Chapter 2 :) Amusement Park

Shooting Stars Girl Group [Apply Closed]

At The Amusement Park Ice Cream Stand 2:28 pm

Last Chapter The boys Bought each of the 14 girlies ice cream :)

Mi Sun Joong stood quiet eating the ice cream to herself..while she thought*at least I don't need to buy the maknaes ice cream anymore.. hehe...*

Nicole smiled and bowed slightly,"T-Thank you...", she then went behind all of the other girls.. she thought*this is quite embarrassing... at least I got my fave flavor...* 

Lee Minhyun started to the icecream quickly and suddenly,"ARRRGHHH!!! B-BRAIN F-F-F-FREEZE~~!!!!!!"

Kyon Shin looked worriedly at her Unnie and said,"A-Are you alright??"

Soo Rin smiled,"I bet Unnie is alright....!",she said patting Minhyun's back

Minhyun smiled nodding at her then when Soo Rin turned to look at Kyon Shin she made a 'I am NOT okay...' face

Kyon Shin smiled,"haha.. Minhyun Unnie.. always the same"

Chi YiRin laughed and smiled,"I like this apology... it's nice and YUMMY..~!!!!!"

While Lee Tae Mi looked at the one particular boy with auburn hair with curiousity... and she yelled and pointed..

"T-Taeminnie?? Is That YOU!???"

"EHHH??!!!! Taemi-Noona???!!!!",Taemin had yelled out..

Lee Tae Mi yelled,"I HAVEN'T SEEN U IN AGESSSS~~~!!!!"

All the girls were clueless as they watched the two talk..Even the boys were a bit lost

"Neh~~~!!! That's your dongsaeng.... your little brother???!!!",Nicole yelled out

Soo Rin looked at her Unnie and asked,"Why didn't you tell us..???"

"Well everyone has there secrets that they can't tell not even to your closest chingu's...", Choi Ayra said to her maknae

"Well.. I ..uh I...U GUYS DIDN'T BRING IT UP!!!" ,Tae Mi yelled

Kyon shin eyed Taemin questioning him,"Are you really brother and sister???"

Taemin explained in a calm tone while smiling sweetly,"You see,Our Mom decided she wanted me to study in Korea, While my older sister was doing fine in America, Cause it was hard for me to get used to the American schools..and I couldn't speak fluent english..So yah I had to go with my Dad, We had to seperate because of studies and my small career...."

A boy with blonde highlights bursted out laughing saying,"SMALL career? YOUR CRAZY!!! I MEAN WE'RE-"

Onew had covered the boys mouth and whispered to him,"yah.. Taemin didn't tell his sister about being a k-pop star for 3 years... he said if she found out, she will surely be upset.. and probably kill him..Jonghyun.. do you want are maknae to die?"

Jonghyun sighed and whispered to his leader,"Why didn't he tell his sister anyway..?"

Onew looked at him whispered back,"Well he practically explained it, He didn't know his sister moved here to Korea, because we were so busy with our SHINee affairs.."

Nicole eyed the two boys whispering and she went behind them and asked..,"Is there anything you want to say??"

Onew and Jonghyun looked at Nicole saying together..,"N-Nothing.."

Minho looked down at Nicole and said,"There just saying how cute you girls are.."

"...Oh ok then...",Nicole was kinda shocked at his deep manly voice and his flaming charisma

*He is TALL! O_O* Nicole thought while walking over to chat with her maknae's

Tae Mi smiled,"..Yah that's my little brother... when we were young he'd always need protection from those bullies.. So I taught them a lesson hehe!...Plus I miss my lil brother.. did you know he would always have nightmares haha.. :D and he would ask to sleep with me x3 soo cute!!!..."

The girls giggled and smiled

Taemin would blush red as a tomato..,"T-Tae Mi-ah... You Promise you wouldn't tell..."

"Like I promised I wouldn't say that you used to call me Mommy xD SO ADORABLE!!!",Tae Mi teased

Soo Rin smiled,"aw~! HOW CUTE..~!"

Taemin blushed a darker shade of red.. he practically looked like a red rose

"T-Tae Mi-ah anyways I really missed you...!!!",Taemin hugged her softly

"Taeminnie.. ur always the same..!!",Tae Mi hugged back

Sohee sighed,"That's so sweet... a brother & sister reunion..~!"

"Taemin... You should get to know my chingu's there really kind ya know!!",Tae Mi giggled

Taemin said softly,"Tae Mi-Noona, Why don't me and my hyung's introduce ourselves first.."

Kyon Shin smiled,"Now that's gentlemen like hehe.."

"Well Um..Since I'm the oldest.. My name is Lee Jinki, but I would prefer you to call me Onew",he said with a laid-back tone

"My name is Kim Jonghyun, but it would be nice if you just call me Jonghyun..",he said with a flirtatious smile

"My name Kim Kibum, but I would really like it if you'd call me Key, I'm sorta motherly and most mature out of these boys..",he said proudly

Onew said reluctantly,"But, w-what about ME..!!!"

