This city is called...

The Gods of the East


            The kingdom of the East was split in two. Ruling from the wizard's lair, the first and fifth god ruled over their half of the kingdom efficiently for a few years, despite being situated all the way in the North. 

            The second, third, and fourth gods also ruled powerfully, keeping peace in their portion of the kingdom. Like they had predicted, the kingdom rebelled and some left, but the others quietly divided themselves. Though the kingdom was torn, the citizens, who paraded pearl red balloons throughout the streets every year in the month of December on the day of the 26th to symbolize their kingdom's day of independence, believed that one day the gods would reunite and the kingdom would be nearly whole again. 

            Citizens of the East were passionate about their region, always defending their cities. When invading enemies encroached upon their land, the people of the East reacted quicker than the gods themselves. Small political wars within the region popped up now and then but settled after a few weeks or months. 

            Strong willed, passionate, powerful, the East region was mightier than almost all other regions even though the kingdom had been split and were being ruled near and far. The citizens always defended their gods, their rulers, and soon, many others joined their nation, awed by the region's headstrong attitude and determination; plus the fact they would never give up; they'd never lose hope. They'd always keep the faith. 

            And then, the day had finally come when the wizard's potion's effects on the gods had altogether ceased. 

            "Come," he said. "Drink of the elixir that you and your brother had once loved and cherished so dearly."

            The first god shook his head pushing away the wizard's hand that pressed the glasses up to his face as the fifth buried his head in his pillow. "It brings back the memories of their departure," they said. 

            "Those memories... Sour is the taste," said the fifth, "so sour is the wine... I miss the cooking of the second, motherly, homemade, and sweet, with love... Unlike the meals here, which are set before me without a word of exchange and with cold hard sets of knives to jab at the bitter meat... It was not worth it..."

            The wizard frowned. "Without the other three," he muttered to himself, "these two are useless, unlike what I'd thought before, harnessing the gifts of power and influence and intelligence—no! My plan has failed..."

            The two gods sighed, depression sinking deep into their bones, weariness and discontent clouding their minds. Their hearts yearned for home, the East, their people, the red balloons... Their brothers. 

            "Wizard..." the first began, standing up tall, shoulder pulled back and head raised high, a majestic sight that no one had seen for years in the dreary castle of the evil wizard since their willing capture. Taking his brother's hand into his, the first god said clearly and affirmatively, "We are leaving your palace to return to our brothers in the East immediately."

            "No!" the wizard bellowed, magically sealing the exits. "That is not something I will allow, no matter how useless to me you are... I will get the other three to come back by using you two as bait."

            In a flash, the two gods were bound and taken down to the dungeons where a secret passageway led to emergency boats that floated on a path to a deserted island not far away, and in that deserted island was a small, secretly hidden cove where the stalagmites and stalactites sparkled with dripping crystals of water, a beautiful sight, but also where dwelt a hideous beast with mangy brown fur, wet and rancid from the dampness of the cave, yellow teeth, jagged and sharp, beady small black eyes, sensitive to sunlight, and claws of immense strength enough to crush a boulder into nothing, and having not been fed for centuries, the magical creature was bound to be ecstatic when he found food sitting neatly tied up for its taking. 

            Sensing their danger, the three other gods sprinted to their brothers' aid, dashing to the North on foot, rational thoughts of using their usual transportation—the magic cloud, the eagle, or the dolphins—completely discarded. They trekked the hard way, with bare feet, because through all the rocky terrain or scorching heat, the three would rush to their brothers' sides at a moment's notice without thinking of their own safety. 

            As the three approached the looming castle—the fort where they'd parted with their other two brothers—the third and fourth god paused, placing a hand on the second's shoulder. 

            "Think," they warned him. The second was one to act on impulse, never thinking before moving, like a free-spirited wind that blows around, knocking down everything in its way with no regrets. 

            "Be careful," they told him. 

