Ch 13 One last try

My Perfect Stranger

Hi!! Welcome to the new chapter for my story. Sorry about not being able to update yesterday like I normally do, but my computer suddenly crashed and it just rebooted itself again. But you guys just probably want the next chapter and for me to stop rambling lol Anyway, commenting and subscribing are appreciated and most certainly enjoyed. Hope you guys are having a great spring break right now if you are on spring break and have fun!

“Shin Di? Di? DI!” she jumped out of surprise and the plate that she was wiping dry fell to the floor with a crash and broke into tiny little pieces. Turning around, she saw Jiro looking at her with a worried expression on his face,

“Ya, what is it?”

“What is it with you?”she looked back at him , an expressionless face covering the turmoil in her heart.

“Jaejoong called me today.” She never replied but by the way her hand suddenly froze, Jiro had no doubt that she was definitely listening to him now. “He said that he’s returning to Korea tonight, and that he wanted to thank you for letting him stay with you these past few months.”She grunted as a response and tried to remain indifferent to his words but it was obviously failing by the way her hand was trembling badly.

"Please, Shin Di. is this really what you want. It’s obvious that the both of you are miserable right now. is this really what you want?"

"Well then, what am I suppose to do Jiro? Tell me! He was willing to give up everything for some nobody like me. He was going to throw out his fame, his music, his life, and all his hard work for me! I’m not worth it. The sooner he realizes that, the better.”

-Meanwhile, with Jaejoong-

“Hyung, hyung, Hyung!” Jaejoong was snapped out of his daze when Junsu literally started screaming in his face.

“Ya, what is it?”

“What’s withg you? Our plane is tonight and for some reason, you don’t seem to be happy going back to Korea. I thought you wanted to go back. Last time we talked, you were ecstatic about it. You said Korea was where home was.” Jaejoong said nothing but Yoochun observed him closely, reading his every emotion and unspoken thought.

“It’s that girl isn’t it, Jaejoong?” The abrupt change on his face told Yoochun all the answers that he needed to know. “You’re in love with her, aren’t you?” from the background, Junsu let out an excited squeal.

“No, she was just some girl that I lived with.” Jaejoong said, trying very hard to lie. Yoochun smirked a very smug smirk and continued.

“You fell in love with that girl, didn’t you? I knew something had to be up between you two when she called me with your phone telling us to come pick you up.”

“Hyung! That’s great news! So, tell us… how did this girl capture the heart of the oh so charming Jaejoong?”

A smile crept on to his face as he started thinking of her.

“To tell you the truth, I don’t know. I guess its love at first sight, if there is such a thing. She found me one day on a freezing morning and took me in. From that moment on, I was in love with her already. She showed me everything: her fears, her imperfections, and her secrets and I loved her more for every bit of it. She hates showing weakness because it makes her look vulnerable. Also, she hates watching scary movies but she watches them anyway because she doesn’t want to seem weak which I don’t mind because she would just bury her head in your shoulder and not emerge from there the entire movie, which is just adorable. She doesn’t mind cooking but she at it so I did most of the cooking. She works at this restaurant that she opened with her best friend and she just loves everything she does there. Even though she doesn’t show it, she actually can be quite competitive. That’s because every time we play cards, she gets this look on her face every time she loses. That’s why I let her win because then she does this little victory dance which is annoying but at the same time so funny to watch.” His voice trailed off as he realized that Junsu and Yoochun were both intently staring at him, eyes glazed over with a sort of admiration.

“Wow hyung, you really did love this girl, didn’t you?”He shook his head to say no.

“No, not did. Do. I still love this girl and I always will.”

“Then why don’t you go tell her that?” Junsu asked a confused expression on his face.

“I did, I even told her that I would stay with her but instead she had to call you two to come get me.” He shot a glare at the two of them, and they even had the nerve to look slightly embarrassed. “But so what, she didn’t want me to stay with her. Come on, our flight is in a few hours, we should get going to the airport.” Junsu readily agreed and went to go get his stuff but Yoochun had a thoughtful look on his face.

“Come on Shin Di! Let’s close this place up and I’ll treat you to some dinner.” She nodded eagerly, listening to the grumbling in her stomach. Suddenly the tinkling sound signaled the door opening, and Shin Di turned around to see who the late customer was.

“Sorry, we are about to close, so” the rest of the sentence was lost as Di looked at Yoochun, wondering why he was here.

“Shin Di, I won’t stay long, I just wanted to tell you something. We are heading back to Korea tonight.”

“That’s great for you guys, but it’s none of my concern.”

“But it is. I know why you want Jaejoong to go back to Korea but have you thought about was it for him or is it for you. Do you want him to go back because you don’t want him to give up everything or is it actually because you’re scared he might leave you one day? Is that why you’re pushing him away? Then doesn’t that make you pretty selfish, don’t you think? Anyway, our flight is in a few hours so if you want to stop him, you still have time. See you.” With that he left, leaving her to ponder in her own thoughts.

