The Demonic Rollercoaster

Shooting Stars Girl Group [Apply Closed]

Sorry, For the VERY long wait... Please read my blog to read the explanation on why I haven't been updating, I hope you understand!


*At the front of the line :)*

"Okay next 20 people! Get ready to ride the 'DEMON!' you may enter the carts momentarily"

"Do you hear that! We're up next!", Samantha said with excitement

"I call front with Sangmi Unnie! I want to be at the sides too >:3",Yurii said with a smirk

Sohee's mouth dropped," are pretty brave Yurii-ah"

"Hehe its not that.. I just want to be in the front :P"Yurii joked

Sohee smiled,"I want to be in the middle then, beside Sangmi Unnie..~!"

"o-oh okay..",Sangmi said stuttering

Yurii looked at Sangmi and smirked,"Shouldn't you be happy now that we are in the front of the line?"

Sangmi smiled as hard as she could and said,"Y-YAY! ...we are.. going to ride the ..DEMON...yahh I'm happy"

"Obviously someone here doesn't feel excited about the coaster..~!",Tae Mi said teasingly

"Pfffttt.... I am NOT scared at ALL!"Sangmi said frantically waving her hands

"Ayra why don't you and me ride together in the same cart?",Hae Rin said as she hugged her

Ayra smiled and nodded her head,"Okay! So how many does the carts hold?"

Nicole started looking over the rail,"It's able to carry at least...4!"

Mi Sun Joong smiled,"Let me ride with Hae Sun! She needs someone who is tough by her side!"

Hae Sun looked at her Unnie and smiled,"Okay! That's Great! Thanks Unnie!!"

Sun Joong patted her head softly,"Your Welcome"

"Neh! Kyon Shin! let's ride together!!!",Soo Rin smiled

"Sure I'd love to! But seriously AM I GONNA NEED THIS BAG?",Kyon Shin said a bit worried

Hae Sun started to laugh softly as she held onto Kyon Shin's hand that was shaking

"Maybe you do.. Your hands are shaking immensely..~!",Hae Sun said suprised

Chi YiRin slowly creeped behind Kyon Shin and yelled,"BOO!"

"Kyaaa!",Kyon Shin squeaked

Hae Sun looked at her wide eyed

Chi YiRin laughed and said teasingly,"I think you do need that plastic bag! kekeke"

"...Oh..okay...",Kyon Shin pouted a bit

Tae Mi came up to her maknae and said,"Don't worry Kyon Shin-ah its okay..~!"

"Neh neh..~! Its okay!!"Hae Sun said reassuring her

Chi YiRin smiled too saying,"Yah its okay if your a "bit" scared.."

Samantha recommended sweetly,"Why don't you ride with Kyon Shin too YiRin Unnie?"

YiRin grinned,"Anything to keep her from freaking out..."

Minhyun huggled Kyon Shin tight and said,"I WILL PROTECT YOU!!! >3<"

Kyon Shin giggled,"Thanks Unnies..~!! and..~!!! Hae Sun!"

Minhyun thought to herself *Maknaes are CUTE x3!"

Hae Rin hugged TaeMi softly and said,"Neh Unnie sit with me and Ayra..~!!"

"Sure.. Of course Hae Rin-ah"TaeMi smiled

Nicole gently wrapped her hands around Hae Rin and Ayra,"Why don't I join you too?"

"Of course yes :)",Hae Rin nodded

Ayra smiled,"Sure but can I NOT sit near the sides?"

Nicole smirked,"Haha.. are you scared of a little roller coaster?"

"N-No! I'm just a bit nervous...~!"Ayra replied hesistantly

"So is Hae Sun and Sangmi Unnie...~!! Neh Minhyun-ah are you excited?",Nicole turned to Minhyun who was trying to get into the carts already

Lee Tae Mi yelled,"YAH! are you trying to ditch us again?!"

Tae Mi struggled to pull Minhyun by her arms, away from the ride

"Aiiisshhh... Tae Mi Unnie stop ruining my fun...~!!!!",Minhyun pouted

Suddenly a hollow deep voice echoed throughout the ride

saying,"The next 20 people, enter the carts. It is time to go to ..Hell.."

Hae Sun and Ayra jumped a little

Samantha smirked a bit as she started to pull Sangmi into the cart

"Yah know... Sammie.. YOU CAN SLOW DOWN... NO NEED TO RUSH >_<"

Ayra gulped,"I guess its time to go..."

"As long as Sun Joong Unnie is next to me :)",Hae Sun smiled

After all the girls are seated this is the order:

1st cart: Yurii Sangmi Sohee Samantha

2nd cart: ChiYiRin KyonShin SooRin Minhyun

3rd cart: HaeRin Ayra TaeMi Nicole

4th cart: SunJoong HaeSun Random Peoplez


The ride started to slowly enter a dark long tunnel

Ayra bit her lip softly,"D-Dark..."

TaeMi held Ayra's hand gently,"Don't worry we're here"

Nicole looked over and said,"It's not like anything is gonna pop up.."

As they went farther in the tunnel a woman's shriek echoed throughout the tunnel

"AH!",Sangmi yelled from shock

Sohee jumped in the seat but was held back by the belts that were wrapped around her

"G-Geez Unnie.. you scared me..",Sohee sighed

Then Red Orangish lights started to surround the carts and it looked exactly like fire..