            The second nodded. "And you, my brothers," he replied. "I will confront the evil one myself. You both search for our missing brothers. We will not leave this palace until those two come back with us."

            The three clasped hands before heading into the castle, impending doom resting on their shoulders and settling deep into their hearts. 

            Upon a high balcony upon the top of castle, the wizard waited for the second god. "I've come to take my brothers home," he said confidently.

            "And what if they're not here?" the wizard answered, a smug smile upon his lips. "Admit it. Your kingdom is falling. Though your citizens believe wholeheartedly in you, you yourself have no strength or belief in yourself."

            The god clenched his teeth. Truth struck painfully hard within his fragile heart. 

            "You're unstable for this position, aren't you?" the wizard teased, strutting around the god. "You're weakening. As much as you love your people, you want them to go away, slap them in the face. I hear you have already because you couldn't handle them. I also hear the third god has been slapped back."

            "Don't talk about what's happened to my brother!" he barked. "What's done is done."

            "But it still follows you, no? You need a positive image again—the first god?"

            The second god's head raised as the wizard mentioned the first god, the god of love and compassion, power and leadership—the aspects the second god himself was lacking.

            "You need his love again, don't you?" the wizard snickered. "He's an angel, no? You need him to help lead your kingdom. You and the other two aren't enough, so you've come to get the missing two. That's the only reason why you're here, isn't it?! You're weak!!!"

            "Don't talk to my brother like that!!" It was the first god. 

            Proud, powerful, and confident, the god strode toward the second and wrapped a reassuring arm around his waist. "You are not weak," he said to his friend.

            Turning to the wizard, the first god said, "And you! You've tricked us into staying here and then held us captives! We will be leaving immediately! I've used my power of influence wrongly and must return to our kingdom to restore order and give strength and hope in a place it can flourish."

            The wizard laughed. "And what makes you think I'll let you leave?!"

            "If you don't, I'm sure our citizens would be more than happy to call a siege upon your castle. We've weaponry far stronger and more advanced than your meager walls of stone."

            The wizard frowned. "And what do I get if I let you leave?"

            "Our praises. And I'm sure you'll receive more recruits for whatever you harness others' powers for, but it must be for a purpose of good and each individual is to be treated as a human being, not a captive. Am I clear?!"

            The wizard's eyes narrowed. "Indeed..." 

            The gods smiled. "Then my brothers and I will be heading home."

            When the five returned to the wrought street gates of their great city, red balloons floated everywhere and all the people jumped up and down in joy and glee. The gods were taken into the people's care, restored to health from their long journey with the love and care of their citizens.

            From then on, the five realized, as well as the wizard, that even if the five gods of the East had never returned home, this great city would always stand tall and proud, always expanding. 

            This city is called Cassiopeia.

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ez_kpop #1
Chapter 3: Its not a dork motion from u..but indeed a beautiful dream that all cassie try to chase every moment every breath..i miss them a lot..dbsk are realy something..even homin and jyj departed..we can still say that we are proud of them..look at both side...they grew out well..their matured in making decision and all..
But more that that i would love to see the day where both HoMin and JYJ reliased that our chant ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH are still strong intacted and grant us a forever reunion..
I miss thr whole childish game..the whole family game that we miss to see in them..miss to see more yunjae..miss to see evil homin and JY bullied Junsu..miss to see them cooking together and hoe changmin simply lovre his jae umma cooks..but more than that..we surely miss 5 of then sranding in the same stage singing the best they can..harmonies and beautiful vocal range where all covers will put in back of the file..
lavi018 #2
Chapter 3: I loved your story. It was just like i was transported back to my childhood of cute little fantasies… but here you mixed it with reality, it was like a fairy-tale came true, i hope it actually will come true and dbsk unites because family stays together..
omg;______; this was so beautiful<3
bolero #4
Aw, sweet. :)

For some reason it really amused me that in the first chapter, Changmin ignored his misgivings because of food...Minfood! xPP