It’s reported that Yunho is extremely protective of Jaejoong and does not tolerate anyone speaking ill of Jaejoong, joking or seriously.

            Lastly, the last two paragraphs express my opinion of how caring and passionate Cassiopeia is toward DBSK. As they recover from their lawsuit, I can imagine Cassies giving the boys strength and hope to succeed. There will always be an increase in fans, even if DBSK disbands. That’s why I put that the city always expands. I think you all get it now.

            That was most—if not all—the symbolism in this fic… I feel like such a dork because I spent so much time on this ><


Thank you for reading!! ^^ <3 I hope this answered questions if you had any~ XD

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ez_kpop #1
Chapter 3: Its not a dork motion from u..but indeed a beautiful dream that all cassie try to chase every moment every breath..i miss them a lot..dbsk are realy something..even homin and jyj departed..we can still say that we are proud of them..look at both side...they grew out well..their matured in making decision and all..
But more that that i would love to see the day where both HoMin and JYJ reliased that our chant ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH are still strong intacted and grant us a forever reunion..
I miss thr whole childish game..the whole family game that we miss to see in them..miss to see more yunjae..miss to see evil homin and JY bullied Junsu..miss to see them cooking together and hoe changmin simply lovre his jae umma cooks..but more than that..we surely miss 5 of then sranding in the same stage singing the best they can..harmonies and beautiful vocal range where all covers will put in back of the file..
lavi018 #2
Chapter 3: I loved your story. It was just like i was transported back to my childhood of cute little fantasies… but here you mixed it with reality, it was like a fairy-tale came true, i hope it actually will come true and dbsk unites because family stays together..
omg;______; this was so beautiful<3
bolero #4
Aw, sweet. :)

For some reason it really amused me that in the first chapter, Changmin ignored his misgivings because of food...Minfood! xPP