Secrets Uncovered!?! Music Bank Performance Part 1

Shooting Stars Girl Group [Apply Closed]

Girls I just need one favor from you guys! I just need more pictures for your character so it doesn't look like the same old thing! Please, that would really help me out! and if you had chosen a model or actress, please give me the name of the model/actress so I can search it for you! Sangmi don't worry I got you covered x) your girl is from B.O.F! Anyways.... and so please send me a more pictures, it doesn't matter if you don't look the same in each one just send me more pictures of your character, that would be helpful for me, but you don't have to if you don't want to.

And since I'm sorta new here... What are the maximum number of chapters? >.<

Another thing, I'm so sorry for the suuuppeerrr lonngggg wait. I feel horrible, I've been thinking in those months how was I suppose to continue the story! I'm going to rewrite in a different version. So after when I done with this, I'll practically start it over again. Mianhe! I'm really sorry.


Tuesday Morning 4:32 am

All the girls are sleeping in futons sharing one cramped room.

"...r-rollercoaster...girls...i-i-idiots..", Chi YiRin mumbled to herself in her sleep

Lee Hae Rin rolled around clumsily in her sleep accidently slapping everyone around her

"...k-keep your hands to your self...", Sun Joong said having her face covered by a pillow

Sangmi frantically waved her arms in the air then rolled around, "I h-hate rollercoasters"

A woman watch them in shock, "Is this how they really sleep? or are they awake?"

Hae Rin quickly went up from the sound of the woman's voice and had a mini spazz attack,"Huh.. w-who's there?"

The woman blinked a couple times, "What a light sleeper you are, well anyways I am your manag-"

"...mhm?I don't know about you but I'm gonna sleep Mrs. .....Manager?.... WAIT WHAT?!", Lee Hae Rin said surprised

All the 13 girls rose up from her loud voice

"Unnie what's wrong?", Chin Hae Sun said softly wiping her eyes

Yurii looked at the woman before her, "You look like a forgeiner, your not all korean are you?"

The woman nodded, "Yes, you are pretty wise. I'm also 25% austrailian"

Sun joong stated,"So that explains your accent, What's your name miss?"

"My name is Amy Lee, I will be your manager and I am going to make sure you get ready for todays performance", she said in a polite manner

"Oh yah~! Our Music Bank performance is today!", Ayra squealed

Kyon Shin looked in an awestruck expression,"I wonder who is also going to perform other than us?"

Samantha remembered from yesterday, "A thirteen boy member group, a 5 boy member group and a 5 girl member group"

Minhyun seemed surprised, "I guess we have the most members"

"Haha that's cause were awesome, wait what time is it?", Nicole said yawning

Sohee grabbed the alarm clock next to her only to see that it was 4:41 am

"EHH~!!!!", she exclaimed at how early they woke up

"What is it Sohee-ah?", Soo Rin questioned from her reaction as Sohee handed the clock to her

Soo Rin yawned softly and said, "It is only 4:41, oh make it 4:42 am"

Lee Tae Mi sighed, "eeeehhh, I miss Taemin-ah..~!!!!!!"

Amy Lee looked at her in surprise

"What?", Taemi looked at the woman in confusion

She smiled in interest, "You mean THE Lee Taemin?"

"Um.. yah Lee Taemin...what so special about... Him?", Taemi said plainly

Sangmi looked at the woman strangely, "How do you know Taemi's brother?"

"You two are related?!" she said in shock

"Um yah who else? Me, Lee Taemi and Him, Lee Taemin", She said bluntly

She smirked, "So a famous brother & sister in the same company how interesting", saying it in a tiny whisper

"HUH? I can't hear you!", Taemi exclaimed

Sangmi sighed,"Don't yell~!", and was still bummed out from missing out on some sleep

Chi Yi Rin looked at her manager and asked, "Amy Lee, um why are you here again?"

Amy Lee blink a few times, "Oh yah! Okay people come in and get em' ready~!"

"What is she talking about?", Yurii managed to before people came inside the room and pulled them outside of their house, into a limousine

Ayra looked confused, "Um where are we headed to?"

Kyon Shin gasped in surprised, "omo~! are we getting kidnapped?"

Amy Lee smiled sweetly at them, "No silly, we're headed to your new practice room and then, to a few more places before we go to your performance in noon"

Soo Rin looked excited, "Woah a new practice room?"