“Di? What are you going to do now?”

“I’m going to go to dinner. Come on Jiro. You said you were buying.” Dinner was a silent affair for the two of them. Jiro had tried to start conversations but it had fallen on completely deaf ears. Shin Di barely knew what she was eating.

“So, how’s your sandwich?” she was eating a plate of alfredo.

“ya, it ‘s great, Jiro.” Shin Di answered mindlessly.  

“Ok, so what are you going to do now?”

“Am I actually that selfish, Jiro?” she looked at him intently, expecting a clear answer.

“Well, no you’re not. But in that certain area, you have to admit that that y Yoochun guy might have a point. You’re so determined in protecting yourself that you may disregard other people’s feelings.”

Suddenly, she threw her napkin harshly on the table and stood up.

“Di? What are you doing?”

“Sorry Jiro, I can’t eat dinner with you today. I have to go to the airport.” Running out of the restaurant, Shin Di left Jiro behind with him encouraging her with shouts of go get your man and you go girl! Hopping on to her bike, she wildly drove off. She looked at her watch and swore when she saw that there was only 2 hours left until their flight left. It would take 2 hours to get to the airport!! She urged her bike to go faster and nearly avoiding an incoming car and another 2 police car later, she was there with half an hour left to spare. Confident that she would find Jaejoong, she began walking around the airport looking for the right gate.

“Excuse me, where is the flight for Korea boarding?” the person sitting behind the information desk looked at her weirdly before answering.

“It’s boarding right now, Miss. The plane is leaving in 5 minutes due to unforeseen circumstances.” Her blood froze and she soon found herself running frantically to the gate where Jaejoong was. When she got there, she saw someone that she would recognize a mile away. Jaejoong! Running to the gate, she was suddenly stopped by two guys.

“I’m sorry, miss. But you need a ticket to go on the plane.”

“NO, you don’t understand! He’s on the plane; I need to get on to the plane! I need to see him!”

“Yes, miss. I understand, but you really need a ticket.”

“Look the time that we are wasting talking here is the time that I could be going on there!!”

“Miss, now you’re causing a ruckus.” Little did she know that Jaejoong could hear some of the ruckus that was going on.

“Guys, do you hear that. It’s like someone’s trying to get on the plane or something?” they listened again, and they heard it too.

“Maybe it’s Shin Di!! I need to get out there and see!!”

“No, hyung. If she wanted to be here, she would’ve been here already. We really have to get on the plane now.” Junsu persuaded him, and the three made their way onto the plane once again, ignoring the cries.

Shin Di collapsed onto the ground, tears flowing freely down her face as she watched the plane fly away. No, this time it really was over. Footsteps were suddenly heard behind her and she turned around to see Jiro rushing towards her. He had rushed over, not being able to bear not knowing what is happening.

“Shin Di, where’s Jaejoong?” Sobbing profusely now, she launched herself into Jiro’s arms and cried out her heartbreak.

“He’s gone. This time I really lost him.” Jiro rubbed her back comfortingly and whispered soothing words to his friend.

“Don’t be so sad. You still have me.” Slowly, she started to regain herself and finally picked herself off the floor. Jiro led her home while Jaejoong was flying home to Korea, leading these two towards different destinies    .  

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 16: Omg this story is so lovely!!! I love Ryu innocence on this chapter lol xD Somehow I can totally imagine that haha
miakay #2
Chapter 16: Amazing story you have here authornim ^^
Keep up the good work!
faridpraderago #3
Chapter 16: oh my! How i love this story :)
that's right,we can anything as long as we feel right with it! Glad they're being a lovely family^^
mareta #4
I am speechless. And I can`t just said properly to depicted this AMAZING fanfiction. Woaaa~ and I ain`t aware that I just dropped tears as I read this. You had a hard work. Get impatient to wait another story from you.
like like like it.... special when they got reunited, i hope it happen on the reality :]
I liked the story! DBSK got reunited! Great job! <3
koreankendi #7
What a very lovely storyyyyy!!! ^_^<br />
looooove it!!! :D
lolitabunny #8
awesomeness.....even though it was just a short sentences but im GLAD THAT YOU RE-UNITED DBSK IN YOUR STORY!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
oddly this story always reminds me of<br />
taylor swift's music video<br />
the song called MINE<br />
<br />
well great story...touching!!!!
Emerald_Lee #9
awww that was swwt and he kids are adorable i cracked up @<br />
<br />
“Yes, I did. And what does that story teach you?”<br />
<br />
“That we should pick up random strangers off the streets and hope that they’re the one for us?” Ryu enquired innocently but his answer was met with horror from his parents.<br />
<br />
aww awesome fic chingu cant wait for your next one :)