Catch Me if You Can

That Awkward Moment When (You Figure Out You're in Love with Your Best Friend)

This is my version of Chapter 22 in kironstree's MAMA: eclipse fic (

This was actually written before Ch. 22 was so she based hers off of this *so proud* :)

Again, if you haven't read kironstree's story (why  haven't you?  it's amazing <3 you should go read it.  right now.  The link's right about this!  Come on! No?  Aw...) here's what's going on:

In a way this is a continuation of Replaced.  Se Hun and Baekhyun are dating secretly.  But as you know, they're teenagers, they've got raging hormones and a need to be making out almost constantly (obviously an exaggeration but hey).  What happens when they're still at school and this happens?  Trouble ensues...

The majority of this chapter is from Chanyeol's POV, but he's talking to Se Hun most of the time, so never fear!

Enjoy <3

After a couple weeks, Se Hun found out that being in the closet .  Well, maybe not in the closet, because he still didn't consider himself gay.  But either way, he couldn't be with the person he wanted to be with.  Not in public, anyways.

The funny thing was, he felt like he was starting to understand how Kris and Lu Han and Chanyeol felt.

He was walking around after school, having had to stay late to talk to his choir teacher, when someone suddenly grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into a bathroom.

"What the ?!" Se Hun shouted, but when he looked up saw that it was Baekhyun.  "Oh," he said, cheeks burning.  "Hi."

Baekhyun didn't waste any time in pulling Se Hun into his arms.  "I missed you," he said, leaning down to kiss the side of Se Hun's neck. 

"I missed you too," Se Hun murmured with a smile, letting his head drop back to allow his lover better access.  "But…should we really be doing this in here?  Someone could walk in."

"It's 4 o’clock, everyone will have already gone home."  Baekhyun moved up to kiss Se Hun on the lips, and Se Hun kissed him back eagerly.  Pretty soon Baekhyun had Se Hun pinned against the wall, arms forming a cage around him.  Se Hun tangled his fingers in Baekhyun's hair to weld their lips together.  Their tongues met and Se Hun let out a moan, trying to pull him closer.

Then they heard the door slam shut. 

Baekhyun's head shot around to stare at the closed door in horror.  "What was that?"

"Maybe it was just the wind," Se Hun whispered, but both of them knew that it was just a lame excuse to avoid the truth.

Someone had seen them.


Chanyeol just short of sprinted to his car after he ran from the bathroom.  His head was spinning at what he'd seen.  Baekhyun and Se Hun were dating?  Baekhyun and Se Hun?  The sick irony that his constant tormentor for being gay would be in a relationship with the first guy he'd had a crush on...

After a couple minutes of freaking out, he remembered that he'd promised Kris that he'd come over after school.  Great.  Kris will make me feel better.  And I don't need to mention this to anyone.  Nope.  Not anyone.  I don't even need to think about it anymore.  Erase the memory from my mind...

The moans that Se Hun was making.


Chanyeol barely remembered the drive to Kris' house because he was so distracted.  The next thing he knew, he was standing on Kris' doorstep, ringing the bell.  After a few moments, Kris answered the door, his face lighting up when he saw him.  "Chanyeol!"  Kris pulled him into a quick hug before pulling him inside.  "How was your day?" he asked, as he started to lead Chanyeol upstairs to his room.

"Pretty good," Chanyeol said when they were finally there.  He avoided Kris' gaze.  He couldn't tell anyone about what had happened.  It wouldn't be right.  Or wouldn't it be, after all that Se Hun at done to him?  But what about Baekhyun?

Either way, Kris didn't seem to notice.  "Anything interesting happen?"

"I think Baekhyun and Se Hun are dating," Chanyeol blurted out, quickly slapping a hand over his mouth when he realized what he'd said.

Well, so much for that.

Kris' eyebrows furrowed in confusion.  "Why would you think that?  Neither of them are gay."

"I...After school, I had to stay after school to make up a test.  When I was done, I had to go to the bathroom, so I went to check if they were still open.  When I opened the door, I saw them kissing."

Kris' eyes widened.  "Holy .  Did they see you?"

"I don't think so.  I ran away as fast as I could."

Kris let out a sigh of relief.  "Thank God.  Se Hun may always go on about how he's changed, but I wouldn't put it past him to try to go after you if you had something against him."

Chanyeol sat down on Kris's bed.  "But...what should I do?  Do I keep it to myself?  Or tell them that I saw them?"