Fire started shooting past peoples faces and it felt as if the tunnel was heating up

"Oh my god... is it real fire!",Chi YiRin backed her head away from the sides

A moan of pain echoed throughout the tunnel as the fire was blown away by a freezing cold slash of wind that sent shivers down everyones spines

As the carts were going through the tunnel it had halt to a rough stop which almost made them fly out if it werent for the belts, the new "riders" and the s.s girls were questioning about the sudden stop but were interrupted by a woman screaming and yelling and sounds of a knife stabbing into something, a weird metallic smell surrounded the carts,and it smelled exactly like blood.

Chin Hae Sun stiffened and 'squeaked'

Sun Joong looked at her and smiled,"it's just a ride...."

Then Sun Joong felt something drip on her cheek,"W-What the?"

Hae Sun looked at Sun Joong to see a blood red liquid on her face

Sun Joong looked up at the ceiling of the tunnel to see a red liquid seeping from the cracks and dripping down on them

"OMG BLOOD!!!",Sun Joong shrieked

Soo Rin looked behind her to see Sun Joong flailing her arms all over the place with a shocked expression O_e

Kyon Shin stammered,"W-What's wrong?"

Minhyun looked at Kyon Shin with a blank expression and plainly said,"Somethin bout blood, or what not"

"I thought Sun Joong was the tough one HAH!",Yurii smirked, but was taken back when she felt red liquid dripping onto her face

"What The-", she stammered her eyes widened equaling the size of dinner plates [which is impossilble & a bit scary ._."] , and right when she started to scream the roller coaster took off in an increasing speed

So Hee was trying so hard to keep her head up but she kept being pushed back by the speed up the rollercoaster and let out a,"SO F-F-FASSSTTTT!!!!!"

As the rollercoaster went through corkscrews and upside down flips, the thoughts of Sangmi's mind were filled with fatal accidents as she kept squinting her eyed as hard as she could.

Then she felt a warm hand hold hers and weirdly she knew it was Samantha after all she always comforts her, then Sangmi just smiled.

Ayra started to laugh non-stop,"Wahahahaha! it feels like I'm flying! I guess its not as scary as I thought it would be!"

But she spoke to soon, the coaster started dashing its way toward a rock with a demonic like face and red goo started to seep through its eyes. She started to squeez both Hae Rin and TaeMi's wrist and closed her eyes.

TaeMi flinched from her dongsaeng's strengthed and thought 'DANG! has she been working out or something?'

'....I'm gonna have a bruise on my wrist..', Hae Rin that sighing a bit but laughed it off as the wind was blowing against her face

Nicole looked over to see TaeMi squirming around from Ayra squeezing her wrist,'I don't wanna know what's going on'

ChiYiRin thought to herself,'Just pretend you don't know these people' e_e"

After all that drama on the rollercoaster it halt to a quick stop that practically almost sent them flying..AGAIN...

"I'm going to sue whoever thought of making this freakin death trap...",Sangmi whispered to herself

"I think the person who made this demonic ride.. to kill us @_@",Yurii said, a bit dazed

Soo Rin lazily got up from her seat and almost fell over, luckily Kyon Shin was there to catch her

Samantha smiled,"Wasn't that fun!"

Everyone except Sammy lazily said in a monotone voice,"Yeah... Sure.."

"So.. What are we going to ride next?",Samantha giggled

It was gonna be a LONGGGG DAY for the S.S Girls :D

Even though it was fun, it wasn't gonna be as fun as their debuting performance in Music Bank! Will they be able to find out who were groups that are gonna perform on the same day? Will they be able to see the boys again? and will I be able to update soon ^^"? LOL... Okay sorry if it wasn't good I wanted to skip ahead to the Music Bank Performance because x) it's the best part! and I know most of you wanna perform already so yah :D Please comment thank you and read my blog for the explanation please!

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kimminseok96 #1
Hahahahahahahaha xD this is a really good idea xD really creative Author-nim ^-^
Bah. I barely go on my other account,
This is Sangmi Unnies new account haha ^ ^ ;
Haha, this is funny! And dramatic! I can't believe there's like 14 girls in this fanfic.. Isn't it hard? Keep at it okay?! HWAITING! 8D
oh did u forget my character's related to Kim Hyun Joong I'm sorry my names a little messed up. i meant to type Mi Sun Hyun Joong.Hes the leader of SS501. (:\<br />
-_Mi Sun Hyun Joong Unnie_-<br />
<br />
i loved it! <br />
I espically love the part where i said <br />
"Whats in it for me?"<br />
"A new electric guitar."<br />
I smirked.<br />
ahhaha.<br />
oh that was awesome!<br />
xD Fighting Sun Joong Unnie!~<br />
LOL, I'll make sure I fix that. Thank you for telling me, and thank you for the support. : )
omgawd! that was incredible~ i miss my taeminnie. hehe :]<br />
<br />
sorry to bother you dongsaeng but um... there's a few mistake.<br />
''RING~~~!!! RING~~~~!!!!"<br />
<br />
"Oh, Ayra your phone is ringing", Yurii pointed to her glowing pocket<br />
<br />
She took her phone out and smiled, "Oh thanks, ...Oh~! Hyung! How are you?"<br />
<br />
"Ayra, Your hyung has to tell you a secret..." <br />
<br />
can you change the hyung to oppa? since ayra's a girl and siwon is older than her, she should be calling him oppa. hyung is for younger boy to older boy. hehe<br />
<br />
and this too ---> Siwon hyung?<br />
icecreamiizx3 #8
Well welcome back :) !!<br />
i STILL love the story <3
AyraLovesKibum #9
yay! update! :D<br />
btw, the model i used was park hyun sun :)
Updatee!! Yayyy!! :)<br />