"So... what is in there for me?", Sun Joong asked suspiously

"A new electric guitar", Amy Lee said happily

Sun Joong smirked

Minhyun then asked, "Why did we have to get up so early though?"

Amy Lee looked at Minhyun, "Well today is your first performance! You have to make sure you practice everything again, make sure you got awesome looking clothes and make sure the mics and equipment are good for you! Plus, you have to make a very good first impression to your new fans!"

"New Fans? Wait, when did we ever get fans?", Nicole questioned

"Well, you guys had leaked videos of you singing and dancing, especially practicing for your new single. Many people already saw these videos and I guess they already love the S.S Girls... You even have a fanclub site with pictures of each and everyone of you", Amy explained pointing her index finger towards us

Hae Sun stammered a bit shocked, "A-Already?! Wow.. that's a bit scary..."

"Yah it is kind of creepy! We didn't even get introduced yet", Samantha added

Soohee wondered, "ehh.. we have fans already, but could it be we already have stalkers?"

Sangmi froze, "D-DON'T SAY THAT!"

Kyon Shin gently tugged on Sangmi's shirt making her squeal

"Uh.. I was just gonna tell you that I think we arrived at the place where our new practice room is", Kyon Shin said softly

"O-Oh....", Sangmi sighed in relief

Hae Sun giggled

Minhyun laughed, "Ah.. Sangmi Unnie always gives me something to laugh about~!"

Sangmi replied with a glare

"Minhyun Unnie, be careful of what you say!" Hae Sun warned playfully.

Nicole smirked, "You know Minhyun-ah can't help herself!"

''RING~~~!!! RING~~~~!!!!"

"Oh, Ayra your phone is ringing", Yurii pointed to her glowing pocket

She took her phone out and smiled, "Oh thanks, ...Oh~! Siwon Oppa! How are you?"

"Ayra, Your Oppa has to tell you a secret..."

"Ani? You have to tell me a secret?"

"It's been something I have kept from you for a long time"

"Okay, tell me now~!"

"I can't, instead I will show you"

"How are you going to show me Oppa?"

"Do you know where the Music Bank Performance is?"

"Um, yah... Oh.. I have to tell you something about that too~! I also kept a secret from you"

"Oh okay, well I want you to go to the Music Bank Performance at Noon.. I'm going to be there.. please don't be late"

"Sure, don't be late either.. Siwon Oppa"


Ayra sighed and rubbed her head, she thought to herself

'Heh.. I have to be there anyways, but how is he gonna show a secret at a concert?'

Chi YiRin looked at her dongsaeng with curiousity and said, "Ayra was it your brother?"

"Yah.. I have to tell him that I am in a K-POP group, it's one of the reasons why I haven't seen him in for so long"

Nicole, "Hm, that explains why we haven't seen your brother at all"

Taemi snapped her head to look at Ayra in awe, "I forgot to tell Taemin-ah....~! Crap..might as well tell him today too"

"Hah, don't worry your not the only one keeping the secret..." Amy said nonchalantly

Taemi eyed the woman before her, "What are you talkin about?"

Amy Lee smiled, "...Nevermind that, Okay Girls, We're here!" she said in a sing-songy voice

All the girls then stepped out to see a 3 story house.

"Oh, did I forget to tell you guys that this is going to be your house too?" Our Manager smirked out of amusement.

Minhyun grinned, "Can this day get any better?"

Soo Rin smiled, "Well, let's just wait and see!"

"Whaaat!! But how are were we able to afford this?" Sangmi asked still a bit surprised

"Don't worry, you and the girls covered that. We ended up with a huge profit after selling a whole bunch of fan merchandise. We even have a lot of left overs." Amy explained.

"Fan merchandise?" Samantha stated.

"Well you know, S.S girl stickers, plushies, photobooks?" She continued to list on and on.

Samantha beamed a smile, "Plushies? Stickers? Photobooks? Wow, that's really cool."

Sun Joong thought 'I wonder what my plushy self looks like :P'

"Okay now boys, get the girls stuff and put it in the house! Ladies follow me to the practice room!" Amy  yelled as she walked over to the house entrance.

While people had taken the girls luggage into the house, the girls are currently in the practice room, going over the dance steps.