"Tell everyone you saw them sounds good to me." 

Chanyeol slapped Kris in the arm for this, and Kris let out a yelp.  "I'm not going to do that!  Maybe if it was only Se Hun, but I can't do that to Baekhyun!  I'm sure there's some reason why they haven't told anyone."

Kris rubbed his injured arm.  "If you want to go that way about it, then I would keep quiet about it.  What they don't know won't hurt them."

"You're not going to tell anyone though, right?"

Kris shook his head.  "Of course not.  I wouldn't do anything you didn't want me to do."

Chanyeol smiled and stood up to hug his boyfriend.  "You're the best."

"I know," Kris joked, wrapping his arms around Chanyeol.

So Chanyeol did what Kris advised.  He didn't mention to Baekhyun or Se Hun that he'd seen them kissing.  And as far as he was concerned, they didn't know so it didn't matter anyways.  Life went on, besides that little secret.

For a while, anyways.

A very short while.

The next day, he walked into history ready to sit through a normal old boring class period.  Just like every day.  But as soon as he walked in, he heard Baekhyun and Se Hun talking in hushed voices.

"Stop stressing out about it, Se Hun.  Nothing's happened yet.  The person might not have even been someone we know."

"But what if they were?  Or even worse, what if they were and they didn't like us?"

"No offense, Se Hun, but for you that's probably at least half of the school population."

Chanyeol sat down in the seat behind Se Hun as nonchalantly as possible, despite the fact that he had started internally freaking out.  So they had seen him.  Or not him, specifically, but someone.  "What are you guys talking about?" he asked, pulling out his notebook.

Se Hun whirled around, fixing Chanyeol with a glare.  "Nothing you need to know about," he shot back, looking about ready to kill him. 

Chanyeol gulped.  If Se Hun was already so hostile to him, how would he be able to confess about what he'd seen if he needed to?  Luckily, he was saved from Se Hun murdering him just for speaking because Baekhyun said sharply, "Se Hun.  Stop it."

Se Hun turned to look at Baekhyun for a moment, almost pleadingly, but Baekhyun just shook his head.  Finally, Se Hun muttered, "Loser," and started pulling out his things for class.  Chanyeol smiled gratefully at Baekhyun, who smiled vaguely in return and turned back to face the front of the room. 

"Alright class, get out your notebooks.  Today we will be focusing on the Boxer Rebellion in China..."

Chanyeol groaned internally.  Just another period of world history.  Great.

He found his mind wandering to Kris.  Even after all that had happened, he still couldn't believe he'd ended up dating him.  After the whole let’s-have--then-I'll-ditch-you fiasco...  But even so, he'd started liking Kris more and more since they'd started dating.  And his attitude wasn't necessarily him being a douche.  It was Kris being....Kris.

Before he knew it, an hour and a half had gone by and the teacher was calling, "Read Chapter 8 in your books tonight for homework!" over all the commotion.  Se Hun had somehow already gotten all his things packed and jumped up to leave, but the teacher added, "Se Hun, will you come here for a moment?  I need to talk to you about your makeup work from last week."  Se Hun didn't look happy at the request, but he begrudgingly walked over to the teacher's desk.  Chanyeol watched him warily, as if Se Hun would suddenly turn around and attack him.  But he didn't.  With a sigh, Chanyeol started packing his things into his bag.  What was he going to do?

Much to his surprise, Baekhyun walked over to his desk.  "See you tomorrow, Chanyeol," he said with a half-hearted smile.

"Bye."  Chanyeol watched Baekhyun walk out with the rest of the class, but even though he was ready to go, something made him stay behind.  The only people left in the classroom were him, Se Hun, the teacher, and a couple other stragglers that were leaving.  The rest of them would be gone soon, wouldn't they?  If he was going to tell Se Hun and Baekhyun about what he'd seen, wouldn't now be the best time to talk to one of them?  When they were alone?

As if an answer to his request, the teacher glanced at his watch and said, "Boys, I have to go to the office for a minute, please turn off the lights when you leave."  Se Hun was returning to his desk and packing up his things, and raised a hand indicating that he had heard.  Chanyeol stood up and watched Se Hun for a moment.  It's now or never.

Se Hun finally noticed that Chanyeol was still there and glared at him.  "What are you still doing here, ?"

