Replaced (Ch. 2)

That Awkward Moment When (You Figure Out You're in Love with Your Best Friend)

Part 2 + Final Part of Replaced :) 

Again, the original story is MAMA: Eclipse by Kironstree.

And again, here's the background if you haven't read it:

Se Hun is in love with Baekhyun.  Of course, he doesn't want to admit that.  But he is.  Which is why he gets super pissed when Chanyeol starts cozying up to Baekhyun becase a) Se Hun wants Baekhyun all to himself and b) Se Hun doesn't like Chanyeol.

Chanyeol goes to Baekhyun for comfort because they used to be childhood friends before Se Hun came into the picture.  Right before the last chapter, Kris and Chanyeol have , but in the morning Kris is gone, leaving Chanyeol devastated.  Completely conflicted with his feelings, he goes to Baekhyun for help, despite the change he will be driven away.

Enjoy <3

There was nothing unpleasant about the way that Se Hun woke up.  It was rather nice, actually, to have woken up in someone’s arms.

Until he remembered what had happened.

“,” Se Hun swore under his breath, as he managed to extricate himself from Baekhyun’s grip.  “, , .”  The clock on the bedside table read 5:55.  School didn’t start for another 2 and a half hours.  He crawled off of Baekhyun’s bed and crossed the room to get his cell phone out of his jacket that lay neatly folded across the back of Baekhyun’s desk chair.  He wasn’t surprised when he looked his phone and saw 5 missed alerts – 3 missed calls from home, one voicemail, and a text from his mom.

Oh Se Hun, the next time you stay out late and don’t give an explanation, you’re going to be grounded for the rest of your life.  What if you were lying in a ditch dead somewhere?  Your father and I were so worried…

Se Hun didn’t bother reading the rest of the text.  His mom almost always overreacted like this.  He just started a new text message.  Sorry, slept over at a friend’s house.  Be home later.

If only sleeping was all they’d done.

Se Hun turned away to look at Baekhyun.  His friend was still sleeping, his bare chest rising and falling steadily, and had grabbed onto a pillow to make up for the absence of Se Hun in his arms.  Meanwhile, Se Hun’s head was spinning.   What was going on between him and Baekhyun?  Luckily they’d never gotten to the point of being completely last night, because obviously neither of them had been with another guy before and they didn’t know how worked that way, but there had been kissing and and hands going everywhere they shouldn’t have.   Se Hun’s face reddened just at the memory.  But as he stared at Baekhyun’s sleeping face, he started wondering again.  Was he gay?  He’d never liked another guy before, besides Baekhyun.  When he thought about when he’d first figured out he was in love with his best friend, he realized that he’d never thought of himself as gay or biual because he didn’t think of Baekhyun in terms of gender.  He thought of him in terms of someone he was in love with, way more in love with than he should have been.


While Se Hun had been lost in thought, he hadn’t noticed that Baekhyun had opened his eyes and was staring at him.  Se Hun forced a smile.  “Hey.”

“Morning.”  Baekhyun studied Se Hun’s face for a moment, then he held out his arms in an invitation for Se Hun to come lay with him.  Se Hun debated staying where he was, but he finally compromised by first pulling on his abandoned shirt, then returning to lie in the safe haven of Baekhyun’s arms.  Or maybe it wasn’t a safe haven.  He really didn’t know yet.

Man, love was complicated.

Baekhyun didn’t speak; he just wrapped his arms around Se Hun and closed his eyes again.  Finally, he murmured, “Got an explanation for last night?”

“No.  You?”

“Not one.”

Se Hun was quiet for a while, and then he said, “The easy explanation would just be that we like each other.”

Baekhyun snorted derisively.  “If only that was the easy explanation.”

“I don’t know why it couldn’t be.”

Baekhyun tilted his head down to look at Se Hun.  “You think so?  Go ahead and try to convince me.  Convince me that it’ll be easy to face people and tell them you’re gay or biual or whatever this is.  Convince me that it’ll be easy to be looked at differently by everybody just because of a label that society puts on you.  Don’t get me wrong, I want so badly to be with you, but I sure as hell don’t want to have to go through the that people like Kris and Lu Han have to go through.  And unless everything I’ve ever known about you is wrong, I know that you don’t want to either.”

Se Hun just stared at him as the words sunk in.  And the worst part was, Baekhyun was completely right.  After a moment of silence, Se Hun said, “Why didn’t you say any of this last night?”

Baekhyun just shook his head.  “I don’t know.  I was caught up in the moment.  But the moment doesn’t last.  Eventually, reality catches up with you.  And when it does, it’s not pretty.  Because it’s got a habit of biting you in the .”

“E-Even so,” Se Hun managed to whisper, his voice breaking a little.  “I still want to be with you-”

Baekhyun cut him off by kissing him, and Se Hun was unable to stop himself from kissing him back.  A tingling, almost pleasant feeling had taken up residence in his stomach, like there was a flock of butterflies flying around in there.  Is this what love feels like?

Se Hun didn’t realized he’d spoken aloud, but Baekhyun leaned his forehead against  Se Hun’s and smiled vaguely, a conflicted expression on his face.   “Maybe it is.”  Neither of them said anything for a moment, and then Baekhyun said softly, “I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted to be with you.”

“Neither was I.”  An idea suddenly hit Se Hun, and he said slowly, “What if…there was a way that we could be with each other?  Without all the consequences?”

Baekhyun smiled wryly.  “I’m listening.”

“We could be together, but not tell anyone.  Like…a secret relationship.  All we’d have to do was act the way we normally would at school, and then when we were alone…”

Baekhyun grinned.  “Like an affair.”

Se Hun flushed.  “It’s not an affair if we’re not seeing other people!”

“But it’s got all the makings of an affair!  Sneaking around, not telling other people about it…” Baekhyun laughed and shook his head.  “It sounds so dirty.”

“You’re the one making it that way,” Se Hun grumbled, moving a little closer to Baekhyun.

An almost hopeful look emerged on Baekhyun’s face.  “So…does that mean I can call you my boyfriend?  When it’s just us, anyways?”

“You can call me whatever the hell you want to, Baekhyun,” Se Hun told him, suppressing a smile.

Baekhyun smiled.  “Sounds like a good plan.”  Se Hun smiled in response, but then Baekhyun added, “On one condition.”


Baekhyun pulled Se Hun closer to him and murmured, “You have to stay here a little longer with me.”

That request was one that Se Hun could agree to.

Please comment or subscribe or whatever if you like it :)  I'm trying to figure out whether the views AFF says I have are from people actually reading or from people looking at the foreword and going "Too much text, no way I'm reading this."

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working on a new chapter right now, sorry for the wait XP


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*A* kyaaaaa please update this soon, authornim >.<
omg i like this ff.. update soon
bokuhebi #3
omg *-* so cute so so so cute ♥
I don't get why people keep calling your things fluff

But whatever

(I still don't get why Se Hun cries, unless he was emotionally marred as a small child by being locked in a closet with a zombie movie........)

So adorable ^ ^ Why is Se Hun shippable with everyone? (Even if he goes and cheats on them all with bubble tea afterwards) XD
This was super fluff xD LOL!
Sehun being the scaredy cat, I'm starting to wonder who
takes the lead in this relationship now xD not that it matters..
maybe it does...but yeah xDD kekeke~~love the fluff ^^
Kironstree #6
Bunnykawai #7
I like it *-* omg Baek and Sehun so cute :3
That was so cute
Whoaa, this update was totally unexpected it's not like I read it two days before it was actually put online :) <3

Not fluff.
Baekhun ♥ kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they are so cute together *o* omg