"aha... don't forget your Onew Condition..",Jongyun laughed at him

"ahahaha.. ha ..HA HA!... very funny",Onew yelled and choked at the last 'HA'

while Jonghyun and Onew were quarrelling

"YAH! LET MINHO INTRODUCE HIMSELF!!!",Key yelled out in an irritated tone so the two boys just looked down and stayed quiet

The girls started giggling as the two boys felt embarassed

Hwang Sohee smiled,"They are ridiculously hilarious..~!"

"They always act like that, anyways Minho go introduce yourself..",Key smiled at Sohee

"....My Name is Minho.... Choi Minho.. just call me Minho..yah..",he bowed at 90 degrees

Park Yurii smiled,"he seems respectful.."

"Since I'm youngest I will introduce myself last, My full name is Lee Taemin, but please be free to call me by the name Taemin",he smiled sweetly and bowed..

Lee Hae Rin just smiled looking down a bit.. while Nicole was curious about her

Sun Joong then gently elbowed Hae Rin's arm and teased,"Neh.. is our leader falling in love?"

Hae Rin blushed,"NO! I'm am kinda sick... I feel a bit you know dizzy..."

Hae Rin thought*aiisshhh... what's wrong with me, he just smiled.. ah... my heart feels weird.. I think I need asprin..*

the girls smiled and started introducing themselves

"I'm the oldest.. and My name is Lee Sangmi..just call me Sangmi Noona...~~",she said in a soft voice

"My name is Chi YiRin!.. and please just call me Yi Rin..",she said with a bubbly voice

"My Name is Lee Samantha..but please call me Sammy or Sam either is fine",she said with a warm smile

"My Name is Lee Tae Mi but call me Tae Mi :)!!!",she said happily

"Oh yah... My name is Mi Sun Joong, though I'd like it if you'd call me Sun Joong..."she said with a small simple smile

"Hello, My Name is Lee Hae Rin.. But I would love it you would call me Hae Rin-ah or Rinnie.. thank you..",she said bowing

"Well well, I'm Nicole Star.. call me Nicole or Star.. haha simple as that..~!!"she said with a laid back tone

"My Name is Park Yurii.. just call me Yurii Ok! But I warn you don't get in my bad side..~!!",she smirked playfully

"hehe...~!! I am Lee Minhyun..~! call me Minhyun-ah~! mhm :)" she said with a big smile on her face

"I'm Hwang Sohee, Call me Sohee, it's nice to meet you,"she said while a caring smile was on her lips

"My Name is Choi Ayra, But just simple call me Ayra",she said with a warm gentle voice

"I-I'm Chin Hae Sun...but please call me, Hae Sun-ah~....",she said with a smile and pink cheeks

"Hello, My name is Choi Kyon Shin...~!!!! Call me Kyon Shin-ah Please..~!!",she smiled with bright eyes

"I am Soo Rin...~!!!!! and I am the youngest of the 14 girls hehe...~!",she said cutely

"Wow, there's alot of you to remember...",Onew said kind of wide eyed.

Taemin bowed to the group of girls

Taemi asked,"Neh? Taemin-ah what do you think the girls are pretty right?"

Taemin sighed making the girls shocked..

Soo Rin thought*I hope he doesn't say anything mean...*

*Grrrr... he better not...*,Nicole thought

Hae Rin looked upset as she looked at him from behind the girls..

Ayra looked at Hae Rin and patted her back gently,"Unnie are you okay?.. I don't like seeing you like this..Do you want strawberry-banana milk? I know it's your favorite"

She pulled out a small bottle of the milk and a straw as Hae Rin started to nod vigorously,"Yes Please!" as Ayra handed her the milk she slurped up a whole bunch in

"Actually No, Taemi-ah they are NOT pretty..",Taemin paused

Hae Rin choked on her milk...,"argg...~!!!"

"Ah! Are You Okay? Hae Rin Unnie?",she took out a napkin and gave it to Hae Rin so she can wipe her face

Sangmi said,"What's that suppose to mean..."

Taemi looked at her dongsaeng..,"What are you talking about Taemin-ah..?"

"..He Better Explain what he means...",Sun Joong glared

Taemin looked at the girls with a smile and he and the rest of the boys said,"THEY ARE GORGEOUS!"

"Good.. I was gonna say... Well well, Now I think we are gonna be good friends!",Sangmi smiled

Hae Rin smiled softly and blushed a bright pink while she drank her milk quietly

The Girls then all bowed to the boys at a 90 degree angle and simutaneously said,"Thank You!"

Minho whispered to Onew,"Do You Know Hyung.. they seem like they could be a girl group..They have the manners and looks too.. I wonder if they could be really talented"

"They seem like they could be..",Onew said to him

*Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong~! Digi Ding Ding-*

A catchy tune played as Onew's phone started to ring

The 5 boys looked at each other

Minho said,"Um something came up... We have to go.."

Key looked at Onew and nodded

"Yah, We really need to go... There's something tommorow we have to do.. sorry..",Key said with a frown

Taemin smiled,"Though I hope we can meet up again! Bye!"