Aren't you one to talk?  "What were you and Baekhyun talking about at the beginning of class?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," Se Hun sneered as he stood up.

.  "It was me," Chanyeol said, as Se Hun was about to leave the room.

Se Hun stopped in his tracks, and then turned around slowly.  "What?" he said, thinly masked hatred showing on his face.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.  Why exactly had he decided that he should tell Se Hun and not Baekhyun?  "Yesterday.  In the bathroom."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Se Hun said coolly, even though Chanyeol could still see the tension in his body. 

"Really?  So if I happened to spread a rumor around the school that you and Baekhyun were a couple, it’d be total news to you?"  Chanyeol wasn't sure where the courage to stand up to Se Hun had come from.  Maybe it was because he knew he had something over him.  But either way, that wouldn't stop Se Hun from beating his face in.  “If I happened to tell people that you two were making out in the bathroom yesterday after school, you’d have absolutely no idea what I was talking about?”

"That really depends." Se Hun smiled viciously.  "Because it’s your choice whether or not you would like to die where you stand."

Chanyeol could already feel his palms burning as he clenched his fists.  Definitely a bad idea to confront the person that wanted to kill you.  He was debating over whether or not he had enough control over his powers to burn Se Hun to a crisp, but Se Hun seemed to have already notice the sparks at his fingertips.  He chuckled softly.  "What are you going to do, ‘firestarter’?  Gonna burn me?  You know that fire needs air to burn, right?  And air-" The wind blew erratically around Chanyeol for a moment, extinguishing the fire on his hands. "-is exactly something I can deprive you of."

Chanyeol was genuinely afraid for his life.  What could he do?  Se Hun would kill him if he didn't do or say something.  "I-I wasn't going to tell anyone," he stammered, slowly backing away from Se Hun.  "I just heard you guys talking about it at the beginning of class and thought you'd like to know who the person that actually walked in on you was.  So that you don't have to worry about it."  As if repeating it would prevent him from being killed, Chanyeol repeated, "I'm not going to tell anyone."

Se Hun stared at him for a while, as if contemplating what he'd said, and Chanyeol was pretty sure it was the longest 30 seconds of his life.  Finally, Se Hun averted his gaze to stare at the floor.  "Who else knows?" he asked, voice quiet.  It was almost as if he were afraid.


Se Hun lifted his head to glare at Chanyeol.  "Who.  Else.  Knows?"

"J-Just Kris.  He's not going to tell anyone either, I swear.  No one's going to find out about it."

Se Hun was silent for a moment, and then he said, "Alright."

Chanyeol's eyes widened in surprise.  "What?"

Se Hun adjusted his bag strap on his shoulder.  "No one's going to find out," he echoed, turning to leave.  Chanyeol just stared in astonishment at his back.  Oh Se Hun was passing up a chance to beat him or kill him or something?  Maybe he was just trying to catch Chanyeol off guard.  But Se Hun just glanced over his shoulder one more time to look at him, a wry smile on his face.  "Maybe you're not so bad, Park Chanyeol," he said.  “But just remember, tell a soul - no, do anything to hurt my Baekhyun, and you’ll be sorry I didn’t kill you now.”  Then he turned around and walked out of the classroom, switching off the lights as he went.  Chanyeol was left in darkness.

Regardless, Chanyeol continued staring at the place where Se Hun had been standing moments before, threatening to kill him, but hadn’t.  "What the hell just happened?" he whispered.

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working on a new chapter right now, sorry for the wait XP


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*A* kyaaaaa please update this soon, authornim >.<
omg i like this ff.. update soon
bokuhebi #3
omg *-* so cute so so so cute ♥
I don't get why people keep calling your things fluff

But whatever

(I still don't get why Se Hun cries, unless he was emotionally marred as a small child by being locked in a closet with a zombie movie........)

So adorable ^ ^ Why is Se Hun shippable with everyone? (Even if he goes and cheats on them all with bubble tea afterwards) XD
This was super fluff xD LOL!
Sehun being the scaredy cat, I'm starting to wonder who
takes the lead in this relationship now xD not that it matters..
maybe it does...but yeah xDD kekeke~~love the fluff ^^
Kironstree #6
Bunnykawai #7
I like it *-* omg Baek and Sehun so cute :3
That was so cute
Whoaa, this update was totally unexpected it's not like I read it two days before it was actually put online :) <3

Not fluff.
Baekhun ♥ kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they are so cute together *o* omg