Ch 5 Reality Check

My Perfect Stranger

Sorry for the late update!!! I had one of those oh so famous writer blocks and now I`m still stuck but anyway I hope you guys like this chapter and comments are appreciated. The next best thing of course is subscribing!! Now read and relax and just have a fun time readin this!!

“Now, is that anyway to greet your father after 6 years?” Shin Di slowly backed away from the door, horror clearly etched upon her face, as the man who dared to call himself her father walked in. Jaejoong immediately ran to her side and she clung to him for the support she so desperately needed.

“I have no father, now get out!” She screamed at him pointing towards the door. Knowing that things were going downhill from here, Jaejoong hugged her to him, rubbing her arm comfortingly with his hand trying to calm her down.

“Shin Di, he is your father. You can’t-“

“No, my father’s been dead to me since I was 10. I don’t need him.” The coldness and pure venom in her voice told Jaejoong that she never told him everything that happened to her, and that there was still a part of her past that remained hidden from him.

“Come on Di, I need a place to stay. Your stepmom kicked me out and since you wouldn’t promise me over the phone, I decided to personally come find you. Is this really how you treat your dad after such a long time?”

“It’s not my fault that you married some 20 year old bimbo. Now, I’m not going to say this again. GET OUT OF MY HOME!!” knowing that he was fighting a losing battle with his daughter, he turned his sights onto Jaejoong who held his daughter in his arms.

“And who the hell are you?’

“My name is Jaejoong, sir. I live with your daughter here for the mean time.”

Her father surveyed him for a moment with clear disdain for a minute before snickering and turning his sights back onto his daughter.

“So, is this your new man or something?” Shin Di’s fists tightened in anger and she sent a look of pure hatred to her dad.

“Don’t you dare talk about him like that! He is a better man than you will ever be. You haven’t even asked about me in 6 years. What would you know about anything related to me? I bet you don’t even remember my birthday.” Her dad was silent for a second before recovering and turning back to Jaejoong, snickering at her.

“You know what, you should take what you want from this girl and throw her away while you still can. she’s a no good just like her mother was a no good .”

“Don’t talk about her like that!!! How dare you!!” Jaejoong lunged at this despicable man, longing to sink his fist into his jaw but was held back by Shin Di.

“I’m a like mom, am I? Then answer me this. Why is she the one living happily in Korea with her family while you’re the one who got kicked out by his wife. She you dry, didn’t she? You have nothing left, that’s why you came here, almost begging for a place to stay.” She walked up to him and stared her father down, no longer the helpless 10 year old girl.

“You have nothing left. No money, no wife, and definitely no family. You’re pathetic.” SLAM! The sudden sound of a fist meeting skin was heard and Shin Di ended up on the floor holding her cheek while Jaejoong tackled her father to the ground, punching every inch of him he could reach.

“Jaejoong-ah.” He immediately stopped at the sound of his name and jumped off this vile man to help Shin Di up.

“Are you okay?” he asked her, checking to see the damage that was done. A bruise had started to form on her cheek but thank god, it wasn’t anything serious. The bruise probably wouldn’t even be really obvious.

“Are you okay?” he asked her again when he didn’t receive a reply but was immensely surprised when he received a slight chuckle from her in return. Shin Di gently pushed him aside and made her way to her dear dad. Kneeling down, she saw that Jaejoong had done a number on him. Pushing his chin up with a finger she looked right into his eyes.

“Wow old man, you’ve gotten weak. You didn’t even break my nose this time. Did you think that you could just walk into my home and treat me like crap? I’m not that helpless 10 year old girl anymore. Now, you have 15 seconds to get your pathetic out of here or things will turn ugly. And if you ever dare to come here again, or talk to Jaejoong like that ever again I will kill you. Do we have an understanding?” her dad nodded frantically and scampered out the door like the coward that he was.

“Shin Di, what aren’t you telling me?” Jaejoong asked her. He reached his hand out to put it on her shoulder but she shrugged him away and ran into her room, locking the door as she went. Jaejoong leaned his ear into the door and was heartbroken to hear the sobs coming from the other side of the door. He slumped down at the door, keeping her company. On the other side of the door, Shin Di was crying. She was crying for herself, for Jaejoong finding out, for her dad, but mostly for the fact that it was time to wake up from this dream. Nothing good lasts forever.