Hae Rin yelled, "Okay girls! From the top, remember we need to practice those twists and turns. Make sure you hit the strut in the beginning too!"

The girls nodded and got into position.

After 5 hours of flawless practice, and singing exercises, the girls went over to the Music Bank Performance. They were in the back of the stage getting ready.

10:57 am BackStage

While Sun Joong was tuning her guitar the rest of the girls were goofing off.

Kyon Shin took her mic, "Testing 1, 2, 3"

Her voice echoing throughout the concert area.

"Woah, that's cool!" Sohee smiled.

"Wow, just watch when I plug this into an amp." Sun Joong smirked.

Tae Mi laughed.

"Haha, you guys are ridiculous!"

Sangmi scolded them.

"Yah! No time to be playing around. Let's make sure we're fully prepared!"

Samantha, "Aren't there more groups performing?"

Tae Mi exclaimed, "Oh yeahh! How groups was it?"

Nicole said calmly, "3 other groups, 2 of the 3 are a boy group, and the other is a girl group."

Amy Lee came up to the girls saying two words.

"They're here."

Kyon Shin looked at her, "Who's here?"

First a group of girls came up to the S.S girls.

They all bowed at once.

"Anneyeong! We are the Wonder Girls, we welcome you to the K-POP industry!"

The S.S girls of course bowed back out of respect and because they were thankful for the welcome.

"Kamsahamnida!" They bowed together at once. They looked like an official group already.

Moments later another group came in, it happened to be an all boy group and surprisingly they were almost as big as the S.S girl group. To follow up, the last boy group came in. This time a 5 member group.

They were all handsome indeed.

Ayra almost forgot to call her brother too.

'Okay now I have to see if he's already here.'

She dialed his number and to her surprise someones phone rang.

"Mianhe, it's my sister" Some guys voice said from afar.

Ayra blinked.

"It's okay, Siwon"

She turned to the direction of the voice.

Siwon Oppa?

She was completely shocked.

She watched him pick up his phone in front of her.

"Hello, Ayra did you get here yet?"





"I'm here alright."





"Where are you then?"






"In front of you."







Sorry for the cliffhanger. Anyways, please send more pictures if you can! I am in need.

And most of all, sorry for the wait.

) : Why do I keep saying sorry?

Well, still I'm really sorry!

And if you want to know what the formations or dance moves are like. It's similar to AfterSchool's - Bang! :) 



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kimminseok96 #1
Hahahahahahahaha xD this is a really good idea xD really creative Author-nim ^-^
Bah. I barely go on my other account,
This is Sangmi Unnies new account haha ^ ^ ;
Haha, this is funny! And dramatic! I can't believe there's like 14 girls in this fanfic.. Isn't it hard? Keep at it okay?! HWAITING! 8D
oh did u forget my character's related to Kim Hyun Joong I'm sorry my names a little messed up. i meant to type Mi Sun Hyun Joong.Hes the leader of SS501. (:\<br />
-_Mi Sun Hyun Joong Unnie_-<br />
<br />
i loved it! <br />
I espically love the part where i said <br />
"Whats in it for me?"<br />
"A new electric guitar."<br />
I smirked.<br />
ahhaha.<br />
oh that was awesome!<br />
xD Fighting Sun Joong Unnie!~<br />
LOL, I'll make sure I fix that. Thank you for telling me, and thank you for the support. : )
omgawd! that was incredible~ i miss my taeminnie. hehe :]<br />
<br />
sorry to bother you dongsaeng but um... there's a few mistake.<br />
''RING~~~!!! RING~~~~!!!!"<br />
<br />
"Oh, Ayra your phone is ringing", Yurii pointed to her glowing pocket<br />
<br />
She took her phone out and smiled, "Oh thanks, ...Oh~! Hyung! How are you?"<br />
<br />
"Ayra, Your hyung has to tell you a secret..." <br />
<br />
can you change the hyung to oppa? since ayra's a girl and siwon is older than her, she should be calling him oppa. hyung is for younger boy to older boy. hehe<br />
<br />
and this too ---> Siwon hyung?<br />
icecreamiizx3 #8
Well welcome back :) !!<br />
i STILL love the story <3
AyraLovesKibum #9
yay! update! :D<br />
btw, the model i used was park hyun sun :)
Updatee!! Yayyy!! :)<br />