The girls waved as the boys went towards the exit of the Amusement Park

"Awww... and it was just getting fun..",Sangmi pouted

"They Left so quickly! I wonder what happened...?",Samantha said

Chin Hae Sun sighed,"To bad we can't meet up with them tommorow.."

"What are you talkin bout?",Yurii asked her

Hae Sun looked at her Unnie and said,"The Music Bank Performance..."

Yurii remembered,"Oh! Hae Rin-ah.. Aren't there any other groups there, that are gonna perform?"

"Oh.. yah I remember Hae Rin told me.. There are two boy groups, one is a 13 member group & the other a 5 member group..",Sohee said

Samantha stated,"Oh Yah! there is a girl group performing too.. a 5 member group"

Yurii yelled,"YAH!!! IT'S 2:53!! WE SHOULD BE HAVING FUN >_

"TO THE ROLLERCOASTERS!!!!!",Minhyun yelled jumping ahead

Soo Rin sighed,"Neh!!! Minhyun Unnie!! wait up!!!!"


The girls hurried to a ride called 'The Demon'

Ayra looked at the roller coaster up & down,"...c-can we ride something else?"

"KYAA!",Hae Sun was suprised from the people's screaming from the rollercoaster

Sangmi sighed,"Can't we ride the teacups instead...???"

*I hope there aren't any tunnels in there...*,Ayra thought shaking

"Oh My Gosh.. this ride is soo scary!! I mean when you first enter there's this long dark scary tunnel that you go through... inside you here this creepy roar... and it gets faster then in one part you go through this stone mountain the shape of a mouth.. sooo frudgin scary!",a girl said in front of them

YiRin looked at the girl and said,"Wow... she is descriptive....and she talks REALLY fast"

"....I think I'm gonna die 18....",Ayra said shaking

Minhyun laughed,"DON'T! WORRY! it's just a rollercoaster.."

Hae Sun pouted,"a scary one..."

"Hehe..I think it's gonna be real fun!",Hae Rin giggled

Yurii said teasing them,"Well the worst that can happen is the seat unbuckling.."

Sangmi's eyes were wide.. *OH MY GAWD... WHAT IF!?*she thought

"HEheheheHE... um I'ma go to the restroom.. you can go without me...~?",Sangmi said nervously

Samantha smiled at her Unnie and hugged her,"Come Sangmi Unnie..~! Let's sit together"

Sangmi looked at Samantha's warm smile..

"Oh O-Okay then...",she gave up to kindness

Samantha smiled even more,"Great..~!!"

*Darn her Aegyo won me...*Sangmi thought to herself

Chi Yi Rin looked at the tunnel and heard an evil demonic laugh,"Geez, That's going overboard..." O_O'

"Soo Rin-ah... do you think I will loose my lunch after this..?",Kyon Shin looked worriedly

Soo Rin gave her a plastic bag..,"....Er...Just Incase..."

Sun Joong just giggled to herself as she saw the peoples faces after they got off the ride

"Neh Sun Joong.. how do you think the ride gonna be..?"Nicole asked

"Must be scary since that guy can't stop squeezing his girlfriends arm...hehe..",Sun Joong smiled

Before they noticed the people's screams can be heard at the end of the ride and they were next up for 'The Demon'








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kimminseok96 #1
Hahahahahahahaha xD this is a really good idea xD really creative Author-nim ^-^
Bah. I barely go on my other account,
This is Sangmi Unnies new account haha ^ ^ ;
Haha, this is funny! And dramatic! I can't believe there's like 14 girls in this fanfic.. Isn't it hard? Keep at it okay?! HWAITING! 8D
oh did u forget my character's related to Kim Hyun Joong I'm sorry my names a little messed up. i meant to type Mi Sun Hyun Joong.Hes the leader of SS501. (:\<br />
-_Mi Sun Hyun Joong Unnie_-<br />
<br />
i loved it! <br />
I espically love the part where i said <br />
"Whats in it for me?"<br />
"A new electric guitar."<br />
I smirked.<br />
ahhaha.<br />
oh that was awesome!<br />
xD Fighting Sun Joong Unnie!~<br />
LOL, I'll make sure I fix that. Thank you for telling me, and thank you for the support. : )
omgawd! that was incredible~ i miss my taeminnie. hehe :]<br />
<br />
sorry to bother you dongsaeng but um... there's a few mistake.<br />
''RING~~~!!! RING~~~~!!!!"<br />
<br />
"Oh, Ayra your phone is ringing", Yurii pointed to her glowing pocket<br />
<br />
She took her phone out and smiled, "Oh thanks, ...Oh~! Hyung! How are you?"<br />
<br />
"Ayra, Your hyung has to tell you a secret..." <br />
<br />
can you change the hyung to oppa? since ayra's a girl and siwon is older than her, she should be calling him oppa. hyung is for younger boy to older boy. hehe<br />
<br />
and this too ---> Siwon hyung?<br />
icecreamiizx3 #8
Well welcome back :) !!<br />
i STILL love the story <3
AyraLovesKibum #9
yay! update! :D<br />
btw, the model i used was park hyun sun :)
Updatee!! Yayyy!! :)<br />