Jaejoong had fallen asleep in front of the door waiting for Shin Di so when the door suddenly opened, it gave him a rude awakening. His eyes watered with pain as his head make contact with the floor all too quickly.

“Omg Jaejoong, are you okay? Why would you fall asleep in front of a door?”

“I was waiting for you.” he said holding the back of his head in pain. Shin Di put her hand on his cheek and caressed it lovingly, love for him shining through in her eyes but she couldn’t see it.

“Thank you.” nothing else was said as she was suddenly pulled into a crushing hug by Jaejoong. He gently brushed her hair comfortingly and held her closer to him, letting her know that nothing was her fault. The tears made their way down Shin Di’s face once more and soon she found her tears completely soaking through Jaejoong’s shirt. A while later, the full blown out tears became sniffles and she reluctantly pulled away from Jaejoong, preparing herself for what was coming.

"Are you hungry" he asked her, trying to get her to forget what had happened.

"Ya, I am." Dinner was a silent affair, with Jaejoong sneaking glances at Shin Di every few seconds and Shin Di barely looking at him, immersed in her own thoughts.

Shin Di's POV

I watched Jaejoong as he cleared the dishes from the table, having told me to go sit down. My heart ached looking at this man and I knew that there would be a great chance that I would regret this decision for the rest of my life but if it meant Jaejoong's happiness it would be okay. He didn't need someone like me.

"Jaejoong-ah, can we talk?" He sat down next to me on our couch and I took a deep breath before continuing.

"I want you to hurry up and go back to Korea where you belong. I don't want you to be here anymore."

Jaejoong`s POV

My heart dropped the moment I heard her say that. I knew she didn`t mean a thing she was saying, but it hurt so much.

`What do you mean? I don`t understand. Didn`t you tell me to stay with you as long as I could?" She turned away from me and I knew that she didn`t want me to go as much as I didn`t want to leave.

  "It`s time to wake up. These last few weeks have been a dream but we`re forgetting that all dreams have to be woken up from sooner or later. We can`t keep living in a dream." 

" But I lo- "

  " DON`T SAY THAT WORD IN FRONT OF ME! Love beat me and broke me! Love dumped me in a house when she find out that her husband was beating me and never even thought about asking about me in the 6 years after she dumped me there. I don`t need love. Love has never done anything for me and I will never do anything for it! You know I need to thank my dad, he gave me a reality check, he reminded me that this is life, and we need to get used to it."     ` "       

    ? ""  ? ""  ? ""  I donI     I don`t underst

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 16: Omg this story is so lovely!!! I love Ryu innocence on this chapter lol xD Somehow I can totally imagine that haha
miakay #2
Chapter 16: Amazing story you have here authornim ^^
Keep up the good work!
faridpraderago #3
Chapter 16: oh my! How i love this story :)
that's right,we can anything as long as we feel right with it! Glad they're being a lovely family^^
mareta #4
I am speechless. And I can`t just said properly to depicted this AMAZING fanfiction. Woaaa~ and I ain`t aware that I just dropped tears as I read this. You had a hard work. Get impatient to wait another story from you.
like like like it.... special when they got reunited, i hope it happen on the reality :]
I liked the story! DBSK got reunited! Great job! <3
koreankendi #7
What a very lovely storyyyyy!!! ^_^<br />
looooove it!!! :D
lolitabunny #8
awesomeness.....even though it was just a short sentences but im GLAD THAT YOU RE-UNITED DBSK IN YOUR STORY!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
oddly this story always reminds me of<br />
taylor swift's music video<br />
the song called MINE<br />
<br />
well great story...touching!!!!
Emerald_Lee #9
awww that was swwt and he kids are adorable i cracked up @<br />
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“Yes, I did. And what does that story teach you?”<br />
<br />
“That we should pick up random strangers off the streets and hope that they’re the one for us?” Ryu enquired innocently but his answer was met with horror from his parents.<br />
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aww awesome fic chingu cant wait for your next one :)